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2011 NFL Football Thread


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Can't believe Charles Haley and Coach Parcells didn't make it into the HOF. Must be a flawed system when a player who has the most SB rings and was a game changer everytime he walked onto the field, isn't in again!

Talk time is almost over.....let's get it on!!

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Hi Juliet! Thanks for bringing a little estrogen to this thread...it was starting to resemble and smell like a sausage factory.

I am personally hoping Madge does "Ray of Light"...yes, I am a Madonna fan...and I think "Holiday" is a good possibility. I don't think "Like a Virgin" will pass Fox TV's muster...since Justin Timberlake ripped Janet Jackson's bra off, the networks are leary of anything that could offend the tv audience. Add in the fact that this Super Bowl is in bland Indiana, which probably still has "Blue Laws", and I think you can cross "...Virgin", "Papa Don't Preach", and "Justify My Love" off the list of songs she'll perform.

"Holiday" and her new single with M.I.A. are obvious no-brainers for the setlist. Besides "Ray of Light"(easily one of my favourite Madonna Songs), I would also like to hear that song she did for the Austin Powers movie...imagine the costume and choreography possibilities for that one!

Oh, and I think "Music" would be a good choice...and "Lucky Star" could be a possibilty.

Strange as it may seem to some of you, I am looking forward to Madonna's halftime set more than I was to the Rolling Stones or Tom Petty's. Madonna's music has the surface sheen and commercial glitz that fits in with the corporate orgy of the Super Bowl better than the gritty, earthy likes of the Stones, Petty or Springsteen. I always watch those halftime shows with a mixture of horror and fascination. It was so jarring to me.

But Madonna embraces the pop and commercial ethic...and I have no problem with that; I like pop...as long as it is good pop. Her doing the Super Bowl is a natural fit. Plus, her songs are more suited for the "medley" treatment which is standard in these halftime shows.

And, she's American...sorry, I don't want no Limeys at my Super Bowl. ;)

Hi Strider;

I appreciate your reply..I just thought of another tune that might be ok... Where's The Party? from True Blue

I suppose it's to late to change the set list...

Edited by Juliet
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Whew! Just finished all the food...made the guacamole, mac n cheese, zucchini, mozzarella and tomatoes, and chocolate chip cookies(actually more like chocolate chunk).

Other people are bringing other things...time to fire up the grill for the steaks and veggie skewers.

Hope all of you enjoy YOUR Super Bowl Sunday!

Factoid #306: In 4 Super Bowl rematches(San Francisco vs. Cincinnati; Pittsburgh vs. Dallas; Dallas vs. Buffalo), the winner of the first Super Bowl matchup is 3-1 in the rematch.

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I am so sick of Belechek playing the refs. Constantly trying to get the calls. And he gets a gift on a running play when the Giants were moving the ball. Pricki

I must have missed something...

When the Patriots kicked the ball away on 4th and 1 though ... I wanted to throw my remote at the tv...

Pretty even so far... Giants looked scary ... but that last Patriots drive was pretty awesome..

Edited by the chase
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