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What Happened to Music?


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I always back my comments with VALID reasons....unlike some posters here who can only state the "chronological" aspects of this or that music:):):)!!!!

In relation to disco you've stated several facts about it that are completely invalid.

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I didn't care for disco back then either but burning those records was just as silly as those that burned rock n' roll albums during it's infancy because it had been deemed "the devil's music" and the folks that torched their Beatles albums when Lennon was misunderstood for his Beatles "are more popular than Jesus" statement.

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What made it stupid wasn't the sentiment, but the fact that it destroyed the field at Comiskey Park and forced the White Sox to forfeit the game. I mean, that shit tore huge chunks out of the grass in the outfield.

That's what made them morons.

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Quit spamming the fucking thread already. We get it -- you think disco isn't music, you think it sucks. You've said it a dozen times or more now. Enough already. Damn.

I fear its hopeless Electrophile...this guy obviously has a mental block when it comes to this topic; perhaps his mother tortured him with endless plays of "YMCA" when driving him to-and-from school when he was a wee lad.

I always back my comments with VALID reasons....unlike some posters here who can only state the "chronological" aspects of this or that music:):):)!!!!

No you don't. You never have any valid reasons...just incorrect assumptions and gibberish. Apparently you just throw the words "crappy", "wimpy", "spineless", "rubbish", "disco sucks", "shitty", "ruddy", "YMCA", and "lame" in some random phrase generator and repeat ad nauseum.

I don't have the time nor the space to go into detail the false assertions you keep making...the post would run pages and pages long and I don't think Sam Webmaster would appreciate me taking up so much bandwidth on such a trifling matter as this.

But let's just take one of your more inane points: that disco was tied to the anti-rock conservative values crowd.

In a word: POPPYCOCK!

Disco was, for one thing, a public music. It was mostly intended to be heard in dance clubs for people to dance to...it was never meant to be analysed whilst listening to it closely on headphones at home. It wasn't anti-rock, or anti-anything...it was just another form of expression, a type of music to coexist with all the other forms of music around at that time, be it rock 'n' roll, top 40 pop, folk, soft rock, soul, R & B, whatever. Disco didn't replace rock...rock was still plentiful during the disco era...nor was it trying to do so.

And as for your assertion that disco was a result of some conservative movement afoot in the country to wipe out rock? That is very funny, considering that the early creators and adherents of disco were mostly from the decidedly non-conservative gay/lesbian and ethnic communities of the big cities.

To this day, I still like some disco from the 70's: Donna Summer, KC & the Sunshine Band, Chic, Kool & the Gang...and Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" is a powerful feminist statement of survival. In fact, I would rather listen to any of the above than to the bland offerings of Journey and Foreigner and their late-70's corporate-rock brethren.

But don't worry spidersandsnakes...this is the last "invasive post" I will submit to this thread, for trying to follow your logic is like being trapped on a Möbius strip.

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I fear its hopeless Electrophile...this guy obviously has a mental block when it comes to this topic; perhaps his mother tortured him with endless plays of "YMCA" when driving him to-and-from school when he was a wee lad.

No you don't. You never have any valid reasons...just incorrect assumptions and gibberish. Apparently you just throw the words "crappy", "wimpy", "spineless", "rubbish", "disco sucks", "shitty", "ruddy", "YMCA", and "lame" in some random phrase generator and repeat ad nauseum.

I don't have the time nor the space to go into detail the false assertions you keep making...the post would run pages and pages long and I don't think Sam Webmaster would appreciate me taking up so much bandwidth on such a trifling matter as this.

But let's just take one of your more inane points: that disco was tied to the anti-rock conservative values crowd.

In a word: POPPYCOCK!

Disco was, for one thing, a public music. It was mostly intended to be heard in dance clubs for people to dance to...it was never meant to be analysed whilst listening to it closely on headphones at home. It wasn't anti-rock, or anti-anything...it was just another form of expression, a type of music to coexist with all the other forms of music around at that time, be it rock 'n' roll, top 40 pop, folk, soft rock, soul, R & B, whatever. Disco didn't replace rock...rock was still plentiful during the disco era...nor was it trying to do so.

And as for your assertion that disco was a result of some conservative movement afoot in the country to wipe out rock? That is very funny, considering that the early creators and adherents of disco were mostly from the decidedly non-conservative gay/lesbian and ethnic communities of the big cities.

To this day, I still like some disco from the 70's: Donna Summer, KC & the Sunshine Band, Chic, Kool & the Gang...and Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" is a powerful feminist statement of survival. In fact, I would rather listen to any of the above than to the bland offerings of Journey and Foreigner and their late-70's corporate-rock brethren.

But don't worry spidersandsnakes...this is the last "invasive post" I will submit to this thread, for trying to follow your logic is like being trapped on a Möbius strip.

Well. I can only say.....


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I have to agree with you Virginia. To each his own. I love the music of Led Zep for listening and other things, but not dancing.

Back in the day (and even now really) I'd much rather move and groove to a band playing "dance" music like this.... :) missy.

Thanks Missy; I've never really been able to dance well to rock or country (except the Grateful Dead/Phish stuff); the 80s new wave/alt stuff, R&B and hip hop was more my speed. :)

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Thanks Missy; I've never really been able to dance well to rock or country (except the Grateful Dead/Phish stuff); the 80s new wave/alt stuff, R&B and hip hop was more my speed. :)

Virginia, that's a whole lot more dancing variety than myself!

I'll fess up right here that I enjoyed dancing under those big silver disco balls.:lol:

But, honestly I don't recall a lot of other choices in the local clubs here (other than country) in the 1974-1979 era.

Here's one last clip from me. The first disco song I recall hearing (and dancing to)!

Ring any bells? Oh snap. That's another one Ring my Bell!.........:) missy

**Note: This also predates "Disco Duck" by a good year or so.

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Hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahha, this is highly laughable.....no offence by the way.....don't go all ballistic over this,,,,,,hahahahahahhahahahaha....going to discos to catch the chix....another false ideal........hahahaha, I got all MY chix at hard rock gigs and concerts and THOSE rock chix were FAR SEXIER than any YMCA-oriented disco crap chick:):),,,,,hahahhahahahhahaha:):)!!!!

one of many places we scored with the girls including the beach, rock concerts and shopping malls and they were all for the most part VERY sexy!

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To the contrary. You keep insisting on pushing information about the formation of disco that's entirely incorrect.

You're right, I was.


Cheers mate, my bad and I think I may have to go back to school!

Those were the days!

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one of many places we scored with the girls including the beach, rock concerts and shopping malls and they were all for the most part VERY sexy!

That's funny Reggie. Those are the same places the girls went to find the guys!

But what I'm upset with is the quote in your original reply. I guess some would call me a disco crap chick. Oh, well.

Edited by missytootsweet
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That's funny Reggie. Those are the same places the girls went to find the guys!

But what I'm upset with is the quote in your original reply. I guess some would call me a disco crap chick. Oh, well.

Great minds think alike, missy!

What quote was that?

I was talking about males specifically and I don't recall putting any females down and I certainly didn't call them or imply they were disco crap chicks.

I think you've got me confused with someone else on this thread.

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To this day, I still like some disco from the 70's: Donna Summer, KC & the Sunshine Band, Chic, Kool & the Gang...and Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" is a powerful feminist statement of survival. In fact, I would rather listen to any of the above than to the bland offerings of Journey and Foreigner and their late-70's corporate-rock brethren.

^^ THIS ^^

KC and the Sunshine Band was awesome.

Get Down Tonight, Boogie Man, That's The Way I Like It, Shake Your Booty = pure awesomeness.

I still love hearing those songs.

Donna Summer Love To Love Ya, Baby = pure sex.

Kool & the Gang Jungle Boogie, Hollywood Swingin' = pure funkiness.

And to add some more funk of my own...

Ohio Players Fire, Love Rollercoaster, Fopp, Skin Tight = funkgasm.

And while I do agree with the corporate-rock comment, I did like Journey's Infinity and the first 2 Foreigner albums.

Double Vision was very appropriate for my life at the time it came out.

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Virginia, that's a whole lot more dancing variety than myself!

I'll fess up right here that I enjoyed dancing under those big silver disco balls.:lol:

But, honestly I don't recall a lot of other choices in the local clubs here (other than country) in the 1974-1979 era.

Here's one last clip from me. The first disco song I recall hearing (and dancing to)!

Ring any bells? Oh snap. That's another one Ring my Bell!.........:) missy

**Note: This also predates "Disco Duck" by a good year or so.

My prime dancing years were the mid to late 80s. I can't dance to Zeppelin, but I could dance to this:

Or this :):

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What do you mean "What happend to music"? It got alot better !! Justin Bieber is awesome (NOT).

Today's music suck. even rock gener's...

Today's music doesn't suck. Some of today's music is bad, but not all of it.

I wish I could make a script that would just automatically post that into every thread like this that pops up on this board. It would save me the keystrokes.

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I truly feel like dancing to this little gem right here B)

Heard this beauty when I was in the 5th grade! Good stuff, IMO! B)

Yeah, I like disco! Deal with it! :P

What a gem indeed!

If you don't mind me saying, it has a bit of an ABBA meets reggae sound to it. No disrespect meant to this group/singer, ABBA or reggae cause I like em all!

I just heard the band "People in Planes" for the first time today. "Better Than Life" was the tune. A fine example of today's music, wasn't bad at all. So you like stuff from 10, 20, 30 years ago, that's fine, so do I. That is where 80% of the music on my iPod comes from. Hey, weren't The Cars considered disco? I still like them.

For me bands like Led Zeppelin and their music genres have the staying power that other genres don't have. I liked disco in it's day, not enough to buy the music, but enough to appreciate the talent that existed in those bands. I'm not sad that it didn't last though.

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What made it stupid wasn't the sentiment, but the fact that it destroyed the field at Comiskey Park and forced the White Sox to forfeit the game. I mean, that shit tore huge chunks out of the grass in the outfield.

That's what made them morons.

The world is full of MORONS, hahahahahhahahaha:):):)

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