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What was the thing that went through your head when you first heard Led Zeppelin


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It was fall 2007 I saw a tv commercial for mothership. It was just so *BAM* - what is this? Magic? Then a few days later I saw a report about their reunion on a tv show which I watch often (Kulturzeit, a format on German tv that reports about new books, theatre, cinema, opera, music, etc). At the end of the show they played the guitar solo of Stairway to Heaven from TSRTS (which I've never heard before) - and my ears and eyes were fascinated by what was happening on the screen.

I basically couldn't believe what was happening, it must have been some sort of trauma but in a positive way.

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"It sounds like someone being dragged down to hell in a whirling vortex." It was the screamy freak-out bit in Whole Lotta Love, and it scared me. I had a very visceral relationship to music when I was a little kid, I felt like I was in the song that was playing. And WLL was not where I wanted to be! Sounded evil.

Of course now, I love it.

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I loved LZ when I first heard them. Its the only band that can't be topped in my book. As a Black male. Most people give me a double take when they hear I love Zep. The music that is supposed be happening now just pales in comparison to Zep/Stones/Hendrix/Heart/Santana etc. If you look at the top 10 of best selling music of all time. Its made of a lot of Classic Rock artist. Jay Z/Katy Perry/Pink will never have that type of career.

Its like the decade I was born into has more of a hold of me musically, than the music that you think I would be more into which is the music of today. I can't comprehend it. I also like Late 60 to late 70's Soul and Jazz as well. There must be some musical concoction that I can't stay away from. Its rare that I like music from this era. Jet and Wolfmother are the ones that stick out to me.

When I listen to LZ for the most part I feel like I am going on a Wild and Groovy Safari. I really think there best Albums are LZ2 and PG. The Best Song for me is When the Levee breaks. That song has LZ written all over it.

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I was 12 years old, so it was 9 years ago. My Uncle Dave was driving me to California to visit my aunt. Someone had given me a case of mix CDs because I had just started playing guitar. I decided to check out the Led Zeppelin mix. The first song was Heartbreaker. I had never, ever heard someone play guitar like that. I remember not being able to find the beat and being blown away by the fact that it didn't seem to follow any subconscious rules of music. He just... it seemed like he was using it like a voice. Then, I heard Kashmir. I listened to that CD for the rest of the trip. It created this intense imagery, this feeling of being somewhere that doesn't exist - especially Black Mountainside. My musicianship took on a whole new meaning when I discovered them.

I know this seems sappy, but it affected me greatly. Soon after, I had all their songs and watched TSRTS on almost a daily basis throughout middle school. I was actually kind of obsessed for, well, years. Zeppelin has been a huge part of my life.

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It wasn't my HEAD...It was my BODY....

It was September 1980. I was 13 and sitting on the wood floor of my best friends, older (he was 18) brother's room while he played LZ over and over mourning the loss of John Bonham. I remember how the music reached down inside me and stirred something I had never felt. Like a hot rush. Like a deep cleansing breath. Then by the next song my heart was in my throat and tears were streaming down my face. We sat their for HOURS while he played us all the...staring at the liner notes (how I miss liner notes) and 'feeling' the music. 31 years later and it still does the same. I'm jamming HotH right now.

It's nice to be here with other people of passion (face it, we are beyond 'fans' if we log onto these forums)

Peace! jo


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  • 2 weeks later...

Crap!!! it was back in 1990 when i was 17, I was into house music at the time, what an idiot, I cant believe ive left it til i was 37 before listening to zep 1, I managed to get a nr mint plum off ebay for £21.00 what a result! Im proper hooked now :rolleyes:

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Sitting at home playing with my dolls or something. I was about seven or eight I think... Radio was on...just background music really. I remember being intrigued by the guitar in Whole Lotta Love. In fact, I actually turned to look at the radio to "hear" better. I had no idea what the song was called or that Led Zep even existed. Fast forward to age 17. I was over at a friends house and he popped in a Zep tape (yeah...a tape). Whole Lotta LOve came roaring out the speakers. I whipped around and yelled "I know that song!" We listed to zep for the rest of the night. Before I left I asked if I could borrow the tape. He never got it back. I still have that tape to this day.Over 20 years later, Zep is still my favorite band and RP is my favorite singer.

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I got into Zep right at the end, around the time Bonzo died. I was 10 and starting to get really into music. My fav band at the time was Queen and my older brother and his mates were into LZ so I would often here them when he had friends round. Didn't know who they were at the time but I liked what I heard, very much. Just hit me. Had to fiond out who this band was I kept hearing from my brothers bedroom.....

Then of course the unthinkable happened and hearing stuff on the radio as well made me put two and two together. I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy that I'd discovered this great band who quickly took over Queen as my favs (not helped by the crap queen mainly released in the 80s), but gutted by the realisation that it was all over and I'd just missed them.

First Zep I remember hearing was Whole Lotta Love.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to say I first heard them on the radio when I was about 10 on a classic rock station. First song I heard from them was immigrant song. They got me into a lot of classic rock since then along with other genres of music. They're definatley more blues influenced then most of the bands out at the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

first thing that came through my head was "this reminds of me of Godzilla)

as I got more and more into their music, I couldnt hope but think "is this even legal for a band to be so good," I always thought that music was a real hit and miss type thing, until I heard Led Zeppelin

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...damn they sound raw and baddass.

This was the VH-1 Legends bio with clips showing danish tv and supershow back to back. Both were recorded so theres lots of volume clipping and raw baddasery. Studiowise they sound nothing like that so that started my fixation with zep bootlegs. Weeeeeeee!

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Well, I was like 7 or 8 when I heard Zep IV for the first time, it stunned me how good they were, at the time I was into The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix Experience and The Who, but I soon listened to Led Zep more than I did any other band, a couple years later I got into the bootlegs and footage, as a matter of fact i'm synching the Honolulu 70' footage at this very moment.

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...damn they sound raw and baddass.

This was the VH-1 Legends bio with clips showing danish tv and supershow back to back. Both were recorded so theres lots of volume clipping and raw baddasery. Studiowise they sound nothing like that so that started my fixation with zep bootlegs. Weeeeeeee!

Badasery...my new favorite word!


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I first heard Zep when I was real young like possibly 4. Although I didn't like it because my dad played it at full volume on his stereo. At around 11 I started listening to them. Now I'm 14 and that's all I think about! Every song still blows my mind every time I listen to it.

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