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Countdown to Jimmy Page's book


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I spent some time emailing Genesis yesterday. I ordered my copy of the book on April 9 and got the following info:

Even though your order may have been placed on April 9th, it was not processed until May 18th.

This was due to the fact that, following the offer to pre-order, the initial rush of orders all came in within a few days. This resulted in a backlog that took time for us to get on the system. We have a very small team who work hard to process orders as quickly as possible but with a book that has been as popular as this there were some unavoidable delays. The first orders came in on 6th April and from them on we processed on a ' first come, first served' basis.

I double checked and recieved confírmation of my copy number, high 700s, so it seems that they did process 1st cm, 1st srv. I also sent a querry about when to expect shipping and the answer was:

I know that you were one of the early buyers, paying for the book on May 18th, and can only apologise for the time it has taken to finally get to this stage. However,as you are aware from the updates we have issued,while the book was originally due for publication in July, Jimmy has kept adding to it as he really wants it to be something exceptional. He has been so dedicated and involved in the whole project that it wouldn't have been right to turn down his offers so we worked with him even though it would mean delays. as a result, you will get a book that is so much bigger and better than we originally envisaged.

I for one think that Genesis were great in answering my questions quickly and honestly. I personally would rather have to wait a little bit to get a great book than to get a rushed product.

Cheers :)

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I spent some time emailing Genesis yesterday. I ordered my copy of the book on April 9 and got the following info:

Even though your order may have been placed on April 9th, it was not processed until May 18th.

This was due to the fact that, following the offer to pre-order, the initial rush of orders all came in within a few days. This resulted in a backlog that took time for us to get on the system. We have a very small team who work hard to process orders as quickly as possible but with a book that has been as popular as this there were some unavoidable delays. The first orders came in on 6th April and from them on we processed on a ' first come, first served' basis.

I double checked and recieved confírmation of my copy number, high 700s, so it seems that they did process 1st cm, 1st srv. I also sent a querry about when to expect shipping and the answer was:

I know that you were one of the early buyers, paying for the book on May 18th, and can only apologise for the time it has taken to finally get to this stage. However,as you are aware from the updates we have issued,while the book was originally due for publication in July, Jimmy has kept adding to it as he really wants it to be something exceptional. He has been so dedicated and involved in the whole project that it wouldn't have been right to turn down his offers so we worked with him even though it would mean delays. as a result, you will get a book that is so much bigger and better than we originally envisaged.

I for one think that Genesis were great in answering my questions quickly and honestly. I personally would rather have to wait a little bit to get a great book than to get a rushed product.

Cheers :)

I certainly agree with your last comment. I think this book will be something excpetional when we actually receive it, and I don't mind waiting a bit longer for that. ;)

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Total bullshit

How do you know this?

I didn't order the book and felt it was a bit pricey, plus shipping to the US from the UK and also the currency exchange rate didn't help either. But knowing Jimmy and Genesis, the final product will be exceptional!

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The bullshit I am referring to is the story we are being fed about when the book will be finished. I bought the deluxe edition and paid in full on 4/20/10 $1100.00 . I think the book will be great, I just think that they are not being totally upfront about completion date.

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Personally (and this is complete conjecture) I reckon Jimmy has a musical project on the go and is getting this ready to release - he has said as much in more than one interview ('new music in 2010' etc). I think the delay in the book is to tie in with this release and make a big splash - the fact he has also launched an official website (albeit just a holding page at the moment) ties in with this also. Let's see what the next few weeks bring...

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Best Christmas present ever!

Yes indeedy - but WHICH Christmas?

LMAO. The Italian connection won't be helping matters, of course - they live life at a leisurely pace out there. I just worry about when all the binding's done and it's time to ship the things out of Italy. Wouldn't be surprised if a certain faction gets involved and imposes a Special Export Tariff - 'Pay up, or the whole consignment will be sleeping with the fishes'.


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Yes indeedy - but WHICH Christmas?

LMAO. The Italian connection won't be helping matters, of course - they live life at a leisurely pace out there. I just worry about when all the binding's done and it's time to ship the things out of Italy. Wouldn't be surprised if a certain faction gets involved and imposes a Special Export Tariff - 'Pay up, or the whole consignment will be sleeping with the fishes'.



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Genesis Publications sure believe in inflation:D . I have just checked their website, and the price for the remaining few copies has risen to £495.:o

"... We have some final copies of Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page available at the full publication price of £495 (plus shipping). We will be fulfilling orders on a first come, first served basis."

Crowley, I agree with you completely. I don't think they have been upfront about the completion date (or much else) from the start.

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Personally (and this is complete conjecture) I reckon Jimmy has a musical project on the go and is getting this ready to release - he has said as much in more than one interview ('new music in 2010' etc). I think the delay in the book is to tie in with this release and make a big splash - the fact he has also launched an official website (albeit just a holding page at the moment) ties in with this also. Let's see what the next few weeks bring...

I truely hope you're right as it would make sense. It sounds extremely exciting and something Jimmy deserves. (I still believe in him). But the other comments as it may not get to leave Italy are beginning to concern me. Genesis should have sent that email on Monday instead of Thursday, as many people who ordered the book didn't know unless they saw Magic fills the Air update. Because I saw it, I told a few people who ordered the book and they were very happy to be updated. We we would have just been waiting. Yes, I agree about Genesis not being entirely up front.

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Going thru the other old thread(Jimmy's book; very limited), says three week delay on June 20 (to add more photos they say), then that turns into September 27th which is over 3 months later. That I guess was supposed to be publication date not ship date like they had us assuming.

Genesis said;

You are aware that he original publication date was put back as Jimmy wished to add even more pictures and narrative than originally envisaged, so we felt it right to go along with his wishes. As a result the book you have bought is so much different to what you would have received if we had published a few months ago.(BUT GENESIS SAID THREE WEEK DELAY FOR THESE ADDITIONS, NOT 3 MONTHS AND STILL NOT DONE)

With the huge demand for his book we have been put under a great deal of pressure to complete the book as quickly as we possibly can, but this has not been easy. However, the final proofs have been signed off so the official publication date was set at September 27th. This means that the book can receive more exposure in the media(I THOUGHT BOOK WAS ALMOST SOLD OUT WHY NEED THE EXPOSURE?). The pressure is now on the bindery. Following the recent visit by our directors, we are confident that they will respond. Deluxe copies are being produced first and should be ready by the end of this month - we will then ship as soon as they are received.

With books such as ours, there are huge expenses involved to set up production such as printing, purchase of binding materials and editing/design costs. We need to take confirmed, paid orders so that we can proceed. I know that this means that someone has had your money for some time but that is really the only way we can continue to produce such special books.

Now they are saying end of October to finish and then ship in November. Also (from their e-mail)what are they doing in Milan, shouldn't they be working on the book and overseeing production. This book may be different from all others they make but lets be realistic and honest about whats going on.

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Going thru the other old thread(Jimmy's book; very limited), says three week delay on June 20 (to add more photos they say), then that turns into September 27th which is over 3 months later. That I guess was supposed to be publication date not ship date like they had us assuming.

Genesis said;

You are aware that he original publication date was put back as Jimmy wished to add even more pictures and narrative than originally envisaged, so we felt it right to go along with his wishes. As a result the book you have bought is so much different to what you would have received if we had published a few months ago.(BUT GENESIS SAID THREE WEEK DELAY FOR THESE ADDITIONS, NOT 3 MONTHS AND STILL NOT DONE)

With the huge demand for his book we have been put under a great deal of pressure to complete the book as quickly as we possibly can, but this has not been easy. However, the final proofs have been signed off so the official publication date was set at September 27th. This means that the book can receive more exposure in the media(I THOUGHT BOOK WAS ALMOST SOLD OUT WHY NEED THE EXPOSURE?). The pressure is now on the bindery. Following the recent visit by our directors, we are confident that they will respond. Deluxe copies are being produced first and should be ready by the end of this month - we will then ship as soon as they are received.

The way it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if all of you receive it after Christmas. Need to read between the lines. I didn't order it as I well it was a bit pricey. Would love to have it, but at a much lower price.

With books such as ours, there are huge expenses involved to set up production such as printing, purchase of binding materials and editing/design costs. We need to take confirmed, paid orders so that we can proceed. I know that this means that someone has had your money for some time but that is really the only way we can continue to produce such special books.

Now they are saying end of October to finish and then ship in November. Also (from their e-mail)what are they doing in Milan, shouldn't they be working on the book and overseeing production. This book may be different from all others they make but lets be realistic and honest about whats going on.

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Going thru the other old thread(Jimmy's book; very limited), says three week delay on June 20 (to add more photos they say), then that turns into September 27th which is over 3 months later. That I guess was supposed to be publication date not ship date like they had us assuming.

Genesis said;

You are aware that he original publication date was put back as Jimmy wished to add even more pictures and narrative than originally envisaged, so we felt it right to go along with his wishes. As a result the book you have bought is so much different to what you would have received if we had published a few months ago.(BUT GENESIS SAID THREE WEEK DELAY FOR THESE ADDITIONS, NOT 3 MONTHS AND STILL NOT DONE)

With the huge demand for his book we have been put under a great deal of pressure to complete the book as quickly as we possibly can, but this has not been easy. However, the final proofs have been signed off so the official publication date was set at September 27th. This means that the book can receive more exposure in the media(I THOUGHT BOOK WAS ALMOST SOLD OUT WHY NEED THE EXPOSURE?). The pressure is now on the bindery. Following the recent visit by our directors, we are confident that they will respond. Deluxe copies are being produced first and should be ready by the end of this month - we will then ship as soon as they are received.

With books such as ours, there are huge expenses involved to set up production such as printing, purchase of binding materials and editing/design costs. We need to take confirmed, paid orders so that we can proceed. I know that this means that someone has had your money for some time but that is really the only way we can continue to produce such special books.

Now they are saying end of October to finish and then ship in November. Also (from their e-mail)what are they doing in Milan, shouldn't they be working on the book and overseeing production. This book may be different from all others they make but lets be realistic and honest about whats going on.

So from what I understand from what Genesis has told you, the Deluxe copies will be shipping at the end of October/beginning of November. What about the Collector's copies that most people here have ordered? I emailed Genesis on the publication date and was told to expect my book to be shipped around mid-October. They must have known by then that that deadline wasn't possible. Also they should have been clearer about what they meant by publication date. This usually means the day the book is available to buy. I am frustrated and annoyed with Genesis for not updating us about all these delays sooner. But I am confident we will get our books, and I can't envisage any problems with it being shipped out of Milan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was startled when I found this today is this month's issue of Word Magazine. An ad for the book. I loved it.


Great ad, thanks for posting it. :) Jimmy looks so thin is that picture though :huh: (but at the same time looks like the rock God that he is!).

We haven't heard anything from Genesis for a while yet.... :unsure:

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Great ad, thanks for posting it. :) Jimmy looks so thin is that picture though :huh: (but at the same time looks like the rock God that he is!).

We haven't heard anything from Genesis for a while yet.... :unsure:

Yeah, it's the first hard copy thing I have seen about the book, was suprised they were advertising it as Genesis has been quiet.

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....I think Genesis is just choosing to advertise with the most memorable picture, Legacy of Page/Dragon Suit (my fav' :wub: ). It would be too tacky to advertise the Original Pass Port Photo cover, but yes agreed, Genesis need to be more clear in direction, since payments are received... I do wish to see it soon, get'n too old by the day.. :(

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Anyone ask Genesis about the bookplate signature being used? Not an actual signature?

What do you mean by the bookplate signature? I thought Jimmy was hand signing every copy himself. That's what I was led to believe. Now I'm getting really apprehensive about the book! :unsure:

Edited to add that I just phoned Genesis and Jimmy HAS personally signed every one of the limited edition copies. :D They said before the manuscript went off to be bound he received all the limited edition pages with the copy numbers and personally signed each one himself. Therefore he has touched and signed that one page (page! :lol: ) of every book we receive. No signatures were reproduced. They said they would never charge that kind of money if Jimmy hadn't signed the books personally.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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