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Charlie Sheen


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I have been a fan of Charlie Sheen (and his father Martin and brother Emilio) for a long time. "Platoon" and "Wall Street" are great movies along with many of his other movies.

Most of us who are fans of his have been aware of his "bad boy" reputation for a long time (at least I have). Drugs (Cocaine, etc..) and Alcohol and Groupies and Pornstars are as much a part of Hollywood (and Rock and Roll) as studios and agents. However, I think that Charlie might actually have done too much Coke (and whatever else) in his lifetime that he has maybe seriously gone way too far. I have seen clips of his most recent television interviews and some of his comments and answers are very bizarre and deluded. He claims to be "clean" at the time of these very recent interviews (within the past couple of days), however, watchig him and his appearance, I believe he is high on Cocaine or some kind of Speed at the very time of this interviews.

Do you think that Charlie can "wheather" this most recent storm? Any thoughts???

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If he had any sense of saving money, he'd never have to work another day in his life.

He was getting $1.25million per episode and there's not telling how many episodes he'd done.

Now if it all went up in blow, that would certainly take the sheen off his life and return him to the Estevez he truly is.

So Charlie, is it back to Carlos or what ?

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I have been a fan of Charlie Sheen (and his father Martin and brother Emilio) for a long time. "Platoon" and "Wall Street" are great movies along with many of his other movies.

Most of us who are fans of his have been aware of his "bad boy" reputation for a long time (at least I have). Drugs (Cocaine, etc..) and Alcohol and Groupies and Pornstars are as much a part of Hollywood (and Rock and Roll) as studios and agents. However, I think that Charlie might actually have done too much Coke (and whatever else) in his lifetime that he has maybe seriously gone way too far. I have seen clips of his most recent television interviews and some of his comments and answers are very bizarre and deluded. He claims to be "clean" at the time of these very recent interviews (within the past couple of days), however, watchig him and his appearance, I believe he is high on Cocaine or some kind of Speed at the very time of this interviews.

Do you think that Charlie can "wheather" this most recent storm? Any thoughts???

He has really gone off the deep end. I cant believe that interview how messed up he was and the way he was talking. I feel sorry for his co workers who are all victims of his nonsense. How can anyone back him now after all of this? He will turn down any counseling and I believe they are afraid he will sue or try to sue using HIPPA laws and that is why much of his medical testing is not being thrown out in the media. He is not clean. Anyone with a brain that watched that interview can see he is or has been on something. Ill bet he is doing everthing and anything he can get his hands on. He is making a total fool out of himself. Maybe he is hanging with Mel Gibson.

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That's the problem with any substance abuse or addiction, all sense of reality vanishes and until the person admits they have dependency issues they will continue until they either get treatment and rehabilitation or they die.

The media are just as bad or worse than Charlie in as much they can't help themselves to get that 'exclusive" interview, photo or soundbite, invariably taken out of context by creative editing etcetera and who will pay obscene amounts of money to get them.

So too are the supposed "minders" who pander to every whim and demand of the "star", most of the time they just need someone to say NO as opposed to YES men who tell them what they think they need to hear rather than what they need to know and are abundant in the entertainment business.

He is part of a generation of "trainwrecks", too many to list here but you all know who they are and almost everyone is quick to condemn them or whatever as if they are above doing anything stupid.

Conversely there are others who blindly defend them for whatever they do regardless of the threat to their career, life or others in general.

A fool and his money are soon partying and the hospitals and morgues are full of them.

Ultimately Charlie is the one in control of his future, unfortunately he is not in control of himself and sadly his future is looking bleak.

I hope he gets back on the rails soon and the show comes back bigger and better, if not only for his sake but for the other members of that great ensemble cast and crew.

I like most of his work in movies and tv and while I don't necessarily agree with his lifestyle, he definitely has mental health problems, albeit self inflicted from alcohol and drugs but he needs help, not pity or criticism.

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I still like Charlie Sheen. I don't give a fuck what he does with his life. I don't think the personal life of a celebrity, musician, politician, etc. should affect the way that person does his or her job. I still like Mel Gibson even though he is crazy now. Yes, he was ignorant for talking shit about the Jews but I don't let his little escapades affect how I view him as an actor. However, not everyone believes the same thing I do and that's fine. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Now I don't know Charlie Sheen so that doesn't phase me but for the people that do, he is being selfish by being so self-destructive. I had a girlfriend that was self-destructive and I hated it. She cared more about the shit she was doing than she did about me and that is what I think is going to drive Charlie Sheen off the edge but if he doesn't fall, I think he will bounce back well.

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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He has really gone off the deep end. I cant believe that interview how messed up he was and the way he was talking. I feel sorry for his co workers who are all victims of his nonsense. How can anyone back him now after all of this? He will turn down any counseling and I believe they are afraid he will sue or try to sue using HIPPA laws and that is why much of his medical testing is not being thrown out in the media. He is not clean. Anyone with a brain that watched that interview can see he is or has been on something. Ill bet he is doing everthing and anything he can get his hands on. He is making a total fool out of himself. Maybe he is hanging with Mel Gibson.

Apparently he has favorably passed his drug tests. He suffered some pain caused by a hernia, which may have contributed to his outlook on life and reportedly inspired him to consume a fair amount of vodka. He supposedly did not take prescribed medication for the hernia, relying on vodka instead for relief of pain. But listening to him tonight he sounded fine, considering everything. Admittedly, he has his moments. He said he had been in contact with Mel Gibson and Sean Penn, and they told him he doesn't have a problem. I guess you could call it a support group.

And he did mention an episode of drug use that occurred about a month ago. Add that to all the Adonis and Goddess talk, and I would guess it's one part enlightenment and one part drug-induced delusions of grandeur. Drugs are nice until the high wears off and the side effects take hold. Moderation in all things will be his best hope for a positive outcome.

Edited by Silver Rider
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That's the problem with any substance abuse or addiction, all sense of reality vanishes and until the person admits they have dependency issues they will continue until they either get treatment and rehabilitation or they die.

The media are just as bad or worse than Charlie in as much they can't help themselves to get that 'exclusive" interview, photo or soundbite, invariably taken out of context by creative editing etcetera and who will pay obscene amounts of money to get them.

So too are the supposed "minders" who pander to every whim and demand of the "star", most of the time they just need someone to say NO as opposed to YES men who tell them what they think they need to hear rather than what they need to know and are abundant in the entertainment business.

He is part of a generation of "trainwrecks", too many to list here but you all know who they are and almost everyone is quick to condemn them or whatever as if they are above doing anything stupid.

Conversely there are others who blindly defend them for whatever they do regardless of the threat to their career, life or others in general.

A fool and his money are soon partying and the hospitals and morgues are full of them.

Ultimately Charlie is the one in control of his future, unfortunately he is not in control of himself and sadly his future is looking bleak.

I hope he gets back on the rails soon and the show comes back bigger and better, if not only for his sake but for the other members of that great ensemble cast and crew.

I like most of his work in movies and tv and while I don't necessarily agree with his lifestyle, he definitely has mental health problems, albeit self inflicted from alcohol and drugs but he needs help, not pity or criticism.

These observations may be true to some degree, but he seems to have strengths, too, upon which he now relies. I would not dismiss him too easily. He's already survived quite a few events in life, and I think he learns as he goes along. He's got an ample perspective on things, even though he loses it once every so often. He bounces back, but I think you make some good points. Anytime you have a situation that is heavily drug-fueled, you really must think twice about everything. But actors work with people a lot, and as they study the characters they portray, they develop insight into the whole human experience, as they must to do their job adequately. But they do go off the deep end sometimes. I would not be too quick too condemn him though because that might be over-reacting. It's best to take everything with a grain of salt. There is a time and place for everything.

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That 20/20 interview was awesome.

Yeah, I thought so, too. He did mention drugs during this interview.

'20/20' journalist Andrea Canning and Sheen jumped right in, talking about his rampant drug use, his father Martin Sheen, and his live-in girlfriends or "goddesses" as he lovingly calls them.

The 'Two and a Half Men' actor pegs the last time he took drugs to about a month ago when he "probably took more than anyone could survive." He claims he was "bangin' 7-gram rocks and finishing them because that's how I roll. I have one speed, one gear ... go!"


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If he had any sense of saving money, he'd never have to work another day in his life.

He was getting $1.25million per episode and there's not telling how many episodes he'd done.

Now if it all went up in blow, that would certainly take the sheen off his life and return him to the Estevez he truly is.

So Charlie, is it back to Carlos or what ?

I think a sizable portion of his earnings goes to the ex-wives. He also has children to consider.

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There's already a Charlie Sheen thread here.

I think there is a difference between a thread of "CBS Yanks Two and a Half Men" and a thread of "Charlie Sheen" himself and what is going on in his personal life and what is being portrayed recently in the media. I mentioned that I have been a fan of Charlie Sheen for a long time, which is true, however, I will admit that I have not seen that many episodes of "Two and a Half Men". When I watch television, I watch the History channel, the Biography channel, VH1 Classics (That Metal Show), TBS and various movie channels, etc... I seldom watch shows on ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC. Seldom does not mean never.

Back to my thread, I just watched the 20/20 interview with Charlie Sheen and I have to admit that, as sad or bad as it may have been for him (or for me to watch), I thoroughly enjoyed it. I said earlier that Charlie seemed High or on something during the interview, which I still believe, some of his answers and responses were classic in nature. He said that he was "banging out 7 gram rocks" because that's how he rolled. I believe him. That basically means that he was smoking two 8 balls of Cocaine (Crack, really) in a matter of minutes. He said something like that would not kill him because he is Charlie Sheen. Sad but true.

I could care less what drugs Charlie Sheen does and how often he does them because what he does does not affect me personally, however, I appreciate his talent. I realize his talent is in very serious question at the moment, but I think that He will survive and prove that he can be at the very least a "functional" Drug Addict. If it works for people like Robert Downey Junior and many, many others, it can work for Charlie Sheen.

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He said something like that would not kill him because he is Charlie Sheen.

That's called being in denial. He may be right, but he might not be as immune as he thinks he is. It's still risky behaviour. But then there are those who defy logic. Keith Richards comes to mind.

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Izzoso and Silver Rider, I used to watch those channels like Biogrophy and History and still do at times. My wife got me into Two and A Half Men and I will say its the best sitcom in recent years in my opinion. i have seen all of the others, some that my wife watches. Sheen is in denial for sure. He is not stupid though and has to realize how he looks. Hopefully he will straighten it up. What a support group. Penn and Gibson. Ha. As for Downey Jr wh9 I cant stand, isnt he supposedly clean now? I dont know. I dont have time fo keep up with their lives on the tabloids.

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Watched his interview this morning and to me , the man looks ill. Drawn face, eyes recessed. I've seen that look before and the end results were tragic

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Watched his interview this morning and to me , the man looks ill. Drawn face, eyes recessed. I've seen that look before and the end results were tragic

You can get away with much more when you have fame and fortune as he does. Hopefully he will see the light and give in, but he is pretty proud, in fact arrogant, so it wont happen overnight. Hopefully he will survive.

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You can get away with much more when you have fame and fortune as he does. Hopefully he will see the light and give in, but he is pretty proud, in fact arrogant, so it wont happen overnight. Hopefully he will survive.

I was thinking something far worse than addiction. I hate to use the word cancer loosely but he has the look of someone who is not well at all

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I was thinking something far worse than addiction. I hate to use the word cancer loosely but he has the look of someone who is not well at all

I thought you may have been referring to suicide. But I doubt he is a threat to do that . One has to wonder what his co workers are saying?

And how the hell could his drug tests be negative?

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