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Best LA 75


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The 25th is most definately worth picking up, I'm always supprized it doesnt get more praise given that its probabley Millards best 75 recording. NQ and TU arent quite as good as the 27th for me(although I consider those the best ever versions) but all round I think its probabley the best performance. The first third has some dodgy monments like most 75 shows but DAC is a killer all the way though(probabley my most listened to 75 version) and even MD is lively.

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03-27, especially the NQ. I will have to revisit the Trampled from that show as I currently consider 03-25 the best but thats sort of based on the quote from Louis Rey about it, something like "organized musical chaos". It really is unique but if the 27th is the same format but longer/better I would definitely give that the nod.

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As one who was at all three shows, I also say "GET 'EM ALL!"

Actually, maybe it's because I have a bad copy, but my version(EVSD's Deep Throat Part 2) of the Mike Millard tape from March 25 has some weird sound issues...like Jimmy's guitar floats around in weird ways. My memory isn't good enough for me to recall if there were PA issues at the concert that would perhaps account for this.

Anyway, thanks to the inclusion of Since I've Been Loving You, and because both the last wah-wah jam at the end of Dazed & Confused AND the EPIC funk jam/Theremin duel with Plant during Whole Lotta Love are the longest and spaciest of the tour...not to mention a GREAT No Quarter; all that and more leads me to declare the March 27th Forum show to be the best of the 3 Forum gigs.

PLUS Jimmy was wearing the black dragon pants for the first time; so you can visualize THAT while you listen to the boot!

But while we're on the topic of LA 75, let's not forget about Long Beach; specifically the March 12 Long Beach show, which I also attended, and still claim to this day as one of the best Zeppelin shows ever, let alone the best of 1975.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the boot is overloaded with bass(at least until Stairway)...but if you have an Equalizer then you can decrease the bass to where it is listenable and you can hear the band's performance is excellent all-around. And you get an almost complete Crunge!

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You said it Silver Rider! SO MUCH FUN...and BEYOND!

People listen to bootlegs, whether soundboard or audience, and want to nitpick. Blah blah blah.

Not to be arrogant or...what's the word, strident, haha...but let me tell you all something; nobody, and I mean NOBODY was walking out of those 1975 LA Forum shows disappointed.

You know that Houses of the Holy ad that said "the effect was shattering" or something like that?

Well that was LZ in 1975...heavy as fuck and crush-your-skull shatteringly LOUD and INTENSE!

Take it from one who was there. :)

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As one who was at all three shows, I also say "GET 'EM ALL!"

Actually, maybe it's because I have a bad copy, but my version(EVSD's Deep Throat Part 2) of the Mike Millard tape from March 25 has some weird sound issues...like Jimmy's guitar floats around in weird ways. My memory isn't good enough for me to recall if there were PA issues at the concert that would perhaps account for this.

Certainly sounds more like a PA issue than a recording one to me and I'v seen others comment the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I honesly can't remember if I have any of these shows (have to dig through my zep tub).

Can anyone provide AUD/SBD quality of these 3 shows?

All three are Millard recordings so the quality is excellent.

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I have the Empress Valley's entire Deep Throat Set Parts 1, 2 and 3 on 9 cds, which are Mike Millard's tapes of all three Forum shows in probably the best sound yet.

I also have both Long Beach shows: the March 11, 1975 I have in both the Mike Millard recording and the soundboard via Godfatherecord's "The American Return", which doesn't have the speed problems the other versions have.

I have the best quality version I've heard yet of the superior(performance-wise) March 12 Log Beach Arena show: Badgeholder's "Taking No Prisoners Tonight", which has another audience source (heavy on the bass) for the majority of the show, until Mike Millard's recording(OUTSTANDING SOUND!) takes over from the middle of Stairway on through the encores. In case you don't know, the reason Mike's recording started late is because he got caught in traffic when there was an accident on the freeway on the way to the show.

And if you're interested, I have both San Diego shows from March 10 and March 14, 1975...the version I have of the March 14 show is Empress Valley's "Conspiracy Theory"; don't know off hand which release of the 10th I have.

Frankly, neither of these shows are of note...not when compared to the other shows on the West Coast Swing: Long Beach, Vancouver, Seattle, and L.A.

I could burn these on cd-r's and do a trade with you, if you want. There's still some Zep shows I'm looking for and perhaps you have them.

I neither have the capability, the equipment, the time, nor the know-how in turning my cd's into computer or torrent files for downloading purposes.

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All three are Millard recordings so the quality is excellent.

duh, makes sense, i should have known that lol.

Millard is hands down the best audience concert recorder ever. Im gonna nab all 3 these shows this wknd.

My zeppelin tub is getting full.


Yea i know he was in a car wreck before that show and got the last bit of the show. I have conspiracy theory, and the other san diego show.

I don't do the trading thing though, thanks though man.

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