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Mild Earthquake Hits East Coast


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...and yes, I felt it.

From Forbes.com:


Image via Wikipedia

An earthquake just happened in New York City. I know because I felt it in Brooklyn, and posted it on Facebook, and several other people in New York City responded that they also felt it.

I have not seen any news reports on it yet. It was not large. My building swayed. I ran around looking for my cat carrier, so I could grab my cats and get out if needed. They seemed completely unresponsive. So much for animals sensing earthquakes before they happen.

Now getting a report on Facebook that a friend felt it in Washington D.C.

Oddly, I was just watching Robert Altman’s movie Short Cuts the other night, and during the earthquake scene, I declared, “I could never live in Los Angeles!”

Guess I don’t need to.

Updates as I get them.

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I didn't feel anything where I am, though my dad said that he felt some tremors at his office in Greensboro. I hope Virginia is doing alright, I know she lives around where the epicenter was located.

It was very brief (probably 5-10 seconds) but I definitely noticed it. Thing is, I thought nothing of it until I checked FB and saw EVERYONE posting about it.

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They evacuated our building (Army base in Georgia) for about 10 minutes.

I was on a phone call - kinda worked-up/annoyed - and didn't even notice.

Everyone else in the office noticed, though.

Funny part is, I'm the appointed Safety Officer for our office.

Guess I failed in my first big test! lulz.

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Globe averages over 1,500 5.8 or greater quakes a year. I've noted the media is covering this as if it's the first one in history.

Probably because earthquakes aren't largely associated with the east coast of the United States.

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Hi all,

Funny part is, I'm the appointed Safety Officer for our office.

Guess I failed in my first big test! lulz.


Not at all,can you keep an animal with you?They always know before it happens.

Quakes as J said they are not common on the eastern seaboard as it does not sit on any of the major(known) faults.

Still if you have never experienced a quake it can be,let's say disturbing,...

Hope everyone is safe!


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Yeah, when people think "earthquake", their first place of reference is not Virginia, though fault lines exist all over the country. Also, the fact that an earthquake in Virginia can be felt up and down the eastern seaboard is a relatively interesting occurrence, since (normally) earthquakes that happen in California aren't felt in Vancouver. They're more localized to one particular region, and then X number of miles outward, though not that far.

It's not like buildings are collapsing, people are dying, and entire states are being washed out to sea, but it's still something of note, anyway.

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I didn't feel anything where I am, though my dad said that he felt some tremors at his office in Greensboro. I hope Virginia is doing alright, I know she lives around where the epicenter was located.

Thank you for checking; although we're not that far from the epicenter, our house seems fine. We were out of town moving our daughter in to college and didn't feel it where we were, although other parts of the campus felt it.

Apparently our neighborhood was really shaking though, according to my neighbor.

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Note how woefully unprepared the local and federal authorities are, let alone the citizens.


Upon hearing the news shortly after 2pm EST, I looked around at the patients under my and my co-workers care, and had a sick feeling.

Some of these people are elderly, while others are sedated during their chemotherapy treatment.

The news, however, provided much discussion and entertainment in the clinic. In their defense, I am sure it was a welcomed distraction for all from the norm.

But still...I am insufficiently aware of any earthquake plan, but I can tell you this, I will investigate first thing in the morning.

Thank you for starting some provocative discussion.


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Hi all,

As having been through of major earthquakes in CA: (1979),they didn't have an 'plan',hard to have one when the earth is moving,....

Planted,a few things to find out tomorrow: Age of the structure you and your patients are residing in.The clinics 'plan'.Evacuation procedures. Contingency plans in case of such.Communications.


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Hi all,

As having been through of major earthquakes in CA: (1979),they didn't have an 'plan',hard to have one when the earth is moving,....

Planted,a few things to find out tomorrow: Age of the structure you and your patients are residing in.The clinics 'plan'.Evacuation procedures. Contingency plans in case of such.Communications.


Thank you. Those sound like good places to start. :)

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