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Casey Anthony - Not Guilty of First Degree Murder


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^ Do US jurors get paid, and if so, how much?

The only way to fix the system is to remunerate them sufficiently to have pride in their role. The second necessity would be to introduce some form of intelligence testing at the jury selection stage. Didn't some of the OJ jurors admit afterwards that they hadn't even understood some of the evidence? If they couldn't understand it, how could they possibly evaluate it??

At least 50% of the population are idiots. Never forget that.

I'll wager more than 50% are idiot, dunce and lamebrained.

Last time I was in a jury pool the daily pay was next to nil. It may have been based on the mileage from my house to the county courthouse, I really don't remember. Maybe $5.00 a day.

Bear in mind, I believe employers pay their employees their regular wages while on jury duty. The self-employed, like me, lose our income during this time.

I've done two or three jury pool gigs over the years, but was always blackballed during the interview process with the prosecution and defense lawyers. I've never sat on a jury. It's easy to see who is culled from selection process. Opposing lawyers are playing a veritable chess match with each other during selection.

At one time there was talk of professional jurors, I seem to recall...

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You never see a lot of professionals on a jury. No doctors, no lawyers, no cops, no forensic analysts, nobody who might be able to understand in any way, anything presented during the trial. So you're basically stuck with 12 people who couldn't get out of jury duty, wanting to get the hell out as fast as they can, with no ability to understand or comprehend what they're being told. That's not to say all jurors are blithering idiots. It just seems like the ones who do all the public talking/complaining about their time on said jury, are.

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You never see a lot of professionals on a jury. No doctors, no lawyers, no cops, no forensic analysts, nobody who might be able to understand in any way, anything presented during the trial. So you're basically stuck with 12 people who couldn't get out of jury duty, wanting to get the hell out as fast as they can, with no ability to understand or comprehend what they're being told. That's not to say all jurors are blithering idiots. It just seems like the ones who do all the public talking/complaining about their time on said jury, are.

Hey, sunshine....would you want your kids heart surgeon sequestered? Gimme a break. "A jury of your peers"....Casey Anthony's peers are not doctors, lawyers, cops or freakin forensic analysts!!! It was the job of the prosecutor to prove their case. BTW, you mention things that were presented...like....

Look, what this jury failed to recognize is circumstantial evidence. It does not matter one bit how the child died...the question is, who had the motive and opportunity.

People watch too much goddamned television.


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I actually don't watch much television at all, anymore. There's nothing worth watching. I'll occasionally watch some local news, but that's it. Maybe something on the History Channel, but their programming has gotten stagnant in recent years.

So don't lump me in with your little rant, k?

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I actually don't watch much television at all, anymore. There's nothing worth watching. I'll occasionally watch some local news, but that's it. Maybe something on the History Channel, but their programming has gotten stagnant in recent years.

So don't lump me in with your little rant, k?

Oh, give it a rest.

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Here is an older article that talks about "the CSI effect"

"CSI" effect

I just had dinner with my Dad, who is Retired Det Sgt, and is now a professor of Criminal Justice and Crime Scene Investigation. (He ripped me a new one with my Wendy Murphy article that I brought to the table. That's ok, I love robust, intelligent discussion.) We got a few looks at the restaurant.

Anyway, THAT'S what he was talking about. He didn't call it the CSI effect, but he was talking about how most people have become so unable to think for themselves. Explains a lot.

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One thing that has come out of this entire mess is the proposal for a law which is to be known as "Caylee's Law", wherein, it would be a felony if a parent or a legal guardian fails to report a missing child, in cases where the parent knew or should have known that the child was possibly in danger.

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One thing that has come out of this entire mess is the proposal for a law which is to be known as "Caylee's Law", wherein, it would be a felony if a parent or a legal guardian fails to report a missing child, in cases where the parent knew or should have known that the child was possibly in danger.

Would such a law have made a difference in this case? She wasn't even missing according to the defense.

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One thing that has come out of this entire mess is the proposal for a law which is to be known as "Caylee's Law", wherein, it would be a felony if a parent or a legal guardian fails to report a missing child, in cases where the parent knew or should have known that the child was possibly in danger.

I've already had 4 different people forward that petition to me.

How many laws does that make? Lessee, we already have Megan's Law, Jessica's Law...is there a Jon Benet Ramsey Law?

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Megan's Law is a serious and very important law. It's strange to think about nowadays, but there once was a time where a convicted sex offender could live next door to you, and the law was both not required to know about it or to inform you of it. Megan's Law states that a sex offender's status must be made known to the people in the area in which they are living in, and if they move, they must notify authorities and disclose where they're moving to.

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As far as the proposed "Caylee Law" goes, there is currently not any perameters as far as a time factor. Meaning that if a kid doesn't come straight home from school, how much time has to pass before the parent becomes negligent by not reporting it. That, again, goes back to what Brad said about common sense. But it also goes to the politician who is trying to use this huge story to basically make a name for themselves and not to take the time to see if a law is already in the books that can be tweaked or if what they are trying to propose is even useful. Knee jerk reactions rarely work out the way they were intended.

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SHE'S OUT!!!! 12:09 a.m. Local time, driving away from Orange Co. Jail as I write. They are following her vehicle like OJ back in the day. The vehicle she is in has entered a parking garage in downtown Orlando.

Now they have the news helicopter flying near the executive airport, zooming in on a private plane that doesn't have a flight plan as of yet, but 2 pilots are standing near it. Rumor is she may be going to Ohio where she has family!?!

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Any predictions?

I predict that she will be dead before age 30. But before that happens a lot of other bad things will happen to her or people in her wake.

I've thought this.

OD within a few years.

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No, we just wanted justice for a two year old that was brutally killed. If she didn't directly kill her daughter, she was involved in her death and cover up. She knows what happened to her daughter. Spending two years in jail is not enough time served in this case.

Yeah, but you weren't on the jury.

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Megan's Law is a serious and very important law. It's strange to think about nowadays, but there once was a time where a convicted sex offender could live next door to you, and the law was both not required to know about it or to inform you of it. Megan's Law states that a sex offender's status must be made known to the people in the area in which they are living in, and if they move, they must notify authorities and disclose where they're moving to.

Too bad it will not apply to her. They think her lawyer sent off a decoy covering themselves and trying to loose those that want to keep track of her whereabouts. He insists it was not her they were filming but we will have to stay tuned. I dont know how she can hide forever? No way. This news of the computer is just more enfuriating. Guilty as OJ in my opinion.

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Too bad it will not apply to her. They think her lawyer sent off a decoy covering themselves and trying to loose those that want to keep track of her whereabouts. He insists it was not her they were filming but we will have to stay tuned. I dont know how she can hide forever? No way. This news of the computer is just more enfuriating. Guilty as OJ in my opinion.

Hi Silver,

I saw a documentary where it was suggested that OJ was not the guilty party, evidence pointed to his son who had a crush on Nicole and because she didnt turn up to his restaurant he went to her house and found her with Ron Goldman and killed them both, his hans would have fitted in that glove as well, and he kept very sharp knives being a chef.

Kind Regards, Danny

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Hi Silver,

I saw a documentary where it was suggested that OJ was not the guilty party, evidence pointed to his son who had a crush on Nicole and because she didnt turn up to his restaurant he went to her house and found her with Ron Goldman and killed them both, his hans would have fitted in that glove as well, and he kept very sharp knives being a chef.

Kind Regards, Danny

There is just too much eveidence Dan. OJ did it. The motivation is not good enough for the son. Its far fetched. Sure you were not on the Dream team? What a bunch of dummies on that jury. That or they let him off due to race. I will go to my grave saying that. I wonder if the piece of crap will ever admit it? back to this bitch that killed her daughter. What do you think about her being able to excape the media and public eye? And for how long?

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There is just too much eveidence Dan. OJ did it. The motivation is not good enough for the son. Its far fetched. Sure you were not on the Dream team? What a bunch of dummies on that jury. That or they let him off due to race. I will go to my grave saying that. I wonder if the piece of crap will ever admit it? back to this bitch that killed her daughter. What do you think about her being able to excape the media and public eye? And for how long?

Hi Ho Silvermedalist

Like most people, I watched the OJ trial on TV - nearly all of it - although I'd never heard of him before. When the verdict was announced, you could see that even he couldn't believe he'd got off. I bet he too was thinking 'You dumbass jury'. And didn't he have that book afterwards - 'If I Did It'? Unbelievable.

That woman will get hers. Someone will hunt her down and chop her up into tiny pieces.

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Hi Ho Silvermedalist

Like most people, I watched the OJ trial on TV - nearly all of it - although I'd never heard of him before. When the verdict was announced, you could see that even he couldn't believe he'd got off. I bet he too was thinking 'You dumbass jury'. And didn't he have that book afterwards - 'If I Did It'? Unbelievable.

That woman will get hers. Someone will hunt her down and chop her up into tiny pieces.

You know Boullion, you never heard of OJ Simpson? What in the hell do they have on TV over there? He won the heisman trophy at USC and was the first ever running back in the NFL to rush for 2000 yards in a season. He played for my Buffalo Bills so he was my favorite player growing up. Now i cant stand him and they should take his name off the wall of shame.

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You know Boullion, you never heard of OJ Simpson? What in the hell do they have on TV over there? He won the heisman trophy at USC and was the first ever running back in the NFL to rush for 2000 yards in a season. He played for my Buffalo Bills so he was my favorite player growing up. Now i cant stand him and they should take his name off the wall of shame.

I've also never heard of the Heisman trophy, USC or the Buffalo Bills.

Silvermedalist, this might come as a surprise to you, but relatively few people outside the USA care or know much about American football. That's not a put-down, or even a touch-down, but from what I've seen of it, it's too slow, and nothing much happens.

Get those big jessies to take off all their body armour, throw them into a game of rugby, and see how they like that. Not much, I'd guess.

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I've also never heard of the Heisman trophy, USC or the Buffalo Bills.

Silvermedalist, this might come as a surprise to you, but relatively few people outside the USA care or know much about American football. That's not a put-down, or even a touch-down, but from what I've seen of it, it's too slow, and nothing much happens.

Get those big jessies to take off all their body armour, throw them into a game of rugby, and see how they like that. Not much, I'd guess.

But there is so much happening in your soccer games compared? ha. Too many 1-0 games and ties and not enough scoring. I know they show american football over there. If you want to watch it. There is alot more strategy in my opinion than there is in soccer. Anyway, we are going to get whacked for being off topic. Casey is as guitly as OJ.

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You know Boullion, you never heard of OJ Simpson? What in the hell do they have on TV over there? He won the heisman trophy at USC and was the first ever running back in the NFL to rush for 2000 yards in a season. He played for my Buffalo Bills so he was my favorite player growing up. Now i cant stand him and they should take his name off the wall of shame.

I'm guessing that for the vast majority of non americans OJ was best known for his role in The Naked Gun films.

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