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Jimmy Page Says...


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Perhaps it's being channeled by someone we're all familiar with! :wizard:

Could it be "the Lady we ALL Know - who (just so happens to) shine white light and

would want to show how everything STILL turns to gold?

VERY Insightful SuperD! A+ for you tonight!

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I've been to the jimmypage.com site everyday and have just noticed the outline of the hourglass radiating a brighter

light off and on. I would have noticed this before had it been evident - but this is a new effect on the countdown page.

Don't know what it means but it is new and now the hourglass seems ready to burst!

Don't get your panties in a bunch. That effect has been there since the beginning. I noticed it back when it started...

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The release date may say 2011, but it's the same Jimmy, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Nicky Hopkins and whoever else was there jamming back in the 60's that's been repackaged and re-released more times than I can count. Not to mention that it was never meant to be released to begin with. The theft of these tapes and subsequent release was the source of Clapton's unwarranted anger at Jimmy for years. He thought Jimmy was responsible for the release.

Oh, and as a guy, I don't get bent out of shape if the girls want to talk about Jimmy in ways other than what chord is he playing on this tune...and to be fair, Melanie did preface her comments with a "girly questions" warning. So let's stop with the "sweetie" diminutives.

Led Zeppelin isn't just for guys. In fact, one of the reasons they were above all their rivals was their ability to draw the fairer sex in ways and numbers the other bands couldn't dream of. And it particularly bothers me when some on the board try to demean or belittle the women here, as if the guys only have something worthy to say.

For me, a woman's views on Zeppelin are just as valid and interesting as any guy's...and if that includes a brief excursion into the scent of Jimmy Page? Well, better that than another looney chat about supposed backwards-masking or devil-worship, which has been blown up all out of proportion.

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The release date may say 2011, but it's the same Jimmy, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Nicky Hopkins and whoever else was there jamming back in the 60's that's been repackaged and re-released more times than I can count. Not to mention that it was never meant to be released to begin with. The theft of these tapes and subsequent release was the source of Clapton's unwarranted anger at Jimmy for years. He thought Jimmy was responsible for the release.

Oh, and as a guy, I don't get bent out of shape if the girls want to talk about Jimmy in ways other than what chord is he playing on this tune...and to be fair, Melanie did preface her comments with a "girly questions" warning. So let's stop with the "sweetie" diminutives.

Led Zeppelin isn't just for guys. In fact, one of the reasons they were above all their rivals was their ability to draw the fairer sex in ways and numbers the other bands couldn't dream of. And it particularly bothers me when some on the board try to demean or belittle the women here, as if the guys only have something worthy to say.

For me, a woman's views on Zeppelin are just as valid and interesting as any guy's...and if that includes a brief excursion into the scent of Jimmy Page? Well, better that than another looney chat about supposed backwards-masking or devil-worship, which has been blown up all out of proportion.

thanks, strider!

in fact, i get a little peeved at certain posters who carry on about questions people ask. i mean, just ignore it if it doesn't interest you!

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The release date may say 2011, but it's the same Jimmy, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Nicky Hopkins and whoever else was there jamming back in the 60's that's been repackaged and re-released more times than I can count. Not to mention that it was never meant to be released to begin with. The theft of these tapes and subsequent release was the source of Clapton's unwarranted anger at Jimmy for years. He thought Jimmy was responsible for the release.

Oh, and as a guy, I don't get bent out of shape if the girls want to talk about Jimmy in ways other than what chord is he playing on this tune...and to be fair, Melanie did preface her comments with a "girly questions" warning. So let's stop with the "sweetie" diminutives.

Led Zeppelin isn't just for guys. In fact, one of the reasons they were above all their rivals was their ability to draw the fairer sex in ways and numbers the other bands couldn't dream of. And it particularly bothers me when some on the board try to demean or belittle the women here, as if the guys only have something worthy to say.

For me, a woman's views on Zeppelin are just as valid and interesting as any guy's...and if that includes a brief excursion into the scent of Jimmy Page? Well, better that than another looney chat about supposed backwards-masking or devil-worship, which has been blown up all out of proportion.

Man I'll second that with every piece of my being :D . Of course Led Zeppelin is not only about the visual aspect, it's the music which drew me, personally, to the band. I liked em even before I knew what they all looked like, let alone smell like lol

Back to topic: I had never actually noticed the bright shine in the hourglass, but it's there and it's brighter than ever which makes all this even more exciting. I do hope Jimmy meets our expectations..

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The release date may say 2011, but it's the same Jimmy, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Nicky Hopkins and whoever else was there jamming back in the 60's that's been repackaged and re-released more times than I can count. Not to mention that it was never meant to be released to begin with. The theft of these tapes and subsequent release was the source of Clapton's unwarranted anger at Jimmy for years. He thought Jimmy was responsible for the release.

Oh, and as a guy, I don't get bent out of shape if the girls want to talk about Jimmy in ways other than what chord is he playing on this tune...and to be fair, Melanie did preface her comments with a "girly questions" warning. So let's stop with the "sweetie" diminutives.

Led Zeppelin isn't just for guys. In fact, one of the reasons they were above all their rivals was their ability to draw the fairer sex in ways and numbers the other bands couldn't dream of. And it particularly bothers me when some on the board try to demean or belittle the women here, as if the guys only have something worthy to say.

For me, a woman's views on Zeppelin are just as valid and interesting as any guy's...and if that includes a brief excursion into the scent of Jimmy Page? Well, better that than another looney chat about supposed backwards-masking or devil-worship, which has been blown up all out of proportion.

Thank you Strider. bravo.gif

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