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High School


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What's your point? I don't care what gender you are, if you fuck around like that, you're a whore. That goes for men and women alike. If those schools were co-ed, I'd have lumped some guys in there too. I know one guy in particular in college who gave 30 girls herpes in one semester. If that's not a whore, I'm not sure what is.

I don't discriminate when it comes to that.

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What's your point? I don't care what gender you are, if you fuck around like that, you're a whore. That goes for men and women alike. If those schools were co-ed, I'd have lumped some guys in there too. I know one guy in particular in college who gave 30 girls herpes in one semester. If that's not a whore, I'm not sure what is.

I don't discriminate when it comes to that.

It takes two to tango. Maybe they needed better adult supervision.

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What's your point? I don't care what gender you are, if you fuck around like that, you're a whore. That goes for men and women alike. If those schools were co-ed, I'd have lumped some guys in there too. I know one guy in particular in college who gave 30 girls herpes in one semester. If that's not a whore, I'm not sure what is.

I don't discriminate when it comes to that.


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What's your point? I don't care what gender you are, if you fuck around like that, you're a whore. That goes for men and women alike. If those schools were co-ed, I'd have lumped some guys in there too. I know one guy in particular in college who gave 30 girls herpes in one semester. If that's not a whore, I'm not sure what is.

I don't discriminate when it comes to that.

Only if you make em pay, otherwise you're a Slag. :o:lol:

Regards, Danny

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I know one guy in particular in college who gave 30 girls herpes in one semester. If that's not a whore, I'm not sure what is.

What a class act. Scum bag might be more appropriate than whore. One would think after infecting a couple, word would get out and everybody would stay away from him. Just sleeping with 30 girls in one semester is quite an accomplishment. He must have had something to offer.

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On the first day of 10th grade (St. Louis), me and 6 of my good friends from our subdivision met early at my friend Willie's house to get stoned before we had to go to the bus stop. We all had about 4 or 5 bong hits from a red 3-foot Graphix that we had. Naturally, we all got real high. Willie's house was at the top of the street so as we were all walking down the street to the bus stop, our friend Paul said that he had left his notebook back at the house. We tell him to hurry up because the bus was coming in a few minutes. The bus comes and we tell the bus driver that Paul had to run up to get his notebook. We all knew the driver because he was the same driver for us last year and a really cool guy. We are all waiting and the driver says we got to go. Our friend John gets off the bus runs up about 50 feet and yells that the bus is leaving. Next thing you know, Paul is cruising down the street on Willie's DiamondBack bike. The driver yells at Paul, "What the hell are you doing? You can't bring that bike on the bus!" Everyone on the bus is laughing but we were laughing louder and harder. Paul had this real embarassed look on his face as he turns around and walks back up the street.

By the way, Paul got a ride to school from his older sister. We all made fun of him for days after that. Maybe you had to be there but I can still picture this scene in my head 25 years later. I am laughing right now.

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The public school I attended, West Limestone, was K-12 and that is where I spent my entire time. It is relatively small; it averaged 900-1000 students while I was there and I suspect it hasn't changed much since then (I only graduated six years ago). There were about 80 in my graduating class. It is out in the country, what many would call "redneck," and they would be justified in saying that: there's a cow pasture behind the football field! :blink:

My school experience was mixed. I was picked on some in elementary and junior high, but I don't really remember any during high school. I was shy and quiet and had almost no friends (I was even voted Shyest in Who's Who my senior year). I did pretty well throughout school but it really picked up in high school. I struggled with math up until the 9th grade but then I had a great teacher who helped the light come on. I switched from the standard to advanced diploma the next year to take the harder math (I liked math so much that I ended up getting a degree in it). I studied so hard up until the last semester of my senior year that I actually graduated first in my class.

I didn't really care for the social aspects of high school and I still remember being insanely restless the last few months of my senior year. I was ready to get out of there! I felt left out most of the time and inferior because I wasn't one of the popular kids. What's sad is I didn't fit in with the unpopular kids either. I was a loner. I wasn't unfriendly to people; just shy. They liked me and thought I was nice and knew that I meant no harm.

I'm thankful I accomplished what I did in high school and college, but I'm glad to be through with school forever! :yay::lol:

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Looks like School wasn't very popular with the more mature members on here...;) And I quite agree with you I hated it, once I was out the door for good, no way was I going back they can keep their reunions.

I cannot think of anything more grisly than going to a school reunion.The place I went to,in itself,was okay and being reasonable at sport,and also just about the tallest kid in my year,I never had any "bother".I can remember bumping into a mate from the place about six months after leaving school and he was getting nostalgic for the place already!I didn't understand it then and I don't understand it now. :slapface:

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My HS years were pretty good. I have kept in touch with most of my good friends and and an ever increasing number of our class are connecting on FB; some of my classmates have gone on to do really interesting things and we all enjoy sharing stories about our kids. I've actually gotten to be better friends recently with a group of women I graduated with than I was in high school (we're all still in the same area).

Funny that I've been thinking about HS more than usual the last few years now that I've had 2 kids in HS (actually, now 1 in HS, 1 in college) and because we're still nearby, I occasionally attend events at my old HS :).

College was pretty great too though :)

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I cannot think of anything more grisly than going to a school reunion.The place I went to,in itself,was okay and being reasonable at sport,and also just about the tallest kid in my year,I never had any "bother".I can remember bumping into a mate from the place about six months after leaving school and he was getting nostalgic for the place already!I didn't understand it then and I don't understand it now.

I don't know. I read Siddhartha and studied Islam in high school and that wasn't so bad.

Edited by Silver Rider
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I cannot think of anything more grisly than going to a school reunion.The place I went to,in itself,was okay and being reasonable at sport,and also just about the tallest kid in my year,I never had any "bother".I can remember bumping into a mate from the place about six months after leaving school and he was getting nostalgic for the place already!I didn't understand it then and I don't understand it now. :slapface:

I suppose it would matter how well you enjoyed school, if you still live nearby to it, and if you're still friends with people you went to school with. For me, it was two out of three -- there was just no way I could get from North Carolina to Chicago in a reasonable amount of time, especially since I don't fly.

With Facebook and Twitter, I still talk to a lot of them even now, so it wasn't quite like when my parents graduated in 1967, where if you didn't stay in the area, you fell out of touch with everyone.

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Not really wild or anything but kind of funny nonetheless. About two weeks ago me and two of my friends were invited to a party. It was kinda awkward because we were the only freshmen there. The rest were sophomores. So around 45 minutes in we started getting bored, so we decided to make grilled cheese. We got the ironing board out and iron out and got some bread and cheese and made some grilled cheese. We had a whole operation going on.

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When I was a senior in high school I had a girlfriend named Amy. We started going out as juniors. There was another girl named Marie who really liked me even though she knew that Amy was my girlfriend. This Marie really hated Amy and was very jealous of her. I had a couple of classes with Marie and even though I was with Amy, I was very attracted to Marie as well. Marie was my lab partner in chemistry class and we would flirt with each other all the time. Of course Amy did not know this, however, Amy hated Marie as well. Of course I loved and took advantage of this situation.

Anyway, Marie knew that I was already a huge Led Zeppelin fan (Amy too). One day Marie gives me this brand new 6x6 white sticker with black lettering that said, "LET THE MUSIC BE YOUR MASTER, WILL YOU HEED THE MASTER'S CALL?". Just this sticker with this quote and no mention of Led Zeppelin anywhere on it. Marie was a bit innocent and naive but she knew this was a Led Zeppelin reference (quote) and had the nerve to steal it for me. She had gotten this sticker from the guy whos locker was right next to hers. She had seen him open up his locker hundreds of times and had his locker combination memorized. She told me when she gave it to me that she felt that I deserved it more than the guy whos locker it was from.

Believe it or not, I still have this sticker even though all this happened about 22 years ago. I would love to scan it so everyone could see it, however, I have yet to learn how to do such high-tech things.

Just another one of my high school "Good Times" memories.

Edited by lzzoso
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^ :lol:

On another note, funny but I never used the terms freshmen, sophomore, junior or senior back in school or even now. I say 9th grader, 10th grader etc.

I had a great time in High School, but out of school while cutting classes. I have tons more memories of things I did while away from the campus. It was a much better learning experience. ;)

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^ :lol:

On another note, funny but I never used the terms freshmen, sophomore, junior or senior back in school or even now. I say 9th grader, 10th grader etc.

I had a great time in High School, but out of school while cutting classes. I have tons more memories of things I did while away from the campus. It was a much better learning experience. ;)

It's hard being a parent, I keep on remembering the stuff I got away with, and I can't believe my kids don't want to at least do the same.

My daughter and bf have been upstairs talking endlessly and bf seems like a really nice guy, straight A student, has a job, parents are well-off :P, etc.

Problem is, I think I must be 16 years old mentally, I sympathise with them and it's hard being strict.

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It's hard being a parent, I keep on remembering the stuff I got away with, and I can't believe my kids don't want to at least do the same.

My daughter and bf have been upstairs talking endlessly and bf seems like a really nice guy, straight A student, has a job, parents are well-off :P, etc.

Problem is, I think I must be 16 years old mentally, I sympathise with them and it's hard being strict.

But he's never been married before or had to be responsible for a wife and children and he's just not ready for that yet, Mom? So, when are they moving out of your house into their own?

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But he's never been married before or had to be responsible for a wife and children and he's just not ready for that yet, Mom? So, when are they moving out of your house into their own?

Thanks I love that song!

Don't worry, I am keeping my eye on them...

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Thanks I love that song!

Don't worry, I am keeping my eye on them...

Ah well, real estate isn't easy to afford these days unless you have a down payment. You can't really blame them if they're still in high school. But I recall when I was in the 5th grade and the 16 year old girl next door got pregnant; her family moved away because everyone was too embarrassed to stay. And I recall the time someone wheeled a 15 year old into the hospital screaming in pain and ready to give birth, but totally unprepared. It seems that those most vulnerable and in need of prenatal care get overlooked because they're preoccupied with hiding their pregnancies from their parents, teachers and schoolmates. What would you do if you were 16, pregnant and still living at home with your parents? It's a time when a young woman has to decide what to do, and the choices can be difficult. I guess that's why dowries are popular in some cultures because they provide some financial stablity for a young couple getting started in life. Glad you're keeping an eye on them.

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I hated the schoolin' part of high school. We got high all the time though so that was fun.... I think. There was one teacher that was a knockout and would dress in see thru blouses with frilly bras..... Those things are burned into my memory banks.

The parties were great fun. The river used to freeze over and we would have big parties on them. 500 kids parked in the middle of a river on 4 feet of ice with a bon fire made of pallets burning on the snow and ice.... And that teacher is probably 60 years old now....

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i went to a co-ed public high school, and really had an enjoyable time there.

made some life-long friends that i still keep in touch with ( facebook is great for that ).

it was in a high school music lesson that i tried to introduce the class to led zep. we had to choose a band and give a talk on them, and play some of their music. at that time i was about 15, and really knew very little about the band, i just knew that i loved the music! so i had this huge poster of robert that had some info on the back ( it was actually like a fold out mini magazine . ), so i read from it and then put the poster up on the blackboard and playeed them trampled underfoot, kashmir and stairway ( we had limited time ). they all just sat there stunned!

we had a 10, 20 and 30 year reunion ( i left in 1978 ).

at the 10 year one i was 8months pregnant with my first child, so couldn't drink, but still really enjoyed seeing everyone again.

at the 20 year one i was divorced and had left the area, so again, it was great to catch up with everyone.

at the 30 year one, i was single and got talking to an old classmate, who told me that an old flame of mine was also single ( his older brother ) ..... and we got in contact again and we are now engaged and living together!

so, now i advise people to attend reunions .... you never know what can happen!

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