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Searching for a review on Led Zep I from a forum member...

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Hey all,

About a year ago I read a fantastic review here from a forum member that wrote a detailed story about his hearing Zep I for the first time when it came out. I can't seem to find it and was hoping for some help in locating it or at least the forum member that wrote it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Well, I don't know if you are referring to my post, but in 2009 I did write a 40th anniversary post of Led Zeppelin I. Here's the link to the post page: Strider's Led Zeppelin I post

If that's not the one, I'll try to search more for what you're looking for.

That's It! Wow, what a quick reply. Thanks Strider! What a great story that really paints a picture. Reminds me of a very similar experience I had with Zep IV when I got the album for my birthday. Even though it was 1974 it was still "new" to me and I was hooked! The rest is history.



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Another new one? Where are they coming from?

Usually when there's been a sudden influx of new members, it's been caused by a significant event...the double release of HTWWW and the DVD in 2003; the O2 reunion in 2007.

So does this wave of newbies portend SOMETHING happening in Zepland? A release of the O2 DVD perhaps?

Whatever, a jolly welcome to the board babeba67!

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Strider will you be doing a 'review'on zepiii andIV its just your an awesome writer and I'd love to see your review on them (By review I mean your first time listening to them):)

I don't know...people might be getting tired of me hogging the bandwidth with my long, drawn-out posts. I was planning on doing a 40th anniversary post on LZ IV in November. We'll see...since you asked so kindly, I guess it would be churlish to refuse.

Edited by Strider
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