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Guitar Song Recs


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I recently bought a guitar without any knowledge of how to play... I've picked up the basic chords, some scales, and a very preliminary understanding of what note is what. Obviously I would love to play Zep as they were my original inspiration for the purchase, but it's a *little* beyond my technical skills at this point :). In the meantime, I'm looking for some songs that will help keep me practicing... so songs that are melodically guitar focused (not just like background strumming where I have to sing along to know what I'm playing) with some simple switches. "You Shook Me All Night Long" has been good... any other songs come to mind?


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I recently bought a guitar without any knowledge of how to play... I've picked up the basic chords, some scales, and a very preliminary understanding of what note is what. Obviously I would love to play Zep as they were my original inspiration for the purchase, but it's a *little* beyond my technical skills at this point :). In the meantime, I'm looking for some songs that will help keep me practicing... so songs that are melodically guitar focused (not just like background strumming where I have to sing along to know what I'm playing) with some simple switches. "You Shook Me All Night Long" has been good... any other songs come to mind?


personally I've been playing for almost 2 years now, and I recommend that first off, you find a good guitar teacher. That above all else is the most important thing when starting to play guitar, no matter what style. This is because a teacher will be able to help you with your technique and will teach you chords and note names and scales, which you will need to become a decent guitarist. Once you have established a solid technique and have become proficient enough to learn songs, I suggest you take ddot's advice and learn a few easy beatles songs such as Ticket To Ride (a song that's still fun to play). However, a good instructor will often pick out a song for you based on your skill with the guitar, giving you a practical application for what he/she has taught you at the beginning.

Hope this helps :)

And welcome to the forum!

Edited by Starbreaker
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