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Charlie Sheen


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Good Morning:

Charlie is supposed to be going on the road to perform a one man show..like a stand up routine or something..I heard this on tv...


PS I thought I might sing my cover of I Will Always Love You..as a way to motivate him to change his ways...call it a type of shock therapy... :drumz:

PSS Oh...I'll be accompanying myself on the drums....it will definitely shock him ..he'll run for the hills :lol:

Edited by Juliet
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And to think he hasn't bottomed out yet...

This is probably the best post in the thread.


I hope he gets the help he obviously needs.

I hope he wants to get the help he needs.

Until then...

I'm sick of the coverage. I'm much more interested in a whole lot of news besides what latest "winning" phrase has passed his lips. I expect the entertainment shows to cover him and his antics. It's what they do. But the 'regular news? C'mon guys, give it a rest.

"... yeah, I'm high. I'm high on Charlie Sheen". Hell, as much dope as he was doing that's probably true. That little quick breath check or pits check that folks do when they think no one's looking... yep, contact high... WINNING!

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This is probably the best post in the thread.


I hope he gets the help he obviously needs.

I hope he wants to get the help he needs.

Until then...

I'm sick of the coverage. I'm much more interested in a whole lot of news besides what latest "winning" phrase has passed his lips. I expect the entertainment shows to cover him and his antics. It's what they do. But the 'regular news? C'mon guys, give it a rest.

"... yeah, I'm high. I'm high on Charlie Sheen". Hell, as much dope as he was doing that's probably true. That little quick breath check or pits check that folks do when they think no one's looking... yep, contact high... WINNING!

And then there's the spin of the coverage about all the coverage, all the while Sheen's spiraling. It looks as if he's desperate to do anything but surrender... "Surrender's not an option" and all that. But whatever (intelligence, strong constitution)/ whoever (lawyer, bimbettes, anyone else on the payroll) are helping him resist are doing him no favours. I agree, I hope he gets the help he needs.

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This is probably the best post in the thread.


I hope he gets the help he obviously needs.

I hope he wants to get the help he needs.

Until then...

I'm sick of the coverage. I'm much more interested in a whole lot of news besides what latest "winning" phrase has passed his lips. I expect the entertainment shows to cover him and his antics. It's what they do. But the 'regular news? C'mon guys, give it a rest.

"... yeah, I'm high. I'm high on Charlie Sheen". Hell, as much dope as he was doing that's probably true. That little quick breath check or pits check that folks do when they think no one's looking... yep, contact high... WINNING!

Oh Lake:

I didn't realize you evaluate the posts....if mine are not o.k. well....blame it on the cabin fever I have from being cooped up in a one horse town...for tooo long :veryhot:

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"... yeah, I'm high. I'm high on Charlie Sheen". Hell, as much dope as he was doing that's probably true. That little quick breath check or pits check that folks do when they think no one's looking... yep, contact high... WINNING!

When I die, I want Charlie Sheen's life to flash before my eyes.

OK, sorry, I couldn't resist.


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  • 3 weeks later...


CS's tour starts this week....Anyone going? His facebook page has entries almost every second....too much for me....A couple of Canadians have applied to be his apprentice..

it didn't go well


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The only people stupider than Charlie Sheen are the people paying hundreds of dollars to sit in a theater and hear him say "winning", "tiger blood", "Adonis DNA", and whatever other coked-out nonsense he's come up with. What exactly were these people expecting? He was funny on Two and a Half Men because professional writers were writing his lines.

I don't feel bad for any of those morons, and I hope they get refunded $0 for their trouble.

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Rule # 1 of Entertainment - Do not be boring. He scored there.:hurrah:

Rule # 2 of Entertainment - Always leave them laughing. Maybe at least in my case, a partial success there. :lol::hysterical: But maybe not for everyone. Oops, needs more rehearsal. :tomato:

Perhaps this show is a mix of success and otherwise. :goal:

He may need some damage control on that otherwise part. :sos::smiley_pray:

His experience is mostly in film. What the * is he doing in theatre?

DETROIT (AP) -- Charlie Sheen was heckled, booed and eventually abandoned by the crowd at his inaugural stage show, with many of the audience members chanting "refund" and heading for the exits even before the show abruptly ended.
* ah well, so much for that magic trick



and in other news...

Charlie Sheen to Chicago: Don't be like Detroit



Charlie Sheen claims he owes madam Heidi Fleiss $2 million for sex



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Does the audience think they are going to a "Two and a Half Men" stand up routine?

:unsure: Who's the idiot?

I heard someone says the demand their money back...HUH? You don't deserve your money back. You got exactly what you paid for, lady! What, did the lights go out? Did the toilets not flush? Gimme a break. Anybody who bought a ticket to this show and complained needs a dope slap.

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  • 1 month later...

I guess the news is that Charlie Sheen is going to replaced with Ashton Kutcher on 21/2 Men. Can't say that it's not a good move for the show, Kutcher was very funny on That 70's Show. In the end it's really all about the writers anyway and what they come up with.

Ok this is the guy that is known as Mr Demi Moore right? My wife is excited about the show staying. I am not. You just cant replace a guy like Sheen. I always thougth Allen is very funny. I wonder how they feel about all of this? I mean the co stars. And even the kid? Berta? Time will tell. For now my favorite shows are Private Practice, Army Wives and Greys Anatomy (sometimes). Just a bit too graphic at times.

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  • 4 years later...

I truly had mixed feelings, when I first came across this piece of news.

On the one hand, I did feel pretty bad for Charlie Sheen, after first reading about these HIV + rumours. I stopped watching 'Two And A Half Men' after Charlie left, as I am of the opinion that Charlie Sheen's character, Charlie Harper brought a certain spark to the show, which the other characters could not replicate. I also loved shows like 'Anger Management' :) 

But then again, with his incredibly wild and reckless 'lifestyle', I think such an outcome was pretty damn obvious! I mean, it was just a matter of time! 

Anyway, best of luck, to him! He might be a 'wild man', but he has certainly given the world so much of laughter and so many memories, thanks to comedies such as 'Two And A Half Men'! He is a talented comedian. No two ways, about it! 

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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ZERO SYMPATHY from me.  If you want to be a drunk, drug addicted moron sleeping with multiple porn stars, ya reap what ya sow!  I feel sorry for his ex, Denise Richards and the kids!

Just saw the interview and good news for you, he is not asking you or anyone else to feel sorry for him, he completely owns his situations and accepts that.

He is still coming across as a bit "off" but much better than he has in years. I wish the man the best, we all have our demons to deal with.

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He certainly is in a whole lot of trouble now.  I suspect that from a purely civil perspective, the legal costs defending himself against the onslaught of "victims" will ruin him.  If there's a criminal prosecution, then that's a whole lot of other trouble.

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I guess it's a reminder to practice safe sex every time.

In my practice, I have seen epidemic levels of herpes and HPV in the last 10 years, among women who in many cases had sex with one man. There are many gullible people in this world.

I find any tears for Charlie Sheen to be...hypocritical and evidence of a double standard. Who did he get HIV from? From porn stars who acquired the virus AT THEIR JOBS. Why isn't this illegal?? Why is it that we allow people to be infected with deadly viruses AT THEIR JOBS? Hospitals supply their workers with extensive protective gear and its use is required to do simple jobs such as changing sheets of people who are infected or might be. Why isn't it illegal for porn performers to have unsafe sex?? This is a matter of public health. Oh, I forgot; it's because it's the women mostly who get infected. Another example of our grossly misogynistic society.

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