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first i want to state that this video from you tube is 100% real !

back in oct,2006 over the city of san fernando,cal-los angeles county, my two friends and i witnessed this same craft "glide"-not fly then the lights (orange)

turn on the dissappeared in front of us just as this video,to this day it effects me and my thinking about our existance.

has anyone had a sighting to tell here??


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I saw what I thought must have been a UFO in the Algarve. We were staying near the airport. We were out by the pool at night, and I saw the usual red white & green lights of planes taking off, moving slowly.

So I saw the lights of one plane climbing, and then right underneath it, moving across, was a single yellow light travelling much, much faster - horizontally - which a plane would not do near an airport, unless it was about to crash & burn, which it didnt.

Another time, I saw a stationary light which then shot off at high speed from a standing start.

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After studying astronomy I cannot possibly believe in UFO's that are inhabited by extra terrestrial life. If you understand that they must adhere to the same laws of physics that we do, it is very hard to imagine that they are in fact real. Not unless they arrived a very long time ago and with our advanced radar capability, they would have to have some extraordinary means to go undetected in an atmosphere or even in a vacuum outside of the atmosphere? Go get this book by an astronomer named Seeds. Lets just imagine that a planet in the orbit of our nearest star other than the Sun, Sirius I believe, but Imay be wrong, would have to check my books, was indeed inhabited by intelligent life. Ok. Now they have built a space ship. Ok. That space ship if it could travel at the speed of light, the fastest possible speed attainable by the laws of Physics, it would take about 40 years to reach our solar system! More reallistically lets say it could travel at half the speed of light, thus reaching us in 80n years. If they left before World War II they may now be here. Pronlem is the Hubble has pretty much ruled out that system as life supporting. So we must go much further. So in reality if we were to go to them we would have to leave never to return and reproduce on the ship. Doable. lets say the aliens have far exceeded our average life expectancy? If so, it does give them an edge. But the big problem is time and distance. It is beyond comprehension. It is mind boggling. We see a star in the sky and we look back in time. The light that reaches our eye from that star, that light probably left many many decades ago! Learn a bit about astonomy and then come back with an argument that may hold water. I challenge you to do this. There is one idea that may be the best one have heard. It is perpetual momentum. the domino effect of a spacecraft built to build speed at a ever accelerating rate. But at what point would they be satisfied and try and hold at that speed. It would have to be halted at some point or it could be detroyed in a second by either hitting a space rock, asteroid, or an atmoshere or gases. Very complicated stuff folks.

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Silvermedalist, that's all fine and dandy, and I wouldn't presume to call you on your knowledge of our laws of physics. But you hint at the problem here yourself when you say "they must adhere to the same laws of physics that we do". Here's what I say to that:

  1. Who says our understanding of physics & astronomy is accurate? It certainly isn't complete. A few hundred years ago, everyone thought the earth was flat, and that the sun orbited the earth. And in terms of the cosmic time-frame, a few hundred years is nothing. Infinitesimal. Who's to say what we'll know in another couple of hundred years' time? Or have the physicists, in their arrogance, given up trying to learn more? Of course not. So if we know it all already, why are they still in business?
  2. Even assuming our laws of physics are complete and accurate in our sector of the multiverse, who's to say the same laws apply everywhere else? Have we ever been out of our own backyard, so to speak? No.
  3. I see no reason to blindly accept the theories of Einstein, Hawking etc. One might just as well place one's trust in L Ron Hoover. I mean Hubbard.
  4. Assuming that there is an infinite number of planets populated by intelligent life-forms elsewhere in the multiverse, it would be fair to assume that at least half of them are far more advanced than us. Assuming their intelligence accrued at the same rate as ours, all they would probably need to crack space/time travel would be a few hundred years' head-start on us. And maybe there are far younger life-forms who are way, way smarter than us, who cracked it when we, in relative terms, were still crawling out of the swamp. Because who's to say how smart we are? We have nothing to compare ourselves to. And extrapolating the sample I've met, watched or listened to, I don't see a great deal of intelligence in 95% of our population. Do you?

In the Grand Scheme of Things, we essentially still know nothing. IMO.

Oh yes, I nearly forgot - what about the alien outpost on the dark side of the moon? I rest my case.

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Well yes, there is a big possibility aliens exist,because of the amount of galaxies and planets, but until they show themselves to us loudly and clearly, we just don't know!! And to this day, if they exist, they just didn't show theselves to us, all there is are various sightings and people telling stories and some tapes, which are really unconvincing or could be easily done by computers and there are never atleast a few tapes of the same sighting !!

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After studying astronomy I cannot possibly believe in UFO's that are inhabited by extra terrestrial life. If you understand that they must adhere to the same laws of physics that we do, it is very hard to imagine that they are in fact real. Not unless they arrived a very long time ago and with our advanced radar capability, they would have to have some extraordinary means to go undetected in an atmosphere or even in a vacuum outside of the atmosphere? Go get this book by an astronomer named Seeds. Lets just imagine that a planet in the orbit of our nearest star other than the Sun, Sirius I believe, but Imay be wrong, would have to check my books, was indeed inhabited by intelligent life. Ok. Now they have built a space ship. Ok. That space ship if it could travel at the speed of light, the fastest possible speed attainable by the laws of Physics, it would take about 40 years to reach our solar system! More reallistically lets say it could travel at half the speed of light, thus reaching us in 80n years. If they left before World War II they may now be here. Pronlem is the Hubble has pretty much ruled out that system as life supporting. So we must go much further. So in reality if we were to go to them we would have to leave never to return and reproduce on the ship. Doable. lets say the aliens have far exceeded our average life expectancy? If so, it does give them an edge. But the big problem is time and distance. It is beyond comprehension. It is mind boggling. We see a star in the sky and we look back in time. The light that reaches our eye from that star, that light probably left many many decades ago! Learn a bit about astonomy and then come back with an argument that may hold water. I challenge you to do this. There is one idea that may be the best one have heard. It is perpetual momentum. the domino effect of a spacecraft built to build speed at a ever accelerating rate. But at what point would they be satisfied and try and hold at that speed. It would have to be halted at some point or it could be detroyed in a second by either hitting a space rock, asteroid, or an atmoshere or gases. Very complicated stuff folks.

Hey now. Suppose you don't believe in Sasquatch either, even though there have been thousands of eyewitness accounts, complete with footprints. Even had a home movie of one truckin' through the redwood forest in northern CA. Bet you're gonna tell me it's a fake made by a couple of attention whores. Well, I don't care cuz I think they really exist, eventhough no tangible evidence has ever been shown. :P

btw, I used to love the Bills prior to OJ. I remember old War Memorial and Jack Kemp, Cookie Gilchrist and those old uniforms.

Edited by danelectro59
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It would have to be halted at some point or it could be detroyed in a second by either hitting a space rock, asteroid, or an atmoshere or gases. Very complicated stuff folks.

Hi 'silvermedalist'

Have you guys never heard of a "Deflector Dish" every Federation Starship has one, they were standard issue in the 23 century you know? :lol:

Regards, Danny

PS, I think the Star you mean is called Proxima Centauri, 4.22 light years away and not Sirius.

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i'm not surprized i got a response on this thread,really though no need to debate subject because it could go on forever with --yes or no - they exist.

maybe you'll belive more when you see it with your own two eye's?? really this thread is "not" gonna convince anyone there real - that's forsure.

but i'm sorry no scientific logic is gonna tell me that what i saw was'nt real !! i would have chosen not to see that "Huge" craft in the sky dissappear

cause it "fucked" with my mind-big time! ,after that insodent i know we are not alone !! this craft was not man-made no way!

are revelations coming to past? has anyone seen that movie "fourth kind"??? now that did'nt help my mind on this subject either.hahaha.

i kind of made thread to hear if any zepp-heads seen something you can explain. tell us here-i luv to hear about it--mike.

hey don't miss my thread i posted--couple of my pic's.


oh yeah here's a radio int-link from'75

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Hi 'silvermedalist'

Have you guys never heard of a "Deflector Dish" every Federation Starship has one, they were standard issue in the 23 century you know? :lol:

Regards, Danny

PS, I think the Star you mean is called Proxima Centauri, 4.22 light years away and not Sirius.

Thanks for doing the homework for me Danny, but my calculations are still quite accurate. Sirius I believe is the brightest star next to our sun, I believe sometimes mistaken for the north star which we know is in the little dipper. To answer Occum's Razor, and I do commend you on your knowledge, I must say I do absolutely believe there is live out there! But I do not believe they have ever visited us in modern times, since recorded history lets say. I am not saying Einstein's theory of relativity is not open to criticism. I do believe Sir isaac Newtons theory's and laws of motion are pretty much unchallengable. They make perfect sense and I am a firm believer in it. As for life being out there, if you believe in science, you must believe that there is life. Whether there is intelligent life, that is another argument. As we know, life when it is born or started, it is a victim to random genetic selection. There absolutley could be intelligent life out there just as well, there could be dinosaurs out there, on a planet at an early stage of existance. But whether the life would look the same is unlikely as I have stated random genetic selection. If intelligent life exists, and lets even assume they are more advanced than us. The speed of light is the speed of light. There is no scientific reason to to theorize that it could be surpassed. Based on our laws of physics, the speed of light, which is 186 thousand miles per second, is insurmountable by all of the methods and wisdom we now posess. And do not sell our race short. We have had many great thinkers, scientists, scholars, debators, and we have looked at these matters with great degrees of skepticism to not cloud our vision to allow self arrogance to ever let us believe we are not capable of making mistakes along the way of gathering knowledge and answers. The old idea you mentioned of the Earth being thought to be flat by many of the day that would hear no other options, probably opened our eyes and served as a wake up call just as did the Challenger disaster after we had once again settled into a state of arrogance that settled in after we walked on the moon. All of a sudden one mistake, and it all comes crashing down and hits us right between the eyes. There is so much more to learn. We must never stop the effort to learn. Personally I believe it is wiser to send unmanned ships to mars to gather data than to simply put a man there just to say we did so. There is a far better chance we will find what we are looking for beyond our own galaxy. There is no intelligent life other than us in our galaxy and that is pretty obvious. But there is a great possibility it is out there. But can we reach them? If they were reasonably close, dont you think they would have contacted us by now? The movie Contact was right on the money with their idea of using math as a form of universal communication. It makes perfect sense.

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Hi silvermedalist, well thank you for commending me on my knowledge, I assume you're being sarcastic there? :D

I know practically nothing about science, I freely admit it. All I got was a physics O-level. I'm more of a thinker than a knower. And I have to say I think it's absolute bollocks to assume that we are any more than halfway up the multiversal intelligence league table. To believe otherwise would, in my view, constitute supreme arrogance.

I think that religion has to shoulder much of the blame for our arrogance. Until relatively recently, it was fairly commonplace to believe in creationism etc - and some folks still do!:hysterical:. Over the centuries - the formative, crucial centuries of our modern systems of thinking - many of those believers and blind adherents to the orthodoxy will have had otherwise highly intelligent minds and powers of reasoning. WHAT A WASTE! Just think where we might be now if only we had had a focused and unfettered cognitive coalescence over the past two thousand years.

Right-ho, enough of this crap, dinner beckons.

Edited by Occam's Razor
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Hi silvermedalist, well thank you for commending me on my knowledge, I assume you're being sarcastic there? :D

I know practically nothing about science, I freely admit it. All I got was a physics O-level. I'm more of a thinker than a knower. And I have to say I think it's absolute bollocks to assume that we are any more than halfway up the multiversal intelligence league table. To believe otherwise would, in my view, constitute supreme arrogance.

I think that religion has to shoulder much of the blame for our arrogance. Until relatively recently, it was fairly commonplace to believe in creationism etc - and some folks still do!:hysterical:. Over the centuries - the formative, crucial centuries of our modern systems of thinking - many of those believers and blind adherents to the orthodoxy will have had otherwise highly intelligent minds and powers of reasoning. WHAT A WASTE! Just think where we might be now if only we had had a focused and unfettered cognitive coalescence over the past two thousand years.

Right-ho, enough of this crap, dinner beckons.

Wee, I was not being sarcastic for one thing. And if you consider this conversation crap, well then that is your perogitive. Go have that dinner that beckons. And for someone that claims to know nothing about science, how can you laugh in the face of any theory or belief? I just dont get you? Maybe you are from outer space. Did you come out of a cornfield?

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Maybe you are from outer space. Did you come out of a cornfield?

Aw shucks, you got me, silver.

Our craft are currently in a holding pattern, two Earth Miles over Rochester, NY State. We are hiding behind our invisibilty shields. No, don't look out your window - you won't see us. Nobody sees us.

The board member formerly known to you as Mary Hartman is on board with us. In return for her full co-operation in our Impregnation Program, she has been granted three wishes. Naturally her first wish was a full world tour by the band known to you as Led Zeppelin. This shall come to pass. In addition, she has chosen to eliminate two enemies, and one of them is you. Afterwards, we shall be proceeding directly to Salt Lake City, Utah.

Prepare yourself, for your time is at hand. Hug your loved ones, and make peace with your foes. And then kiss your ass goodbye.

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Aw shucks, you got me, silver.

Our craft are currently in a holding pattern, two Earth Miles over Rochester, NY State. We are hiding behind our invisibilty shields. No, don't look out your window - you won't see us. Nobody sees us.

The board member formerly known to you as Mary Hartman is on board with us. In return for her full co-operation in our Impregnation Program, she has been granted three wishes. Naturally her first wish was a full world tour by the band known to you as Led Zeppelin. This shall come to pass. In addition, she has chosen to eliminate two enemies, and one of them is you. Afterwards, we shall be proceeding directly to Salt Lake City, Utah.

Prepare yourself, for your time is at hand. Hug your loved ones, and make peace with your foes. And then kiss your ass goodbye.

Ok, the Salt Lake comment was a dead give away. Hows it going ED?

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Hi all,

When you change the laws of time&space,let me and silver know. :)


Not quite sure what you intended by the comment? I am sure its another dig at me. I am used to it. If you ever really get serious about learning astronomy, I highly suggest a book by Seeds (author).. It is loaded with great info and you will have a much greater understanding of the uniiverse around you. Usefull info on how we can tell how old a star is, and how far away it is. Just as an example.

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