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Brainstorming: what should be Jimmy Page's new album titled?


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Doubt we're ever going to see a new album unfortunately, it's almost halfway through the year and there's been no news of anything up and coming from Jimmy. I don't mind if he doesn't want to do anything, but I just wish he'd stop giving all of his fans false hope by saying things like "I plan to have it out at the end of the year' 'I'm eager to play live' etc. If he is so eager to play live why isn't he doing so?

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I will play along.

How about: "Living and Loving the USA- Now that bin Laden is DEAD!!!"


"JIMMY PAGE AND HIS TEAM 6". The most "badass" motherfuckers who could play any instrument and kick ASS anywhere in the World.

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Turn the PAGE- Next Chapter

For me, I still have faith in his musical ability. But, if he never hits a stage again or makes another album I'll keep listening to what he has provided over the years :yesnod:

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Off the Couch

I fully realize that this topic is purely hypothetical, however, for someone who professes to be so knowledgeable about Led Zeppelin and the activities of every member (especially Mr. Page), I take that as an insult. That is unless you do happen to know personally that Jimmy Page as been on the couch for all this time and your "Off the Couch" means that Jimmy has finally gotten "up" to record a new album.

I myself have stated that I believe that Jimmy Page is "semi-retired". Obviously I really do not know what Jimmy Page has slated for His future and I really hope that I am very wrong.

I really think that a cool name for His new album, if there is one, would be something like: Jimmy Page - Special Forces, or something to that effect.

Because we all know that Jimmy Page is Special and still a Force to be reckoned with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I fully realize that this topic is purely hypothetical, however, for someone who professes to be so knowledgeable about Led Zeppelin and the activities of every member (especially Mr. Page), I take that as an insult. That is unless you do happen to know personally that Jimmy Page as been on the couch for all this time and your "Off the Couch" means that Jimmy has finally gotten "up" to record a new album.

I myself have stated that I believe that Jimmy Page is "semi-retired". Obviously I really do not know what Jimmy Page has slated for His future and I really hope that I am very wrong.

I really think that a cool name for His new album, if there is one, would be something like: Jimmy Page - Special Forces, or something to that effect.

Because we all know that Jimmy Page is Special and still a Force to be reckoned with.

Off the counch implies action. It is simple and to the point. Not an insult at all. Couches are places of reflection, thought and reading, not just for watching tv.

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