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Love Her Or Hate Her?


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Don't really devote a lot of time thinking of her one way or another. Not because I hate her, but mostly because I'm not part of her demographic so it would be foolish to expect her music to speak to me.

That said, what I have heard, while obviously owing something to Madonna, it's not the worst dance music I've heard. And I get a kick out of the crazy costumes. Every generation of kids needs a pop princess and now that Madonna is too old for the part, there's nothing wrong with Lady Gaga taking over. Better her than Britney Spears or Miley Cyrus, IMO.

Funnily enough, I went to Yoko Ono's concert for John Lennon last year and Lady Gaga came out and sang, and you see that she has a great voice. She's a better natural voice than Madonna...why she chooses to hide it behind that awful autotune is beyond me.

I'm guessing it's on the advice of the marketing geniuses who direct her career.

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She writes the music as well, she's an actual musician. She started out as more of a rock musician but was convinced by her producer/mentor at the time that women have absolutely no chance in rock music and she should switch to dance/pop. Not my cuppa tea, but she's alright. One of the few artists who's selling millions these days.

Here's young Stefani covering Led Zep!

As I said before, selling many records is NOT an indication of WIMPLESS music or art :):)!! LGG switched to disco/pop because ahe didn't have the talent and guts to do WIMPLESS rock :):):)

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I kind of like her.. None of her songs have jumped out at me .... at all... But she's a gutsy performer. She definately has talent.

I see the obvious Madonna Influence. But I also see Dale bozzio, from Missing Persons, and some Marilyn Manson as well. I wouldn't call her a rip off.

She says she's a huge Iron Maiden fan.. I would like to see her do something very heavy..

The day I see and hear her do WIMPLESS music, maybe I will change my mind...I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel for her though :)

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She writes the music as well, she's an actual musician. She started out as more of a rock musician but was convinced by her producer/mentor at the time that women have absolutely no chance in rock music and she should switch to dance/pop. Not my cuppa tea, but she's alright. One of the few artists who's selling millions these days.

Here's young Stefani covering Led Zep! http://www.youtube.c...h?v=o4Y97HXlq-4

Lady Gaga is credited as the writer on all her songs... along with RedOne or some other songwriter hired out by Interscope records. That's not the same as writing music by yourself, which is what REAL recording artists do. As you all can probably tell, I despise her music. I don't hate Lady Gaga as a person mind you (I thought she was quite funny on SNL), I just hate her music.

Edited by Starbreaker
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Yes, but the marketing is working. :) Even though *we* aren't buying her music, plenty of other people are. And she tweets to her "Little Monsters"; creates drama and media buzz with that Grammy egg thing, etc. The girls have been dancing to her stuff for the last few years; I know plenty of women my age who have gone to see her in concert. I'm not interested in doing that, but if I hear one of her songs on the radio, I can't help but dance around. :blush:

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Yes, but the marketing is working. :) Even though *we* aren't buying her music, plenty of other people are. And she tweets to her "Little Monsters"; creates drama and media buzz with that Grammy egg thing, etc. The girls have been dancing to her stuff for the last few years; I know plenty of women my age who have gone to see her in concert. I'm not interested in doing that, but if I hear one of her songs on the radio, I can't help but dance around. :blush:

It's good for the waistline. I think of it as healthy exercise.:party:

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Lady Gaga is credited as the writer on all her songs... along with RedOne or some other songwriter hired out by Interscope records. That's not the same as writing music by yourself, which is what REAL recording artists do.

I know of lots of artists that perform material written by others. Depending upon the situation, I don't think that makes a musician any less "real".

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Lady Gaga is credited as the writer on all her songs... along with RedOne or some other songwriter hired out by Interscope records. That's not the same as writing music by yourself, which is what REAL recording artists do. As you all can probably tell, I despise her music. I don't hate Lady Gaga as a person mind you (I thought she was quite funny on SNL), I just hate her music.

I DETEST her music as well...mind you, I would have a nite out with her of course:):), but NO WAY will I let my ears and mind be contaminated by her wimpy songs. I'd let her listen to lots of Zep songs that's for sure so that she can change her source of inspiration once and for all:):).......she is the typical example of good talent gone rotten by bad inspiration:).....and the mixed versions of her songs are even UGLIER:):)!!!

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Lady Gaga is credited as the writer on all her songs... along with RedOne or some other songwriter hired out by Interscope records. That's not the same as writing music by yourself, which is what REAL recording artists do. As you all can probably tell, I despise her music. I don't hate Lady Gaga as a person mind you (I thought she was quite funny on SNL), I just hate her music.

Then I guess, by your definition, Robert Plant is not a real recording artist either. He never wrote any Zeppelin song by himself either, only with Pagey, JPJ and/or Bonzo.

If you hate her music, that is fine - but as an artist she has much of the control of where her music goes and the producers say that as well. She usually comes up with the basic melody and the lyrics herself and then works with the producer or co-writer to finalize the product. It is no really a collaboration with her and someone else, until she brings it into the studio to be recorded. At least that is what I read in the articles that are out there.

RedOne said that she wrote most of the hits from The Fame in a matter of 5 days, when they began working together. Anyways, not trying to convince of anything - just trying to give another side to your post.


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There are some artists that go to outside writers in a concentrated effort for them to have a hit. Since there's no secret formula for a hit song this doesn't always work but there's a huge difference between that and those that interpret the music of other writers. For instance, Emmylou Harris actually writes her own songs but she's also well known as an interpretor of other people's material. She's just the tip of the iceberg, there are many, many more. Jerry Garcia wasn't a lyricist, he wrote the music for the Grateful Dead. For the most part, the songs he sang were all written by Robert Hunter who wasn't even a member of the band. Geddy Lee sings words written by Neil Peart.

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And Elton John sang the lyrics of Bernie Taupin, and Aerosmith relied on Glen Ballard and Diane Warren for a lot of their post-comeback work.

The whole argument is absurd anyway.

Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday, Anita O'Day, Johnny Hartman, Ella Fitzgerald, Billy Eckstine...all sang songs others wrote. Same with Maria Callas, Joan Sutherland and Placido Domingo.

But if you want to try and say they weren't artists, because they didn't write their own songs...well, you're going to have to tussle with me.

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I'd let her listen to lots of Zep songs that's for sure so that she can change her source of inspiration once and for all:):)

On '60 Minutes' she had a Zep poster hanging in her recording studio.

(She's got some nice butt cheeks too).


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:hysterical: Oh that's good!

I actually quite like some of her songs and have a few on my ipod. I do think she's talented and has a great voice. Saw her Madison Square Garden concert on HBO and have to say it was very entertaining. At the end of the special when she was in her dressing room, she did her current song, Born This Way, a cappella with her back-up singers, I was blown away. I didn't realize what a really great voice she has. Also her videos are so artistic, with the costumes and makeup and stage sets and dance moves. They are very entertaining. I have to say, I like Gaga, she is entertaining and has people talking.

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Doesn't bother me a bit, and kind of like her personality. Also liked the "Batman" outfit she wore on Letterman.


Wouldya look at her, holding her stockings up with gaffer tape. How cheap!......how tacky!......how incredibly erotic! :P

Loved the meat dress too. Just think: after having sex with her, she wouldn't need to turn into a pizza :thumbsup:


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Wouldya look at her, holding her stockings up with gaffer tape. How cheap!......how tacky!......how incredibly erotic! :P

Loved the meat dress too. Just think: after having sex with her, she wouldn't need to turn into a pizza :thumbsup:


I prefer Wendy O'Wiliams......she could eat off Gaga's head and t**s any day......Gaga doesn't know 1/4 of what life is all about with respect to Wendy O'Williams (who actually LIVED life to its fullest!!!!:):))

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