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Roger Waters' inhale scream?

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My band has written a song that's inspired by "Careful with That Axe, Eugene" by Pink Floyd and I would like to add a Roger Waters' inhale scream or something like it to it for the ramp-up part.

go to 4:50 and watch from there. Any ideas on how I can do it or learn how to do it?

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Are you sure he's inhaling? Where did you get this info? Did you check first with Electrophile?

My room-mate at university used to do a pretty good impression of this - usually around 2am, out of our 5th floor window, so the sound always carried nicely. But he was exhaling. I know this, because one time he accidentally projectile-vomited as well.

Bizarrely, I also knew a guy who could do the inhale pig-scream thing shown in the post above, but he was way, way better than that kid. He used to call it 'The Dying Pig', and would often do it without warning in crowded supermarkets, after first hiding behind the end of an aisle. That was so fucking cool - he'd do it for about 10 seconds, then total silence would descend for about a minute, after which the hubbub would slowly start up again, once people realised there wasn't a mad axeman running amok. He never did get caught.

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