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Robert Plant: Led Zeppelin 'a bit of a pain in the pisser'


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And, yet again, all Jimmy could come up with was "I THINK we ASSUMED". That's nothing to base plans for a tour on. Plant's not responsible for Jimmy's assumptions. If they'd actively discussed it, it would be a different matter.

Ok so what your saying is that Jimmy Page, whos known Plant intimatly for over 40 years, litterally through life and death, has no more insight into the situation than some fan on the internet speculating? Seriously? You dont think he would know the difference between a situation where there is NO chance of a continuation and one where its quite possible? Whatever, keep rocking.

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And as he knows him that well, why didn't he just discuss it with him? Why did he just "assume"--or "think" he assumed? Knowing as he did that Robert had already said it was a one-off, and that he already had a tour booked for months ahead with Alison Krauss? If you can answer those questions, you'll be a wise man, my son.

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And as he knows him that well, why didn't he just discuss it with him? Why did he just "assume"--or "think" he assumed? Knowing as he did that Robert had already said it was a one-off, and that he already had a tour booked for months ahead with Alison Krauss? If you can answer those questions, you'll be a wise man, my son.

They did discuss it, about a month or so later. Remember when the four of them meet at a hotel, and Page announced that a tour would have to wait until Plant wrapped up his gig with Krauss At least until sept? So obviously Plant didnt say NO at that meeting right? Unless you think Page just completely ignored what the Plant said, or is delusional.

Edited by Hugh Hoyland
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If you keep responding to his posts then you are feeding his desire to get a rise out of you. i.e - i responded to 1 of his posts very objectively as did someone else who got angry with him and he only responded to the one who got angry with him. Obviously when he reads this he will try and respond to my post but it will be ignored bcz this ship has sailed. The only thing he said was right is we dont have to read or respond to his posts in which he twists many statements by members of the band, the forum members and even his own. I think we are the ones who need to let him go bcz it will simply accomplish pissing him off.

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If you keep responding to his posts then you are feeding his desire to get a rise out of you. i.e - i responded to 1 of his posts very objectively as did someone else who got angry with him and he only responded to the one who got angry with him. Obviously when he reads this he will try and respond to my post but it will be ignored bcz this ship has sailed. The only thing he said was right is we dont have to read or respond to his posts in which he twists many statements by members of the band, the forum members and even his own. I think we are the ones who need to let him go bcz it will simply accomplish pissing him off.

Easier said than done.

Edited by Jahfin
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If you keep responding to his posts then you are feeding his desire to get a rise out of you. i.e - i responded to 1 of his posts very objectively as did someone else who got angry with him and he only responded to the one who got angry with him. Obviously when he reads this he will try and respond to my post but it will be ignored bcz this ship has sailed. The only thing he said was right is we dont have to read or respond to his posts in which he twists many statements by members of the band, the forum members and even his own. I think we are the ones who need to let him go bcz it will simply accomplish pissing him off.

What have I twisted? I've raised reasonable questions as to an obvious mis-communication between Plant and Page concerning further tours/music after the O2 show. Hell, even Jason Bonham stated that he expected they would do more as well as JPJ if Im not mistaken. Are we to believe they also were just wishful thinking to, or just ignoring Plant altogether like the above poster (and others) claim Jimmy did? Im sorry, that simply does not add up, not in the least. Something isnt jiving with such wildly divergent thoughts between three members against one, no matter what the one may have publically stated to the media. And as far as ignoring me, that will not "piss me off" in the least. I have a right as a member of this forum to express my point of view, ignore it if you wish. I will continue in my spare time to voice my opinion, period.

Edited by Hugh Hoyland
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:blahblah: = Hugh

What have I twisted? I've raised reasonable questions as to an obvious mis-communication between Plant and Page concerning further tours/music after the O2 show. Hell, even Jason Bonham stated that he expected they would do more as well as JPJ if Im not mistaken. Are we to believe they also were just wishful thinking to, or just ignoring Plant altogether like the above poster (and others) claim Jimmy did? Im sorry, that simply does not add up, not in the least. Something isnt jiving with such wildly divergent thoughts between three members against one, no matter what the one may have publically stated to the media. And as far as ignoring me, that will not "piss me off" in the least. I have a right as a member of this forum to express my point of view, ignore it if you wish. I will continue in my spare time to voice my opinion, period.

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wait, I'm not letting it go. : Some here think that Robert might have intimated to Jimmy that maybe it wasn't going to be a one off. Maybe the jamming was going so good that Jimmy looked over to Robert and said, "Hey, mate, sounds bloody good, maybe we could do more shows? together? as Led Zeppelin? Robert responds, "yea whatever, this whole Zeppelin thing is really getting in the way of doing country cover songs. I have to expand as an artist." Robert continues, "You guys should get Steve Tyler to do the rest of the tour, hell even the Alter Boy dude can hit the high notes better than me these days." they all lauph

Jimmy sais, "wait, thats not a bad idea. After the concert we can pretend that we are auditioning new singers. We can take it so far as that we are fueding between us over the future of Led Zeppelin! Think of the media coverage we ll get. Then in the end we don't do anything thus preserving the legacy. Meanwhile we get our reunion and a new live DVD, all the while looking very reluctent." Then Robert sais, "Yes, Jimmy bloody fucking brilliant."

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wait, I'm not letting it go. : Some here think that Robert might have intimated to Jimmy that maybe it wasn't going to be a one off. Maybe the jamming was going so good that Jimmy looked over to Robert and said, "Hey, mate, sounds bloody good, maybe we could do more shows? together? as Led Zeppelin? Robert responds, "yea whatever, this whole Zeppelin thing is really getting in the way of doing country cover songs. I have to expand as an artist." Robert continues, "You guys should get Steve Tyler to do the rest of the tour, hell even the Alter Boy dude can hit the high notes better than me these days." they all lauph

Jimmy sais, "wait, thats not a bad idea. After the concert we can pretend that we are auditioning new singers. We can take it so far as that we are fueding between us over the future of Led Zeppelin! Think of the media coverage we ll get. Then in the end we don't do anything thus preserving the legacy. Meanwhile we get our reunion and a new live DVD, all the while looking very reluctent." Then Robert sais, "Yes, Jimmy bloody fucking brilliant."

Thats the worst anecdote ever by the way

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Since this is at least the 100th thread on this subject that I know of, in my experience someone should just blame France for Robert's career choices, then the thread usually fizzles out.

Those bloody French..... Bastards!!! Good card players though. Like the Germans.....

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Your all crazy if your just gonna let your favourite band die out, music may live on yes, but as a band they have died out and that is the worst thing that could possibly happen as a huge fan.

You're is a contraction, your is a possessive. I can't take anyone seriously who doesn't use those words properly.

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No it isn't. Just watch me....................:whistling:

:blahblah: = Hugh

Yep, that's setting an example on how to ignore him alright. You resisted what, all of four minutes?

Your all crazy if your just gonna let your favourite band die out, music may live on yes, but as a band they have died out and that is the worst thing that could possibly happen as a huge fan.

First of all, Led Zeppelin is not my favorite band. Second of all, they announced the end of the group in 1980. What they've been so kind to give us in the years since, I consider icing on the cake. The 02 was a blessing and a way of honoring their dear friend Ahmet Ertegun. They don't owe me or anyone else anything beyond that. Hell, they didn't even "owe" us anything to start with. That's why I consider everything they've done since 1980 as going above and beyond anything that was ever expected of them following the untimely passing of John Bonham. Meanwhile, there's some fans that are only too eager to try to continue to draw blood from the corpse.

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I guess you missed my point, whatever its ok.

But then again i didnt get your point or should i say points that related to nobodysfaultbutjimmys post. Not that i care to get your point mind you. Maybe that makes us even?

At least you are appreciative of the

Yep, that's setting an example on how to ignore him alright. You resisted what, all of four minutes?

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I guess you missed my point, whatever its ok.

But then again i didnt get your point or should i say points that related to nobodysfaultbutjimmys post. Not that i care to get your point mind you. Maybe that makes us even?

You replied directly to one of his posts after going on a ramble about ignoring him. That was my point.

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I'm not here to trade insults with vulgar, insulting posters who are in a state of apathy concerning Led Zeppelin (or a new incarnation of it) and gleefully accept comparativly lousy side projects at a time when all Zepp fans could be enjoying incredible performances and music (as proven beyond doubt 2007). I'm here to point out that an incredible musical experience is missing at the present moment, and is deliberately being halted.

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I have to get the lead sledge hammer out . The band has retired more than 30 years ago, what erks you to bring it up now?, now that they are in their late 60's,in 07 I was excited about a tour, then Jimmy Page said wasn't going to happen, so Ive had to come down to the reality that the majic changes and moves on, Robert feels much more mature now, Jimmy has nothing to prove, JohnPaul is proving how key he was to the sound and Jason is out touring the world in celebration of his father.

Its like that song "Ramble On" "now its time for me to go, time i was on my way"

Listen, if Robert Plant sais its a pain in the pisser- take his word for it-best to not go there.

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