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Led Zeppelin - LA Forum 1977

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Like most die hard Zep heads I have collected many LZ recordings over the years. One time, when I was a kid, I remember literally spending ever penny I earned from my paper route (a months salary) to buy "Led Zeppelin - For Badgeholders Only" at the local record store. Then I made cassette tapes (by playing the album on the turntable and sticking a tape recorder next to the speaker) and hooked up my friends with copies. Obviously the recording quality stunk but we didn't know better back then. Times have certainly changed. But the spirit of collecting and sharing music hasn't. 30 years later I'm still sharing my Led Zeppelin album "For Badgeholders Only". Check out my article - http://www.ledzeppelinguitar.com/music/led-zeppelin-bootlegs/for-badgeholders-only-led-zeppelin.html

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I was there. $8.50 to see the best band in the world and the 2 best drummers in the business! Imagine my surprise when I found a recording of the night I went at the Raspberry Roach (record store, remember those?) in Huntington Beach, CA. It remains one of my prized items and I consider it priceless! Zep OWNED The Forum in the 70's. This bootleg is the epitome of thier pure love for LA. You hear Percy laughing and having fun like no other recording. You can hear Bonzo being a pest and Percy loving every minute of it. Keith Moon was completely inebriated. You can barely understand what he was attempting to say until Percy wisely cuts him off. Plant even gets on the drums for a bit. An image that I have (gladly) never been able to get out of my head as it was so strange...the best rock and roll singer in world.... behind a drum kit!


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