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8th June 2012

...HOT HOT MR. PAGE: :wub:

"I performed at Madison Square Garden, NY with Led Zeppelin

On this day in 1977, I played the second night of a series of six concerts with Led Zeppelin at Madison Square Garden in New York. This remarkable photograph is taken by Waring Abbott."


Edited by PlanetPage
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You'd think that at his age Jimmy would have learned how to use a telephone?

i was thinking along those lines, too.

he didn't hear from grohl. so .... if he was interested, wouldn't you call, or get your manager to call and see if it was still a goer?

maybe he didnt want to come across as being too eager or something, which would be a bit childish, imo. look what he missed out on! TCV are amazing! and might have been even more amazing with jimmy involved!

if you were interested......

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i was thinking along those lines, too.

he didn't hear from grohl. so .... if he was interested, wouldn't you call, or get your manager to call and see if it was still a goer?

maybe he didnt want to come across as being too eager or something, which would be a bit childish, imo. look what he missed out on! TCV are amazing! and might have been even more amazing with jimmy involved!

if you were interested......

According to the link Miss Melanie posted a few posts back Page was never part of the the plan for Them Crooked Vultures to start with.

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According to the link Miss Melanie posted a few posts back Page was never part of the the plan for Them Crooked Vultures to start with.

mmm, maybe. it was 2005. maybe sometime after that, jimmy was ..... who knows.

Edited by slave to zep
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mmm, maybe. it was 2005. maybe sometime after that, jimmy was ..... who knows.

I remember reading all of the press reports leading up to the announcement of Them Crooked Vultures and I don't recall reading a single thing about Jimmy Page ever being involved in the group. Perhaps there's something that went on behind the scenes that none of us know about. If so, perhaps they can include him when they release their second album. If so, that would most likely exclude Josh Homme from the group or at worst, delegate him to rhythm guitar. On the other hand, others (Chris Squire, Paul Rodgers, Roger Daltrey, Wayne Coyne, etc.) have expressed a desire to work with Page but for whatever reason he never seems to take part. I get the impression that Page was never under consideration for Them Crooked Vultures to start with.

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...additional Link/Interview with David Grohl...

..and I post this with very sincere Respect to The Legendary John Paul Jones and Our VIsionary of Led Zeppelin James Patrick Page...

Tell me about getting John Paul Jones on the album.

I asked him to play on the record and he called me. I know I sound ridiculous but some bands are like a religion to me. Led Zeppelin are just... I ran around the room screaming, "Guess who I just fucking got a call from?" Then he asked if I'd like to sit on his table when they were being inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. This wasn't Puff Daddy and fucking Gwen Stefani, this was Jerry Lee Lewis and Don Cornelius and Jimmy Page. That was the most special event of my life. I sat there with the Joneses and [John Bonham's kids] Jason and Zoe Bonham and Jimmy Page.


Edited by PlanetPage
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I remember reading all of the press reports leading up to the announcement of Them Crooked Vultures and I don't recall reading a single thing about Jimmy Page ever being involved in the group. Perhaps there's something that went on behind the scenes that none of us know about. If so, perhaps they can include him when they release their second album. If so, that would most likely exclude Josh Homme from the group or at worst, delegate him to rhythm guitar. On the other hand, others (Chris Squire, Paul Rodgers, Roger Daltrey, Wayne Coyne, etc.) have expressed a desire to work with Page but for whatever reason he never seems to take part. I get the impression that Page was never under consideration for Them Crooked Vultures to start with.

oh yes, you are most likely correct. maybe one day we will know. jimmy would have been awesome in TCV imo. but i do wonder if he could have coped with all the touring they did. jonesy did well, but he doesn't jump around the stage as much as most guitarists do. maybe jimmy knew that TCV would be as big as they were, and it wasn't for him.

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Why is there a discussion regarding Jimmy being asked to be a part of TCV? There is zero evidence he was ever involved, asked to be involved or even thought of as participant. All he wrote was that Grohl said that he and Jimmy should record in the States back in June 2008. I have provided a source that explains that TCV was put together in 2005 and if Jimmy was asked to join, wouldn't he had been invited in 2008 or before? As much as we would like to think so, Jimmy is not the center of the music world. He was just keep out of the loop regarding TCV. Think of it as Kharma for the Page/Plant partnership back in 1995. Now look who is "parking the car".

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According to the link Miss Melanie posted a few posts back Page was never part of the the plan for Them Crooked Vultures to start with.

Maybe so, but apparently Grohl did invite him (and Jones) to record with him in the states. He may not have been part of the plan in 2005, but do you really believe Grohl AND Homme wouldn't have moved heaven and earth to have Page in that project?

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Maybe so, but apparently Grohl did invite him (and Jones) to record with him in the states. He may not have been part of the plan in 2005, but do you really believe Grohl AND Homme wouldn't have moved heaven and earth to have Page in that project?

Which is why I said there may have been things that happened behind the scenes that we're unaware of.

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Maybe so, but apparently Grohl did invite him (and Jones) to record with him in the states. He may not have been part of the plan in 2005, but do you really believe Grohl AND Homme wouldn't have moved heaven and earth to have Page in that project?

Then why would Jimmy write on his website that he was not contacted by Grohl? If they wanted him, they had ways of contacting him.

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I've pretty much abandoned checking Jimmy's OTD due to too many instances of errors and just general ambivalence, so I'm late to this party regarding the TCV-Foo Fighters entry.

But just a few thoughts...

I have the Mojo issue Miss Melanie references and the fact that it was in 2005 pretty much makes it clear Jimmy was not part of the original plan for TCV.

Now, that is not to say Grohl did not invite Jimmy to record in the States when they hooked up for the Wembley gig. Whether Grohl meant as a special guest on a future Foo Fighters or the TCV album, or if he was offering to play with Jimmy on any music Jimmy himself had, we'll probably never know for certain.

I've been backstage at various concerts and things are always said, promises made in the heat of the moment, in the afterglow of a concert and everyone is buzzing, sometimes aided by drinks or drugs. A lot of these "we should get together and DO something" suggestions never come to pass or are forgotten about in the cold, sober light of day.

A couple of things struck my eye, though. One, Grohl's quote about how excited he was that Jones CALLED him. This suggests JPJ was proactive...he didn't sit around waiting like the Queen of Sheba waiting for the minions to come to him. Grohl put out the hint that he'd like to work with Jones and Jones seized the moment to MAKE it happen.

I haven't read or heard anything to suggest that the same thing couldn't have happened with Jimmy if he'd been more proactive like Jones.

I also don't buy that Jimmy's participation would have meant less for Josh Homme. TCV seemed to have been conceived as a two-guitar band...I saw them multiple times on tour and they always were a four piece with two guitarists. On some songs, Josh just sang the vocals and let the other guy handle the guitar, so there definitely was room for Jimmy, if Jimmy was interested.

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7 jun'12

...HOT HOT MR. PAGE: :wub:

"I performed at Madison Square Garden, NY with Led Zeppelin

On this day in 1977, I played the second night of a series of six concerts with Led Zeppelin at Madison Square Garden in New York. This remarkable photograph is taken by Waring Abbott."


Hahaha!! I totally agree with you, PlanetPage!! :D

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Well this sheds an interesting light on the formation of TCV. An interview with Grohl in a 2005 issue of Mojo:

"Is there anyone you're still itching to play with? MOJO could hook you up...

The next project that I'm trying to initiate involves me on drums, Josh Homme on guitar, and John Paul Jones playing bass. That's the next album. That wouldn't suck."

So they were planning to get together long before the 2008 Foo Fighters Wembley concert. Jimmy wasn't snubbed, he was never in the plans to begin with.

In early 2005, JPJ recorded with Grohl for The Foo Fighters new album 'In Your Honour', contributing mellotron and mandolin on a couple of tracks. He also recorded a piano part for the ballad 'Miracle' on the same album at Grohl's 606 Studios in Northridge, CA.

Jimmy attended The Foo Fighters at Earls Court Arena on December 18, 2005. Perhaps it was then that Grohl's offer to record was made, as opposed to the Wembley jam in 2008.

The Wembley jam on June 7, 2008 was a one-off. Jimmy was still pining for Robert to return to the fold for a Zeppelin reunion tour,

and rehearsals with JPJ & Jason continued.

In January 2009, JPJ attended Grohl's 40th birthday party at a Medieval Times theme restaurant. Grohl purposefully sat him next to Josh Homme to see how they'd get on socially. A couple days after the party the three got together at Homme's home studio (Baby Duck Studios)…their first jam lasted about thirty minutes. They jammed a second day and agree they should form a band before JPJ returned to England.

In February 2009 they reconvened at Baby Duck Studios, working two weeks on and two weeks off for about eight weeks from noon to 3am. The end result was Them Crooked Vultures debut album.

Jimmy was never considered for TCV, nor was he ever involved, nor so far as I know has he ever attended one of their gigs.

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My impression is this has nothing to do with Page joining up with Them Crooked Vultures. When Page and Jones jammed with the Foo Fighters in London they'd been rehearsing with Jason Bonham and in their own words described the music they were playing as sounding great. There appeared to be a disagreement between Page and Jones about potential singers and created a road block in their momentum. Power struggle. There were also bad vibes in the press that they were going out as Led Zeppelin without Robert Plant,which was inaccurate. The path of least resistance for Jones was join up with Grohl and Homme, an offer that was on the table, and have 2 singers and no power struggle with Jimmy Page in a new band with a new name and new songs. It sounds odd but since the O2 reunion concert it seems Page's relationship with Robert and JPJ has dissolved. No photos together and no appearances by Jimmy at their shows. It makes sense Page is no hurry to do the work involved on packaging the O2 show. Unless he's going to promote something new of his own in tandem with the 02 release - which would bolster Jimmy's " parallel project", why bother?

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It sounds odd but since the O2 reunion concert it seems Page's relationship with Robert and JPJ has dissolved. No photos together and no appearances by Jimmy at their shows.

I believe Jimmy's last public appearance with either of them was when all three attended the GQ awards to receive a Men of the Year Award (at the Royal Opera House in London on September 2, 2008).

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