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Voyager 1 Nears Edge of Solar System


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cool.........good to see a fellow astronomer out there

course you have a much better view of the stars over there than we do.......but i'm coming over to check it out soon B)

Not so much in the city but on the coast and west of the Blue Mountains in NSW there are some spectacular views of many constellations, planets and of course the Southern Cross!

When are you coming over?

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well i wanted to come over for those 2 U2 shows you had (one which just ended) as i was invited.......but i'm coming over as soon as i tie up a few loose ends here.....hopefully going to spend a lot of time there and the night sky is certainly one of the things i'm looking forward to seeing. i'm not sure many people here have ever even seen it, sad but true

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Having a sense of humour, you could say something built 34 years ago managed to leave the solar system, yet something built 6 months ago

seems to fall apart after 6 weeks...

Because back then spaceships weren't made in China. <_<

On the beginning of The Simpsons on Sunday they did a short cartoon of the Koreans (?) making the cells for the cartoons in a dark cave to some somber slave music. It was pretty funny but most likely true.


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Cool! I even remember this one..


Only thing is, the amount of time it will take these craft to get any where out side of our own system. We'll likely have space ship's that move at trajectories approaching light speed in the next 50-100 years. With that in mind, we can travel to Proxima Centauri a long time (perhaps million's of years) before these probe's we have already launched will arrive.

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