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End Of The World Prophecy-May 21, 2011


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I have a friend that's a religious right wing nut job. He didn't believe Saturday's end of the world prophecy but he does believe Obama is the Anti-Christ and that the tornadoes we've been having this spring are a sign of the "end times".

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Tell me how you would implement them?

I don't know, I'm not a legislator. Nor am I a mental health professional, though if I had the stomach for it, I would have loved to go into psychiatry and really help people who need it. What I can say though, is the mentally ill in this country are treated nearly as bad as the homeless, if not worse.....and that's not counting the homeless who are mentally ill.

I think writing your Congresscritter and talking about the state of the mentally ill in your area, in regards to facilities at their disposal, hospitals or medical care they have access to, and rehabilitation programs that allow them to re-enter society would be a good starting point. The people who ARE responsible for changing these things won't know to change them unless we as a society decide to quit ignoring these people.

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The new date for the END OF THE WORLD is 21st Oct 2011, as reported on the BBC news :wacko:

Sorry, but he'll have to reschedule it again. That is my birthday, and I refuse to rapture on my birthday. <_<

Edited by Virginia
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There isn't going to be a football season. Aren't they still locked out? Or did you mean college football?

I was thinking college football. But if the NFL doesn't resolve their issues and the season flops, well, that will be the end of the world to many.

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He has now changed the date...For the 3rd time. Oct 21st. Someone should smack this moron.

I will!! But I might take too much pleasure in doing so.

I must admit that I had fun on Saturday with a Rapture party. I am looking forward to 10-21-11 then. I discovered that a good malbec wine goes well with the end of the world and no hangover. Score!

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Besides, everybody knows that Justin Beiber is the anti-Christ, don't they? B)

I'm just thankful to have never heard a single note of his music. Quite the accomplishment considering he's pretty much everywhere these days.

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Well of course the world didn't END when that old coot said it would...God wouldn't end the world BEFORE Robert Plant's tour was over.

Look I know we're supposed to respect our elders, but this charade has gone on for far too long, and it's not just him. It's all the charlatans given a voice on national media these days. Think back to the Y2K-millenium scam.

More and more, I'm reminded of the little-seen movie "Idiocracy" by Mike Judge, the man behind "Office Space". The way the media is sinking lower and lower, and the general public's tastes are dumbed down, it won't be long before the movie plays as documentary.

Case in point is this Camping guy. Years ago, this kook wouldn't have been allowed near a tv studio, except for some religious show or public access.

Every town has some wacko dowtown proclaiming the end of the world. Back in the day before cable news, people just walked on by and IGNORED them. Nobody said "Hey, let's put him on with Walter Cronkike!"

The only media outlet for these nutjobs back then was Art Bell's Coast to Coast radio program, a one-stop shopping mart of UFO's, supernatural phenomena, conspiracy theories, and end-of-world scenarios.

Or there was the zany, laughably bad WEEKLY WORLD NEWS tabloid, home of Bat-Boy and Alien Congressmen.

But now, for some reason CNN and the BBC and the national press devote precious airtime and column inches to the bleatings of a fossil. Fox I can understand, as they'll put any religious wacko on, especially if they bash Obama.

It is sad, truly sad to see how standards have lowered.

As for all the stories about people selling their homes or spending their life savings...they're just more candidates for the Darwin Awards.

Like the saying goes: "A fool and his money are soon parted."

Edited by Strider
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Who would be so foolish to give $$$ to these nutbags in the first place?....and I mean loony politicians, TV preachers and the like too:)

Oh there are some cracked up artists like Ted Nugent who asks for $$$ to sign autographs of course....I dig his music, but I would NEVER pay just to have his sig:):)!!!

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Re: Strider -- That's because Fox News is the propaganda arm of the Christian right wing in this country.

This is what I mean when you reply to other people's comments. Ignorant and Stupid and beyond silly!!! How is Fox News "the propaganda arm of the Christian right wing in this country?" What actual proof do you have to back up your comment? I have to really believe by reading a majority of your replies that you do not really think before you post what you are typing. Maybe some people are afraid to tell you, but I am not. You seem to be lacking in common sense and judgement. Attack me if you so desire, however, I think that you should really re-read what you actually post before you press the add reply button.

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How is Fox News "the propaganda arm of the Christian right wing in this country?" What actual proof do you have to back up your comment?

If it isn't already obvious to you that "Faux" News is far from "fair and balanced" then you're living under a fucking rock. Here's one example but I can cite many, many more. Watch as Jon Stewart puts Bill O' Reilly in his place in these clips. Common coming to the White House was definitely a case of "much ado about nothing".

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If it isn't already obvious to you that "Faux" News is far from "fair and balanced" then you're living under a fucking rock. Here's one example but I can cite many, many more. Watch as Jon Stewart puts Bill O' Reilly in his place in these clips. Common coming to the White House was definitely a case of "much ado about nothing".

You want to know what's incredibly entertaining about the "Common gets invited to the White House" kerfuffle? The fact that George H. W. Bush invited Easy-E to the White House. Yes, Easy-E. The same Easy-E of the rap group NWA, who had a charming little ditty called "Fuck The Police." NWA's lyrics make Common's past lyrical contributions sound like nursery rhymes in comparison.

Or my personal favorite is Fox favorite Ted Nugent telling audience members at a concert that he thought Obama should suck on the barrel of a machine gun. That's the kind of quality we've come to expect from Fox News.

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The good thing about Fox, is that you can immediately tell when you're talking to a Faux-bot because they will recite verbatim the exact same phrases and words used by the Fox talking heads. So it saves time.

Say you're discussing healthcare with someone and they bring up words like "death panel" or "Obama-care"; BINGO! You know you're talking to a Faux-bot and now know it's a waste of time talking any further with this person, and you go merrily on your way.

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Not to get too off-topic, but when I hear/read/see people bitching about Obama's health care plan it makes me laugh, because back in the 1990s, the same thing existed, only it was called "Dolecare." As in Bob Dole. As in a Republican-backed plan. And while Mitt Romney's state-level health care plan didn't work in Massachusetts, it's still very similar to Obama's plan, and he's a Republican as well.

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Not to get too off-topic, but when I hear/read/see people bitching about Obama's health care plan it makes me laugh, because back in the 1990s, the same thing existed, only it was called "Dolecare." As in Bob Dole. As in a Republican-backed plan. And while Mitt Romney's state-level health care plan didn't work in Massachusetts, it's still very similar to Obama's plan, and he's a Republican as well.

I think Obama screwed up because he went too fast. He could have started the process by guaranteeing health care for every child under 18 for less than 30 Billion. Treat 'em and educate them about the benefits of taking care of yourself when you're young....and we would have seen the benefits for generations. Bush faced the same bill and vetoed it. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21111931/ns/politics-white_house/t/bush-vetoes-child-health-insurance-plan/

and as far as ripping on Fox, this oldie but goodie is by far the best of all-time !!


Edited by Bong-Man
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I think Obama screwed up because he went too fast. He could have started the process by guaranteeing health care for every child under 18 for less than 30 Billion. Treat 'em and educate them about the benefits of taking care of yourself when you're young....and we would have seen the benefits for generations. Bush faced the same bill and vetoed it. http://www.msnbc.msn...insurance-plan/

and as far as ripping on Fox, this oldie but goodie is by far the best of all-time !!


I agree with you on two points: One, Obama shouldn't have put all of it on his plate at once, and I think that's part of the reason why there was such a vitriolic reaction to it. His heart was definitely in the right place, but he misplaced his head on that one. Two, Lewis Black ripping Glenn Beck a new asshole will never, never, never NOT be funny.

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