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LZ.Com Halloween - movies that scared you as a kid?

Rock N' Rollin' Man

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As a kid...The Innocents scared the living daylights out of me, I actually refused to go to sleep incase of nightmares.

I didn't see that until I was in my thirties and it still sent shivers down my spine. Good film!

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  • 3 years later...

i do recall just seeing the commercial on tv for the exorcist as a kid and that scaring me quite a bit........so i could not sleep......yeh

The ads for "The Exorcist" and "Beyond The Door" scared me as a young child too. The film "Legend of Hell House" also scared and intrigued me as a child.

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I love "The Omen". I have parts I, II and III in DVD form! My mom and I have seen it heaps of times together! It doesn't scare me at all! biggrin.gif

I've read all the Omen books and seen all the movies -- love them. The original Omen was one of the first books I ever read. (Btw, IMO the clown in the film "It" is great, but the book "It" is even better.)

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Salem's Lot



Yeah that was a bit check the windows are locked time.!

As a kid I think,

Don't Look Now (1973)

The Haunting. (1960)

Also for some reason The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949),when the Horseman shows up, all had me having a uncomfortable night sleep.

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Oh baby, Salem's Lot scared the crap out of me as a kid. Best vampire ever! Never bought into the whole glamorous Anne Rice & Twilight vampire storyline. Aww, poor, immortal, beautiful, preternatural vampires. Nope, the downright animalistic, creepy as hell, Nosferatu type is what I like, and what scared me as a kid.

When they redid the vampire story in 79' with Frank Langella as sexual vanilla putting the moves on the ladies, it was all downhill from there.

The Exorcist & Omen were also underwear soilers...saw them both when they first came out in the theatre. I was only five in 73' when The Exorcist came out, my brilliant cousin (the one who took me to my first Zeppelin concert in 77') thought this was a good idea. I could not sleep for a month and I had no clue what this 12 year old girl keep saying and why she kept stabbing herself in the leg (???) with the crucifix. I was eight when my brother and I snuck into The Omen, another creeper. You see when I was a child up until I was well in my teens I was very religious for some unknown reason. My parents did not believe in church and thought all religion was just a money grab, but for some strange reason I was drawn to the church and would go with neighbors on Sundays. So, anything with a demonic, evil theme would scare the shit out of me. The whole idea of possession was beyond horrible to my little mind.

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