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^ yes and no, the giants didn't look that great back in 08...but they they have the parts to get through - good running game, great receivers and an underrated pass rush/defensive line. Those are solid foundations - and they didn't have them all in place until now. The major weakness is offensive line - which is what the Saints have and may be the difference in taking them all the way!

The Saints are ranked within the top 10 (offensively) Their Defense is not what it was two years ago (Superbowl year), but it's not that shabby either. I don't wanna speculate on the upcoming game too much, but I do feel pretty confident about it and I'm not really all that concerned. If The Saints continue to play like they are capable of from here on out-they have a good chance of putting on another ring.

I worry a bit about them playing Green Bay away from home, because of the weather and Green Bay may be the only team fit to beat The Saints depending on what teams show up that day. Are they better than the Saints? I don't really belive, but they are probably as good.

I have nothing against Green Bay and they are a likeable team, but the commercials with Rodgers and the "SB belt motions" is a little sarcastic and cocky. But that's OK-The Saints will eat that up as they will be The Underdog if that match up occurs, and like myself-The Saints prefer it that way.........

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The Saints are ranked within the top 10 (offensively)

Of course they do - they have what 8 potential scoring options!?! Doesn't mean they'll score as much on a slow trek like SF has. Like I said, they have a great O-line which will give Brees that extra 1/2 second to make decisions.....which is HUGE! I think that gives them an advantage over all - what they do with it is up to them! Remember Seattle!

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Of course they do - they have what 8 potential scoring options!?! Doesn't mean they'll score as much on a slow trek like SF has. Like I said, they have a great O-line which will give Brees that extra 1/2 second to make decisions.....which is HUGE! I think that gives them an advantage over all - what they do with it is up to them! Remember Seattle!

Yes, I remember that sickening game. I won't make excuses for that like some do, but truth is-they were banged up at that point in time. Not to say that was the reason they lost, but they weren't healthy. That was embarassing. As you may recall, Seattle was a 7-9 team at that point and barely made the playoffs.....That made for a tuff thing to swallow.

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Yes, I remember that sickening game. I won't make excuses for that like some do, but truth is-they were banged up at that point in time. Not to say that was the reason they lost, but they weren't healthy. That was embarassing. As you may recall, Seattle was a 7-9 team at that point and barely made the playoffs.....That made for a tuff thing to swallow.

The Bills were one play away from beating them too. One short throw by Fitzmagic and that was all she wrote. Ha. That is what some stupid local shirts are saying in stores. I learned my lesson as I have my Edwards jersey hanging in the closet collecting dust. Never buy a jersey with a name unless its someone like Manning or Brady.

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Strider, if you think New England and Denver is a toss up you should grab the 13 1/2 points and run with it.

Allow me to clarify...what I mean by "tossup" is that I can't decide if it'll be a blowout or a close game. I think New England will win, but I'm not sure by how much...and 13.5 points is a lot to give away to a team with God apparently on its side.

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Allow me to clarify...what I mean by "tossup" is that I can't decide if it'll be a blowout or a close game. I think New England will win, but I'm not sure by how much...and 13.5 points is a lot to give away to a team with God apparently on its side.

Well they did not fare very well in Buffalo so I rather doubt they will in New England. Elway never lost to New England and Denver was their jinx team. But those days are long gone. This Denver team I just cant see them stopping Brady. Still think Baltimore finds a way in the AFC.

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^^^Do you mean you like Baltimore to make the Super Bowl? Or are you just referring to the Houston game?

I like Baltimore against Houston. I like Baltimore against Denver...part of me wants to see Denver beat New England just so the world can see Ray Lewis and Baltimore's defense eat Tim Tebow for lunch.

Baltimore against New England? Not so much...especially since the game will be at New England.

Walter, God took the last few weeks of the season off so he could get more profitable odds on the Broncos for the playoffs.

Anybody catch ESPN First Take this morning? One of the topics was who would you take in their prime: Brett Favre or Aaron Rodgers?

I know there's a lot of hate for Favre now, especially for how he became a drama queen late in his career...I can't stand Favre myself. But I'm old enough to remember Brett's prime and as much as I love Aaron Rodgers and the class with which he conducted himself during the whole Favre or Rodgers thing, and I even think Rodgers will eventually surpass Favre in championships and numbers...all that said, to see Brett Favre play football during that stretch in the 90s was something special to see.

Right now, I still give Brett Favre in his prime a slight edge over Aaron Rodgers.

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The Bills were one play away from beating them too. One short throw by Fitzmagic and that was all she wrote. Ha. That is what some stupid local shirts are saying in stores. I learned my lesson as I have my Edwards jersey hanging in the closet collecting dust. Never buy a jersey with a name unless its someone like Manning or Brady.

It you recall, Saints beat the hell out of New England and embarassed Indy and Manning in the Superbowl. If I was you, I'd purchase a Drew Brees jersey. It won't collect dust.

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But Favre had to beat some very good Dallas teams.

And he never did! Ah, the good ole days......:) I still say Favre tried to squeeze the ball in there too often to be considered even better than Rodgers is right now. However, for Rodgers' career to be better he will need longevity - like Farve had (or a sh!t load of Super Bowl rings!).

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And he never did! Ah, the good ole days......:) I still say Favre tried to squeeze the ball in there too often to be considered even better than Rodgers is right now. However, for Rodgers' career to be better he will need longevity - like Farve had (or a sh!t load of Super Bowl rings!).

And they'll both STILL have to take a back seat to Mr. Bart Starr, number 15 in your program, who led Green Bay to FIVE Championships.

And HE beat Dallas...remember the ICE BOWL?

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Bart Starr unfortunately gets lost in modern day arguments about who's the best ever. I agree, Starr has five rings. Not only did he beat Dallas, he also had to beat excellent New York Giant teams earlier and then had to beat the AFL best. Starr did it all.

Until Rodgers gets five rings, to me Starr remains the Packers all time best QB.

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Quarterbacks have it so easy today compared to back then. Receivers and qbs could be brutalized back in the 60s. Now you barely breathe on a qb and you get flagged.

Plus, quarterbacks were responsible for calling the plays back then. They didn't have some coach calling in the plays from the sideline like they do today.

Meanwhile, am I hearing people right? It seems like a lot of people are picking the Giants over Green Bay this week.

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A few years ago I watched a documentary about the NFL in the 1950's. Talk about brutal; clothesline tackles, head slaps, free shots on the quarterback, tackling out of bounds routinely, it was a marvel to watch how they used to play. Most of that carried over to the 1960's and early 1970's too. Pro football today has little resemblance to how it used to be played.

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It was very brutal, plus the padding was nonexistent.

Today it is about what happens to brain with those spectacular hits the players take. Plus guys are playing at such a young age taking so many hits to the head over the duration of their playing years. I remember one shot I took back in high school that rocked my world - made the mistake of looking up for the ball on a punt coverage play....saw some serious stars and had a headache after. I can't even imagine how it feels to take the hits they do in major college ball and in the pros!

Those early years of the NFL, and after the merge, were lawless though!

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Its tough to comapre quarterbacks. Bradshaw and Starr have the trophys but were they really better than Marino or Montana? Hell no. Or kelly for that matter. Yeah, Ill put my boy Kelly and Aikman on there too. But Johnny Unitas and Joe Namath to me were the best pure passers I ever saw along with Montana. Sammy Baugh is probably in there but was before all our times. If you told me I had to pick only one, it would be a toss up between Unitas and Montana.

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Hi all,

Quarterbacks have it so easy today compared to back then. Receivers and qbs could be brutalized back in the 60s. Now you barely breathe on a qb and you get flagged

When Marino set the standard that was also true.

Plus, quarterbacks were responsible for calling the plays back then. They didn't have some coach calling in the plays from the sideline like they do today.

Not all Manning calls his own plays,so does Brady,...

Meanwhile, am I hearing people right? It seems like a lot of people are picking the Giants over Green Bay this week.

That will be a hell of game!


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Hi all,

When Marino set the standard that was also true.

Not all Manning calls his own plays,so does Brady,...

That will be a hell of game!


iF Green Bay does indeed win it will be tough for the winner of SF and NO to win in extreme cold conditions that likely will be the case for the tite game? Big advantage for Green Bay just like it always was for the Billls when they were good with Kelly.

It would be interesting if they ever got rid of the current formant and then you could get perhaps New England playing Green Bay in a title game before the Super Bowl and no real advantage based on weather.

Back to the weekend games the cold in New England will have no effect on the Broncos but one has to wonder if Tebow dislikes it? He played for Florida. I do not remember how cold it was in Buffalo the day he got embarrased up there? To me the true mystery game is Houston at Baltimore. This is one that could be a shocker perhaps? I can see Houston making a game of it. But I would be surprised to see them win outright. Either team will be New Englands worst nightmare and I say the Pats go down for sure if its Baltimore. Belechek did not address his defensive problems and expects Brady can overcome it. But how? With what running game? With Wes Welker against the world? No way.

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^^^Don't forget about those beasts at Tight End for New England, LZF77...it's not just Wes Welker. But I agree about New England's defensive liabilities and depending on how Flacco looks against Houston, I could see Baltimore knocking off New England this year.

Interesting stat...after starting 10-0, Brady is 4-4 in his last 8 playoff games. 0-3 for his last three!!!

Okay, it's the day before the games, and though I'm not betting this week(lost enough already with LSU gagging Monday), if I was betting, here's how I would pick 'em:

To win: San Francisco, New England, Baltimore, Green Bay.

Using the point spread: San Francisco +4, Denver + 13.5, Baltimore + 7.5, NY Giants + 8.

Why San Francisco? I don't know...it's just a funny feeling I have...a hunch. Every week there's always at least one wacky upset, and I think San Francisco pulls it off this week.

I don't think Houston can do it...Baltimore eats rookie quarterbacks for breakfast. Green Bay and New England will win, but their defenses can be scored upon so I wouldn't be confident laying so many points.

Should be some good games this weekend...can't wait til tomorrow!

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^^^Don't forget about those beasts at Tight End for New England, LZF77...it's not just Wes Welker. But I agree about New England's defensive liabilities and depending on how Flacco looks against Houston, I could see Baltimore knocking off New England this year.

Interesting stat...after starting 10-0, Brady is 4-4 in his last 8 playoff games. 0-3 for his last three!!!

Okay, it's the day before the games, and though I'm not betting this week(lost enough already with LSU gagging Monday), if I was betting, here's how I would pick 'em:

To win: San Francisco, New England, Baltimore, Green Bay.

Using the point spread: San Francisco +4, Denver + 13.5, Baltimore + 7.5, NY Giants + 8.

Why San Francisco? I don't know...it's just a funny feeling I have...a hunch. Every week there's always at least one wacky upset, and I think San Francisco pulls it off this week.

I don't think Houston can do it...Baltimore eats rookie quarterbacks for breakfast. Green Bay and New England will win, but their defenses can be scored upon so I wouldn't be confident laying so many points.

Should be some good games this weekend...can't wait til tomorrow!

I am in agreement with pretty much all you said except I do not like Denver even with the points. I just cant get that ass whipping in Buffalo out of my head with Tebow. I do not see them having a shot against a rested Pats team and Belechek having two weeks to mastermind whatever it takes. Denver will need three turnover to cover let alone win.

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Hi all,

Great analysis Strider! When are you going to write for nfl.com? :D


^^^Don't forget about those beasts at Tight End for New England, LZF77...it's not just Wes Welker. But I agree about New England's defensive liabilities and depending on how Flacco looks against Houston, I could see Baltimore knocking off New England this year.

Interesting stat...after starting 10-0, Brady is 4-4 in his last 8 playoff games. 0-3 for his last three!!!

Okay, it's the day before the games, and though I'm not betting this week(lost enough already with LSU gagging Monday), if I was betting, here's how I would pick 'em:

To win: San Francisco, New England, Baltimore, Green Bay.

Using the point spread: San Francisco +4, Denver + 13.5, Baltimore + 7.5, NY Giants + 8.

Why San Francisco? I don't know...it's just a funny feeling I have...a hunch. Every week there's always at least one wacky upset, and I think San Francisco pulls it off this week.

I don't think Houston can do it...Baltimore eats rookie quarterbacks for breakfast. Green Bay and New England will win, but their defenses can be scored upon so I wouldn't be confident laying so many points.

Should be some good games this weekend...can't wait til tomorrow!

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