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Robert Plant Band of Joy Tour 2011

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Saw Robert and company for the first time last night in Columbus. One word: awesome. I was grinning ear to ear all night. The show was far from sold out, which really surprised me, but the crowd was very appreciative. For me, the highlights of the show were "Black Country Woman", "Harm's Swift Way", and "In the Mood". I love Darrell Scott's voice. I'll have to check out his other work. If you go to a show, definitely get there in time to see the North Mississippi All-Stars, they were great. When the lead singer/guitar player went over to play the drums, I thought "WTF". Very talented couple of guys there. Here's the setlist:

Black Dog

Down To the Sea

Angel Dance

What Is And What Should Never Be

House of Cards

Buddy Miller song


Darrell Scott song

Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down

Patty Griffin song

Black Country Woman

In The Mood

Please Read The Letter

Misty Mountain Hop

Ramble On


Harm's Swift Way

Gallows Pole

I don't really know of any performer that does, at least on the scale of someone like Plant. If they do, they make it known beforehand.

I haven't seen anyone take requests, but I did go to a Black Crowes concert once in which the crowd persuaded them to play one more song (and this was after a 3-hour set!). They had done their encores and the music to indicate the show was over came on and everybody in the pit started chanting "one more song! one more song!". Pretty cool. That was in Columbus as well.

Edited by Zepfreak
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Just got back in town last night from Columbus, Ohio. Robert Plant and his friends (Band of Joy) were on TOP of their game. The Missippi Allstars did a 40 minute opening show that was breath taking and had us ordering an album on Amazon via my phone between their show and the Band of Joy! The Band of Joy show was about 1.5 hours long, peppered with re-worked Zeppelin tunes. They didn't play the whole Band of Joy Album (which I was a little saddened by...just a little) Buddy Miller, Darryl Scott and Patty Griffin all gave leading performances with Robert as backing vocals! Buddy Miller guitar tone is solid and warm. It really sets the scene for Roberts vocals (that are fine as ever!)

I am so glad I decided to make the journey and not let another show pass me by just because I live in the middle of NOWHERE. I still feel at a loss for words to describe the experience. We had a 4 block walk back from the venue (the Palace Theater, which by the way is stunning!) and sang Ramble On the WHOLE WAY BACK to the Marriott! I feel like such a lucky person for this gift. Being in the same room with that mix of talent. It's like a night of magic.

If this is what 1 member of the band can do to a person, I can't imagine what the combination of all 4 would have done. I probably would have imploded.

(BTW - I'm not this big...the sweater makes me look HUGE! haha!)


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The Missippi Allstars did a 40 minute opening show that was breath taking and had us ordering an album on Amazon via my phone between their show and the Band of Joy!

They didn't have any North Mississippi All-Stars records for sale at the merch stand?

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Drowning Child

Not that it matters one iota because its really just great that you find these videos and post them, but I think the song is called "Ocean of Tears." Now, I'm going to crawl back into my hole and keep quiet :hidinginwall:

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Not that it matters one iota because its really just great that you find these videos and post them, but I think the song is called "Ocean of Tears." Now, I'm going to crawl back into my hole and keep quiet :hidinginwall:

Thank you, Jaeleigh ;)


June 13

Columbus, Ohio

Palace Theatre

What Is And What Should Never Be


June 15

St Louis, Missouri

Fox Theatre

Ramble On

Edited by Silver Rider
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Oops...Forgot the "North" and Nope. We looked there first! (also, the shirts were limited)

Hi ZoSoJo,

The merchandise table for the North Mississippi All Stars was to the right past the bar as you entered the theater. In fact, it was a glass top case that held only two boxes of CD's. At the intermission, between their set and the Band of Joy's, the two brothers were out there while another guy was selling their two CD's. One was a live official bootleg. My son bought that one. Also, we had our photo's taken with the brothers and got their autographs! They were super nice and are extremely talented musicians.

The concert was great! The Band of Joy and Robert were at the top of their game. They also were having a great time. Musically, the Columbus concert was far superior to the Louisville show. Robert's voice was perfection. There were alot of funny "Plantations". At the end of the concert, he thanked the audience and said "now remember next week, be here for Cinderella". (The Palace Theater marquee sign outside was advertising future shows, and I guess that Robert saw that Cinderella will be playing next week, LOL.)

At the beginning of the concert, Robert said that he was thrilled to be in Columbus after just performing at Bonaroo where it was so very hot. The temp in Columbus on Monday was in the low 70's, perfect weather. He said that he couldn't remember when he was in Ohio the for first time, and with whom he was there, and what he was doing, lol. A guy in the front, stage right, near me shouted out that it was in Athens, Ohio 1969. Robert later looked over to him and said "really, 1969?' and the guy said that it was either then or 1970.

Robert made a great personal connection with the audience. He smiled and waved at the audience members, including me! He made alot of funny faces as he was singing. I am so happy for him as it is beyond obvious that he is having a great time and is being musically fullfilled with his Band of Joy and its very wonderful and talented musicians. Time is running out, so get to one of the remaining concerts if you can. There were two empty seats around me, so there is still availability out there for some great seats. Don't miss this concert, you will be sorry later.

Edited to add that I loved "Ramble On", "Please Read The Letter", "In The Mood", and "Harms Swift Way" as my favorites from the concert. And the set list was rearranged a bit from Louisville and it didn't have the lull in the middle like it did in then, which was good. And they did not sing "And I Bid You Good Night" nor "Cindy...", which I wish that they had. It was a great concert anyway!


Concert Review | Robert Plant

Singer reinvigorates Zeppelin material, blues

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:35 AM

By Curtis Schieber

For The Columbus Dispatch

Robert Plant last night converted the merely surprising comeback of his two recent albums into a near-miraculous transformation during a thrilling 90 minute set in the Palace Theatre.

The Led Zeppelin singer who set the standards and limits for rock gods to follow, not only performed selections from his semi-acoustic 2007 outing with Alison Krauss and last year's Band Of Joy, but revisited Zeppelin hits with a liberty that made Bob Dylan's reinventions sound tame.

With a near-perfectly structured set, Plant also illuminated the folk influences of those old warhorses and showed his inspirations to be impressively constant over more than 40 years.

Merely hearing the lyrics from a handful of manically-delivered Zeppelin originals was alone a generous gift.

Ramble On finished the show proper with a gentle introduction built with acoustic guitar, standup bass and bouzouki. Tension was built by guitarist Buddy Miller on one of his many vintage guitars before Plant and singer Patty Griffin exploded on the chorus. An amazingly right recasting of What Is And What Should Never Be confounded expectations by retaining the bluesy swing of the original and, without ever exploding, its crescendo.

Black Country Woman drew new roots out of the previously-electrified country blues.

In The Mood from 1983 highlighted Plant's longtime fascination with English folk by quoting Fairport Convention's (Come All Ye) Rolling Minstrel; last night's performance of Fairporter Richard Thompson's House of Cards drew the connection again.

But it was Plant's deep connection with blues and gospel that hit hardest. Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down was the show's most profound moment not just because of the spooky delivery but because it nearly exploded with tension, borne of Plant's career-long understanding that the blues depends on the implicit and dangerous appeal of evil.

The song also included Plant's first of just a few shrieking passages.

North Mississippi All-stars opened with a short set that nonetheless set the stage as near perfect as could be imagined. The trio is now a duo of guitarist Luther Dickinson and drummer brother Cody. The two filled the stage with a mean bunch of boogie and gospel that stuck to the spiritual essence of the music even while it ranged to Bo Diddley beats, to Allman Brothers melodies and bent sound effects.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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I can't believe I'm going to say this but.. I saw him last night! WHAT?! Did I really just say that?! Yes I did. Awwww ya! To say the show was phenomenal would be an understatement. He really seemed to be jivin off of the crowd. He opened with Gallows Pole and when the song was over he said his trademark "Good Evenin!!" You KNOW I was the big mouth screaming it right back! I was with my sister and my soon to be 18 year old daughter. The atmosphere was great. The crowd was great. The people were SO cool. And by the smell of it.. somewhere in the crowd the time was 4:20 haha. Classic.

I've watched some of his videos online and his voice seems to be softer. So, I was BLOWN AWAY when he started singing and voice didn't sound softer! His voice sounded THE SAME. If his voice sounds different in videos.. it's a concentrated effort and he's holding back. Because, last night.. he sounded just like Robert Plant has always sounded to me.

He must have done at least 6 or 7 Zeppelin songs. I was too high on the show to keep it all in order but, Zeppelin wise he did Gallows Pole, Black Dog, What Is And What Should Never Be, Black Country Woman, Rock n Roll, Ramble On and Misty Mountain Hop. Haha help me I'm still high on the show but, I hope I got them all. He also, did In The Mood, Angel Dance, Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down and Monkey. There are some others. And forgive me but, I can't remember which ones at the moment lol.

When he and the band left the stage after their final song you know the audience screamed without stopping for a solid 2 minutes. And you know it worked. They came back out on the stage and did a song. When it was over Plant laughing and smiling said something that sounded a lot like "What the fuck is wrong with you? The show's supposed to be over!" and he laughed more. The crowd screamed and cheered and he and the band did 2 more songs.

I was screaming so hard I was makin myself dizzy lol. I got bruises, a t-shirt, a concert ticket that someone had dropped and you know I'm going to save it forever. I screamed until my voice was gone. It took about 33 years for me to get to see Robert Plant sing live and it was THE BEST night of my entire life. I am forever grateful :D.

Edited by Kat24
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Oh I just found this!

Robert Plant wakes up Ravinia

Posted in Audio File blog by Frank Sennett on Jun 17, 2011 at 1:32am

Robert Plant has come a long way from his golden god days at the Riot House on L.A.'s Sunset Strip, but rock's eternally golden-maned lion hasn't entered his winter period yet. In fact, Plant was in a mood to playfully chide the audience at Ravinia Festival Thursday night for being slightly too mellow in the presence of the former Led Zeppelin frontman and his folksy Band of Joy.

Decked out casually in jeans and a soft button-up shirt with rolled cuffs, Plant wielded the mic stand like he owned it, his hair splayed rakishly on his shoulders, face as rugged as a USGS map. As he kicked off the show with "Gallows Pole," Plant was laid-back but potent, in fine fettle and even finer voice on one of the few beautiful nights granted us so far this summer.

He, singer Patty Griffin and the other band members found a rollicking groove on "Angel's Dance," and continued apace on "Black Dog," "Monkey," "White Train," "Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down" and "Black Country Woman." As the band leaned into "House of Cards," a slight breeze picked up and started blowing through Plant's hair like a vintage Stevie Nicks video. It was then that I noticed the usher in a sport coat, slacks and tie who sat in front of the stage in the middle of one aisle. My thought: I would love to see someone rush the stage at Ravinia at the climax of a Plant song awash in mandolin strumming.

Plant was wanting to shake things up a bit as well. During "Down to the Sea," he theatrically cast an arm across his face as he sang, "When I get older, when I get older," before a finish bigger than one might expect from a band sporting a banjo and pedal steel guitar. "Last time I was at this venue I said, 'I'm never going back there again,'" Plant offered cryptically. "And so, here we are."

With that, he jumped into a sturdy rendition of "What Is and What Should Never Be." It was the only time during the set that I felt a visceral need for Jimmy Page. The attentive audience then perked up a bit at "In the Mood," which was followed by "Rich Woman."

Next it was on to "Misty Mountain Hop," and the crowd finally rose to its feet, beach balls flying in the pavilion. (Actually, the guy across the aisle from me in the sport jacket with leather elbow patches managed to remain seated.) After a rousing "Ramble On," one could detect Plant being ever so slightly contemptuous toward the audience as he exited with a smarmy "Don't go changin'."

A few minutes later, Plant led off a three-song encore with "Harm's Swift Way" and the audience, still on its feet, responded enthusiastically. "Glad to see the Ambien wore off," Plant said. "Where the fuck have you been?" The band then wrapped up with a high-energy "Rock and Roll" (when the absence of John Bonham was most keenly felt) and a lovely a cappella "I Bid You Goodnight."

Plant turned in a rock-solid performance, but his audience expectations may have been set a bit too high. You get out of it what you put into it, and doing three-quarter-time folk versions of your monster hits on acoustic stringed instruments isn't going to generate quite the crowd heat of Page and Bonham melting faces no matter where the show goes off. Once Plant kicked into a higher gear, though, the crowd was right there with him--in truth, it was with him the whole time. Except for the elbow-patch guy. He left right before the encore.


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And after reading that article.. haha I guess things looked a lot more calm in the pavilion because, just outside the pavilion where we were ..we were singing, screaming and cheering. I sure hope Robert and the band heard us because, we were having a blast. Love to ya Robert.. always ♥.

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