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Charlie Sheen


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Actually, I'm sick of him and the stupid reruns of the show. It should be called 'Two And A Half Men' (Shown for the two and a half millionth time). <_<

How come there's no 'Two And A Half Women?'


There was actually. It was called 'Sex In The City'.....


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Izzoso and Silver Rider, I used to watch those channels like Biogrophy and History and still do at times. My wife got me into Two and A Half Men and I will say its the best sitcom in recent years in my opinion. i have seen all of the others, some that my wife watches. Sheen is in denial for sure. He is not stupid though and has to realize how he looks. Hopefully he will straighten it up. What a support group. Penn and Gibson. Ha. As for Downey Jr wh9 I cant stand, isnt he supposedly clean now? I dont know. I dont have time fo keep up with their lives on the tabloids.

I guess Downey, Jr. finally came to his senses. When I did a quick search on news about Downey, Jr., it was all good and all about his work, which is as it should be. Gibson and Penn might be helpful in some ways, but Sheen will need to make his choices carefully there in the event that they may give him less than perfect advice. They have made a few mistakes of their own and may not be the best role models in this situation. He needs to straighten up, and in his own way he's trying, but he's not communicating very well with his ex-wife, the mother of their children. He needs to be on good terms with her. At the moment he is barred from contact, so any communications should occur between their attorneys. And he probably should take some advice from his dad. Charlie Sheen's substance abuse problems are alcohol, drug and binge-related. That's why he can test clean for drugs. He's not so much of a habitual user, but he binges. And when he binges, he goes off the deep end and his antics wind up in the headlines, as in December when he got into a disagreement with the ex-wife and mother of their children, obviously not the wisest course of behaviour. And now that she's taken the children from his home, he may want to get a neutral party to observe as a condition of limited visitation rights, while he maneuvers to secure joint custody. As long as he stays calm and rational, that's alright. But once the vodka flows, I don't know. His inhibitions get a little too low at that point and she worries for her safety and the safety of their children. He needs to ease off the vodka. It will be a while before he regains her trust. He's got a pretty good attitude when he is sober. Aside from that, he's a great actor.

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And how the hell could his drug tests be negative?

He tests for the last 72 hours. As long as he knows he has not recently consumed drugs or alcohol, he can easily pass a 72 hour test. He is a binger, not so much a daily user. Once in a while he goes on a drug or drinking binge. When he binges, people probably start to wonder whether they are talking to Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde. But he's not really fooling anyone but himself.

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I was thinking something far worse than addiction. I hate to use the word cancer loosely but he has the look of someone who is not well at all

He's got a hernia, which could explain why he looks less than in perfect health. And the rejection is stressful when the wife leaves and takes the children, the network cancels the show, and the publicist quits. At least he still has his lawyer and his dad. And although the "support group" of Gibson and Penn may unconditionally be his stalwart friends regardless of whether they approve of how he's handling the current situation, and the goddesses may concur in silence, giving him a much-needed boost to the tattered ego, he needs to look beyond them for role models to expand his horizons somewhat and to strengthen his position in appropriately dealing with challenges.

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That's more specifically about his show than him personally.

I think there is a difference between a thread of "CBS Yanks Two and a Half Men" and a thread of "Charlie Sheen" himself and what is going on in his personal life and what is being portrayed recently in the media.

Thanks for telling me what my own thread is about. You know, I wouldn't have been able to ever figure it out otherwise.

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Thanks for telling me what my own thread is about. You know, I wouldn't have been able to ever figure it out otherwise.

You are very welcome. I didn't think that you would ever figure it out, that is why I helped you. You had said that there is already a Charlie Sheen thread, when in reality, it was not a Charlie Sheen thread but a thread about CBS yanking Two and a Half Men. Big difference don't you think? CBS (television) and Charlie Sheen (person). One is a major conglomerate and the other is an individual. You can come back at me if you so desire, however, I already think that you are the one who makes a fool out of yourself. Not me.

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You are very welcome. I didn't think that you would ever figure it out, that is why I helped you. You had said that there is already a Charlie Sheen thread, when in reality, it was not a Charlie Sheen thread but a thread about CBS yanking Two and a Half Men. Big difference don't you think? CBS (television) and Charlie Sheen (person). One is a major conglomerate and the other is an individual. You can come back at me if you so desire, however, I already think that you are the one who makes a fool out of yourself. Not me.

If you had taken just a minute to actually read the thread (which obviously you didn't) it wouldn't have taken long to figure out that that it is not just about CBS shutting down Two And A Half Men. It has been taken of the air because of Sheen's behavior which is what the thread is about, not just the show itself. If you had read the thread before starting this one you would have been able to figure it out.

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He's in the public sphere. He's put himself out there for people to rubberneck. It's different when it's not a celebrity, and people are taking great pleasure out of watching their downward spiral, and that's not saying I think what's going on is super-awesome sauce, but it's part of the human condition to be drawn to shit like this. He's having a psychotic break, but he's doing it publicly, so people are going to watch. Is it right? I don't know.

It's like people complaining about the site People of Wal-Mart and how awful it is that other people have their pictures taken and posted on the site. Well, if you didn't wander around a store half-naked with your gut and tits hanging out of too-small clothes, people wouldn't be compelled to mock you for it. You're in public.

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He is a fine example of narcissistic personality disorder. He needs counseling and the public needs to quite following his outrageous behavior. But I don't see either of those happening.

lmfao I would concur that that won't happen. Every time Charlie sheen does something crazy, ratings for Two and a Half men go up ironically.

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He balances the scales with a little help from the goddesses. They make up for his weak spots, ease the pain of his battered ego, and bolster his sagging confidence. Unfortunately, they may not compensate for all of his weak spots, but someone will steer him along the path to redemption. You can sure tell that he is an actor.

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His interview with Piers Morgan is frequently being repeated on CNN.....F****Off......I pay alot for my cable service...once seeing the interview is enough....thanks..

How many people had a dream to become an actor but had to give it up because of one reason or another.....necessity, health, ETC ETC ETC.....

GROW UP SHEEN....you need to go back in your life and deal with issues until you can go forward...then perform in something that helps people with all the s**** they have to deal with now.....TAAHM has run it's course.....let it go....

Juliet :mad:

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I saw another Piers Morgan show last eve where part of the show was discussing Sheen. Piers had Mackenzie Phillips as a guest. She has had her troubles. She looks great now!!!

A therapist was also on and he said that Charlie needs support and love....it made me cry...so even though my words were harsh earlier this week now I add this...I LOVE YOU,CHARLIE SHEEN...I want you to get well and act again...

Juliet xo

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If he were to keep a journal and log all of his drug use on a daily basis, just as someone would who is dieting and tracking their weight, or exercising and noting their activities, I wonder what the journal would say. Even if he hid the journal from everyone, he can't really lie to himself. He may not actually be an addict, and listening to him talk at this point I would not assume so. He sounds like an actor, but that's it. I could be wrong, but knowing that addicts often hide things, and based on what I'm seeing in these links, I'm not looking at an addict. I have the sense that I'm seeing an off-beat actor in these links.

Interesting video with Charlie Sheen on radaronline.com

Busy career detailed at imdb.com

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