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Does JPJ hate ITTOD?


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Well now I'm back.

I never said he hated the album, I just don't know of another reason he won't play those songs live AT ALL. IMHO the album is just as good as the others but he himself might not think that (hence my question).

I figured the reason he doesn't do a lot of Zep in his solo sets is because he's concentrating on his own material, not because of any sort of dislike (or "hate") of the work he did with Zeppelin.

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The reasons Jonesy may have not played music off LZ I or II wouldn't even be the same reasons as ITTOD. I & II are light years better than ITTOD. When I saw JPJ, he did some bass stuff very reminicent of The Lemon Song on bass. His styling was much closer to the early Zep than the latter.

So, since he played in a style reminiscent to "The Lemon Song", but never played anything off Zep II - then he must hate it then! Otherwise he would have played something, such as TLS, during the show. Oh yeah, Zep II is light years better than ITTOD according to you so he must have checked with you on what to play. What a stupid arguement that is! :slapface:

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Short answer is no. there is no evidence anywhere to support otherwise.

My thoughts are its a great album period. Its the only album that is not heavily influenced by Jimmy, for obvious reasons.

And why is ths thread in the Live section?

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