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Led Zeppelin Tribute Day on Radio Vintage next Friday (the 5th of August)

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Hi to all Led Zep's fans!

One year ago I launched Radio Vintage, a webradio dedicated to the legends of 70's, 80's and Classic Rock.

No business plan behind that... just the pleasure to broadcast good music and to be contact with fans. That's why the webradio is 100% free, and that there is no commercial ads on it.

Every Friday and Saturday, I plan Tribute Special Days to great artists : this Friday (August the Fifth), it will be a special Tribute to Led Zeppelin, to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the fourth album.

I hope that you 'll enjoy it : stay tuned this Friday on www.radiovintage.com, or join us on Facebook http://www.facebook....133768599997349.

Thanks for you support, and long live Led Zep's music!


Radio Vintage

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