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They don't have far reaching missles or bombers constantly flying overhead to cause widespread devastation over here . They're hands on , remember ? :lol:

It's a pity the terrorist commanders don't lead by example.

Pakistan and North Korea have medium - long range missiles and if extremists gain control and they ever improve their Naval capability, look out.

BTW, not all Muslims are terrorists or radicals and vice versa.

The same goes for other religious and athiest nations too.

They all have something in common though, bad people who wield a lot of influence and power in the name of their ideology.

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It's a pity the terrorist commanders don't lead by example.Pakistan and North Korea have medium - long range missiles and if extremists gain control and they ever im0prove their Naval capability, look out.BTW, not all Muslims are terrorists or radicals and vice versa.The same goes for other religious and athiest nations too.They all have something in common though, bad people who wield a lot of influence and power in the name of their ideology.

So maybe God ought to blow them ALL away, the religious ones that is, and let the Devil sort them out ! :lol: Us naysayin' agnostics will rule the roost then, IN PEACE ! :lol:

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"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." - Napoleon

Apparently in his little world, if you criticize your country or admit that your country has done to things to other countries and other people that it shouldn't have, that means you don't want to be from that country anymore, you'd rather be from somewhere else.

There's too much ignorance on display here. Too, too, too much. I read this garbage and thank my parents for raising me better than this.

First, how is voicing my strong beliefs and opinions considered making a mistake. If that is the case and you really believe that, than you make more mistakes then anyone. (And for the record, Napoleon was eventually defeated by his enemies),

Second, you may consider me an "enemy" (for what reason I have no idea), however, the only enemies I have are the ones that want to terrorize and destroy my (and yours) way of Life.

Third, you are right there is too much ignorance on display here. I believe you are the one who is displaying more ignorance then anyone. How is saying that I am Proud and Loyal American citizen showing any kind of ignorance?

Lastly, and this is personal. You mention Parents. I was raised to Love and Honor and Protect my Country. Not bash it like your parents raised you to.

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First, how is voicing my strong beliefs and opinions considered making a mistake.

It's a quote. It means, don't interrupt someone when they're making a fool of themselves. You can't figure that out and/or read between the lines?

Second, you may consider me an "enemy" (for what reason I have no idea), however, the only enemies I have are the ones that want to terrorize and destroy my (and yours) way of Life.

It's a quote. It means, don't interrupt someone when they're making a fool of themselves. You can't figure that out and/or read between the lines?

Third, you are right there is too much ignorance on display here.

You can fix that by not being so ignorant. So start now.

Lastly, and this is personal. You mention Parents. I was raised to Love and Honor and Protect my Country. Not bash it like your parents raised you to.

Actually, I was raised by my parents to be a free-thinking adult, not a mindless corporate drone, parroting lame talking points and saccharine platitudes that mean nothing. They wanted my sister and I to form our own opinions, and become intelligent, educated adults. Which we are. So they've more than done their jobs. I'd hate to burst your pretty little bubble, but exercising one's ability to speak freely about one's country and government is one of the hallmarks of any free society, and the idea that you think criticizing the United States is "bashing" it, or somehow an indication that you don't want to be an American anymore, is one of the most obscenely uneducated things I've ever seen posted on this site, and that's saying a lot.

Edited by Electrophile
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  • 2 months later...

The Middle East is essentially the cradle of civilization. The first great empires: the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians were all established along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is known today as Iraq.

Also I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Code of Hammurabi, one of the first written legal codes (maybe THE first legal code ever written).

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The middle east has contributed much to the rest of the world historically speaking. While Europe was basically a black cave after the Roman Empire fell the middle east was thriving, producing, creating. You can't argue with the historical facts.

What have they contributed in the past century though? Not much, nothing actually. That's an historical fact too.

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