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Jimmy Page has an asteroid named after him


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Jimmy Page has an asteroid named after him. It's official too. The IAU recognizes the name.


Discovered in 1997, 44016 Jimmypage, also known as 1997 WQ28 orbits the Sun in the main asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. 44016 Jimmypage is in an 11:4 near orbital resonance with Jupiter as seen in this image with a non-inertial frame of reference co-rotating with Jupiter's orbital period.


(Yellow dot in center = Sun, thick gray band near Sun = orbit of Mercury, white band=orbit of Venus, blue/gray band = the orbits of Earth and the Moon, red band = orbit of Mars, magenta oval = orbit of Jupiter held stationary by the rotating frame of reference. 44016 Jimmypage is the green orbit.)

It's nice they gave him an asteroid with a cool resonant pattern.

Not common knowledge I would assume?

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I think Bonham should have an asteroid named after him, purely because he represents the same soaring power and unpredictability in his music. Should name it 'Bonham's Comet' or 'Hammer of the Gods'. Let's just hope it doesn't hit home though. :unsure:

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  • 6 years later...

Jimmy Page has an asteroid named after him. It's official too. The IAU recognizes the name.


Discovered in 1997, 44016 Jimmypage, also known as 1997 WQ28 orbits the Sun in the main asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. 44016 Jimmypage is in an 11:4 near orbital resonance with Jupiter as seen in this image with a non-inertial frame of reference co-rotating with Jupiter's orbital period.


(Yellow dot in center = Sun, thick gray band near Sun = orbit of Mercury, white band=orbit of Venus, blue/gray band = the orbits of Earth and the Moon, red band = orbit of Mars, magenta oval = orbit of Jupiter held stationary by the rotating frame of reference. 44016 Jimmypage is the green orbit.)

It's nice they gave him an asteroid with a cool resonant pattern.

Not common knowledge I would assume?

I know it's an old post but I never knew that.

It has got a cool resonant pattern. :)

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I think Bonham should have an asteroid named after him, purely because he represents the same soaring power and unpredictability in his music. Should name it 'Bonham's Comet' or 'Hammer of the Gods'. Let's just hope it doesn't hit home though. unsure.gif

I think John Bonham needs a planet named after him.

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  • 5 months later...

I think John Bonham needs a planet named after him.

...That would be most timeless honour, in addition to Planet-Page, and for that matter, Minor Planets Named in Honour of Legendary John Paul Jones, and the Famous Leo always positioed in the Centre Spot Light, Robert Plant; that would be Complimentary Representation in the Universe....

...here are some guidelines how planets discovery/naming;


  • This discoverer is accorded the privilege of suggesting a name for his/her discovery. The discoverer has the privilege for a period of ten years following the numbering of the object.
  • The discoverer writes a short citation explaining the reasons for assigning the name.

Names are judged by the fifteen-person Committee for Small-Body Nomenclature (formerly the Small Bodies Names Committee) of the International Astronomical Union, comprised of professional astronomers (with research interests connected with minor planets and/or comets) from around the world.

  • Proposed names should be:
    • 16 characters or less in length (including any spaces or punctuation)
    • preferably one word
    • pronounceable (in some language)
    • non-offensive
    • not too similar to an existing name of a minor planet or natural planetary satellite
  • Names for persons or events known primarily for their military or political activities are acceptable only after 100 years elapsed since the person died or the event occurred.
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