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Led Zeppelin Rock Band

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What's up everyone!! I didn't take the time to go through all of the posts, but I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of a Led Zeppelin Rock Band edition in the works? Since they have Metallica, Beatles, AC DC and everyone else.... Wouldn't that be awesome to have a LZ Rock Band edition to jam out on!!! Is there anything the fans can do to make it happen? Whether we have to get permission from the Gods of Rock to putting pressure on Activision to make it happen! Just thought I would throw it out there! I need to get the Led Out!

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Page has ruled out the chance of anything like this ever happening. Not to mention, from what I've been reading lately, Guitar Hero (and Rock Band) have slipped drastically in popularity. On the other hand, I heard something on the radio recently about a version of Guitar Hero and/or Rock Band that would require the user to have to place their fingers on the frets exactly as they would on a real guitar. That's was perhaps Page's biggest criticism of those games, that there is no talent required to play them. With these new developments there's no telling if he will have a change of heart or not when allowing Zeppelin's music to be licensed for use.

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Page has ruled out the chance of anything like this ever happening. Not to mention, from what I've been reading lately, Guitar Hero (and Rock Band) have slipped drastically in popularity. On the other hand, I heard something on the radio recently about a version of Guitar Hero and/or Rock Band that would require the user to have to place their fingers on the frets exactly as they would on a real guitar. That's was perhaps Page's biggest criticism of those games, that there is no talent required to play them. With these new developments there's no telling if he will have a change of heart or not when allowing Zeppelin's music to be licensed for use.

The latest version of Rock Band has you using an actual guitar. Fender made the equipment, and it cost about $320. When not using it as a game controller it can be plugged into an amp and be used as a real guitar.

when playing the game on expert, you are actually playing the songs in the game note for note.

That being said, I still dont see Jimmy coming aboard.

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The latest version of Rock Band has you using an actual guitar. Fender made the equipment, and it cost about $320. When not using it as a game controller it can be plugged into an amp and be used as a real guitar.

when playing the game on expert, you are actually playing the songs in the game note for note.

Thanks for clarifying, I knew I'd heard something similar somewhere.

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Yeah i gave up on the whole Led Zeppelin Guitar Hero Dream after 2008

Although I don't necessarily agree with Page's reasoning for not licensing Zep music for Guitar Hero, I'm also glad he hasn't given in but that's more from an artistic standpoint. Yes, it's a new avenue for having your music heard but it doesn't meant it's a good one. With the vinyl revival (confined as it may be) I'm much more excited about the prospect of new fans discovering Zeppelin through that medium. Sure beats the shit out of new fans being made via "Classic Rock" radio where they play the same songs by the same artists day in and day out.

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I could care less either way. I would definitely check it out if they made one though. The song selection would be interesting to me. Just to see what they include and what they leave off. Will Page ever want to do it? I doubt it. Plus, the Guitar Hero franchise is being dis-continued so that lessens the chances of it happening even more. Will Rock Band try to take it over? I don't know. Either way, people will probably by the game. So I guess for me it's a "I'll worry about it when/if it happens" type deal.

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Rock Band 3.. the latest version does have the real instruments that can be used to play the game or record real music! I don't think them having a LZ Rock Band will be selling out! That game would give the Die Hards what they want as well as exposing whole new generations to their music! If they used a Zep song for a Cadillac commercial and for the movie School of Rock... Then they can make a LZ Rock Band game for the fans... It's not about the money! Even though they will make an S load! It's real sad Page feels that way! I understand the selling out part, but C'mmmmmooonnnn.... The Fans Page!

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These games require the multi-track master tapes from the artists. This is the main reason Page won't do it. We would suddenly be awash in Zeppelin "Rock Band Mixes" all over the net (like with The Beatles) This would not be good. I'm VERY glad Zep have not caved in to this fad.

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This was discussed on here a while ago - click THIS LINK

The master tapes is one important reason why Jimmy hasn't agreed to it. Another is that he doesn't like these games as a way of presenting the music of Led Zeppelin.

Many of the people who play these games (most of them kids) have a constant tendency to overestimate their importance in terms of getting the legacy across. Led Zeppelin is everywhere by now. It's all right.

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Led Zepplin was a vanguard for music .But for my taste they should have published much more in the past .

I agree with the thoughts of Jimmy against this.

But this is a strong medium of our days and gives a good chance to the kids to

get in contact with the music of Zep.

Also-(after his highprice output of his book)-

the idear of making immense money may change the thinking of JP.

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