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What happened to Jimmy's dragon telecaster?


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When he allowed his friend (probobly in the '70's) to repaint it, the friend destroyed the beautiful job Jimmy had done, from what I understand. Jimmy was very upset by this of course, though I have heard he did save the neck to use on one of his other guitars. Jimmy did paint that guitar himself. I love that guitar too.

Edited by aen27
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Jimmy Page brought the Dragon Telecaster to Led Zeppelin and used it as his primary guitar until late April 1969 when he bought the Gibson Les Paul 'Number One' from Joe Walsh.

In addition, the Dragon Telecaster was used on Led Zeppelin in October 1968 and used for the guitar solo on Stairway To Heaven in late 1970.

In a 1998 Guitar World interview, Jimmy Page said the following about the fate of the Dragon Telecaster.

"I still have it (referring to the Dragon Tele), but it’s a tragic story. I went on tour with the '59 Les Paul that I bought from Joe Walsh, and when I got back, a friend of mine had kindly painted over my paint job. He said, 'Ive got a present for you.' He thought he had done me a real favor. As you can guess, I wasn't real happy about that. His paint job totally screwed up the sound and the wiring, so only the neck pickup worked. I salvaged the neck and put it on my brown Tele string bender that I used in the Firm. As for the body... it will never be seen again! (laughs)"

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I'm sure the body and the electronics could be salvaged. There have been countless stories of guitars that suffered much more than that and were brought back to life. If Jimmy is reading this, I'd like to have a go at it...

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Well, I guess I'll be the one to post a pic, then -



Love that guitar. They should do a re-issue with that paint job. Like they did for Jimi's V


And, wouldn't you know, the same fate befell this Flying V - Jimi gave it to Mick Box of Uriah Heep who - yes - PAINTED OVER IT! D'oh!

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I'm sure the body and the electronics could be salvaged. There have been countless stories of guitars that suffered much more than that and were brought back to life. If Jimmy is reading this, I'd like to have a go at it...

That would be something wouldn't it haha? But, I'm assuming its more of a personal thing, he probably really loved the art he drew upon the tele and when his "friend" painted over it, Jimmy may have been deeply hurt by the loss of something so creative. Who knows though Hecube, maybe tomorrow morning you will receive a message from the Dark Lord himself asking for your luthier skills! phone.gif

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