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A Time For Truth -- Tim Pawlenty

The Rover

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  • 4 weeks later...

I watched the Republican Presidential debate the other night on CNN. I was interested to hear Pawlenty for the first time since I had heard his name being floated around for a potential candidate to run against President Obama. After watching the debate I'm not quite sure what people see in him. He seems to be a bad candidate. He had an oppurtunity to go after Romney during the debate with the "Obamnicare" line he had used in an interview just a few days before, and when asked by the moderator why he wasn't referring to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as "Obamnicare," he completely floundered and avoided the question. Good Presidents have to be cautious and analytical, but they also need to be decisive. Pawlenty was not decisive. Heck Herman Cain, a longshot, came off looking a lot better than Pawlenty did.

This is not an attack on Tim Pawlenty's political opinions, just my opinion on his viability as a candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 2012

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The Republicans don't have a good candidate for this presidential election. They are trying to con the people as they have consistently done for too long. But the people need someone honest who can steer the nation away from high unemployment.

The United States has a leadership void in the sense that no candidate has the vision and comprehension of the economy and an understanding that the United States is not just another corporation owned by big business. President Obama is still the best candidate, even with his weak understanding of finance and the economy, because he realizes that the United States includes the whole of the nation's population, not just those who the corporations value. People with more savvy in finance take advantage of the President's lack of sophistication in that area, and they con him.

But the Republicans will tell you that they will cut spending, and then turn around and increase it. The question for you is, how will their policies benefit or harm you? And if they are not really honest, how can you know what you are voting for? The majority of the people will not benefit from the actions of any of the current Republican candidates because they mainly represent special wealthy interests, not the average American.

If the Republicans had someone like Teddy Roosevelt to run in this election, that would close their credibility gap. Former Republican President Theodore Roosevelt was popular with the people because he acted as their steward, and was not a puppet to party politics or controlled by wealthy special interests, making him very trustworthy to the whole of the population. If Teddy Roosevelt were running today against President Obama, Roosevelt could win the election.

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If Teddy Roosevelt were running today against President Obama, Roosevelt could win the election.

If Teddy Roosevelt were running against pretty much anyone (except for maybe Washington, Lincoln, and maybe a few others) he would win the election. He is considered to be one of our finest presidents after all. :)

But I do understand your point that the nation is in desperate need of an honest leader. Most elected officials these days seem to be taking care of #1 instead of trying to do what is best for the country. I will agree with you on that.

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