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Tempe '77

Zeppelin Led

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It's one of those d/l sites that I cannot access from work. VERY surprised that they list this as the setlist. They also list having St. Paul, Indy, St. Louis, and Baton Rouge!

This site (the one I found by googling part of that info) is ridiculous, it wants me to play a facebook game to unlock the download? WTF :P

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You got that right man, listening to it now, the other 3 sound pretty on point. Do we know if Bonzo had a genuine illness/ailment or if it was substance related? I think I would be more sympathetic if it was the former. Although he surely made up for it 2 nights later!

Roberts reference to him as the 'Rhinestone cowgirl' during his legendary intro of Bonzo before 'Over The Top' from 21/6/77 makes me think that he took too many 'ludes.

Edited by tom kid
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I find Tempe quite fascinating. Jimmy's Stairway solo is brilliant and its very likely that just prior to the tune the band discussed and decided that there would be no encore, thus the 2nd or 3rd longest version of the piece ever as a proper show closer.

As mentioned earlier Bonham and Jones show no mercy to Page in ALS, barreling ahead with wanton abandon. Plant tries to help Page along (which is perhaps surprising seeing as how Plant was on the fence about his fellow bandmate's habits) but the rhythm section gives no shits. Bonham's continuation during the guitar outro is further evidence of his malevolent sarcasm towards Jimmy - fascinating indeed.

Ahhh 1977 Zep, the height of chemical induced manic panic rock n roll, nothing better...

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As mentioned earlier Bonham and Jones show no mercy to Page in ALS, barreling ahead with wanton abandon. Plant tries to help Page along (which is perhaps surprising seeing as how Plant was on the fence about his fellow bandmate's habits) but the rhythm section gives no shits. Bonham's continuation during the guitar outro is further evidence of his malevolent sarcasm towards Jimmy - fascinating indeed.

Disagree on two counts with this thought:

  • Just listened to this again, and to me, while Jimmy is playing catch up from the get-go after the explosion, Robert seems to be off in the vocals. It's a hard listen at the beginning but listen to the beginning when Robert starts with "Its an April morning", his timing is off; in fact, on every verse except the 2nd verse, his timing seems to be off. And to Jimmy's credit, he's hitting the notes. In fact, I'll say this: musically, when Robert is not singing, it's not as shambolic. Right at about the 4:40 mark, as Jimmy is doing the scales up, you can hear Robert try to sing, which is a part of the song he shouldn't be singing. Then Robert struggles with "Mighty Arms of Atlas" part at 6 minute mark. The other thing my ears tell me: Jonesy seems to be in conflict more with Jimmy on bass, than Bonzo is with Jimmy. Don't get me wrong: Jimmy badly misses at some parts, but musically, he is faithfully playing mostly right notes. ALS is his baby, his favorite song, as he says on record. I think Jimmy doesn't finish ALS correctly at the end; but listen to the crowd, they erupt positively when the song finishes. Slightly better in person than the recording shows?

  • Plant wasn't on the fence about any addiction: his son was still alive at this show, and he was abusing drugs as much as anyone on the '77 tour up and through Oakland (you don't think that $25K the band got from Graham in Oakland, that went to the drug dealer in SF...Robert wasn't using any of it?). One week later when his son is dead, I would agree that his mindset changes about other band member's addictions, but not at this show

What I find fascinating, is that Robert puts a halt to proceedings in Ft. Worth at the disastrous start to IMTOD, and makes everyone start over. But he doesn't put a stop to ALS and start over in Tempe, which he could have easily done. Not to excuse Jimmy's condition since he was a functioning mess for this show, but Nutrocker has been right from day one on his analysis of this show: Robert is the real downer. His voice is just shot, all the way around. And it doesn't help that he's in Phoenix in July, where it's 110 degrees. He's said before his voice got "fucked" in Phoenix last time (1970), and no doubt it contributed again. I think of all people, Robert wanted out of Tempe ASAP, and his performance shows it.

Man o man I wish:

  • we could get the first 7 songs of this show, from some hidden live audience recording that suddenly reappears
  • and a little more greedy on the wish list - a complete soundboard of this entire show!
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What's with Bad Company bleeding through at the end of ALS? Seems somebody was recycling tapes!

That's it ;)

Disagree on two counts with this thought:

  • Just listened to this again, and to me, while Jimmy is playing catch up from the get-go after the explosion, Robert seems to be off in the vocals. It's a hard listen at the beginning but listen to the beginning when Robert starts with "Its an April morning", his timing is off; in fact, on every verse except the 2nd verse, his timing seems to be off. And to Jimmy's credit, he's hitting the notes. In fact, I'll say this: musically, when Robert is not singing, it's not as shambolic. Right at about the 4:40 mark, as Jimmy is doing the scales up, you can hear Robert try to sing, which is a part of the song he shouldn't be singing. Then Robert struggles with "Mighty Arms of Atlas" part at 6 minute mark. The other thing my ears tell me: Jonesy seems to be in conflict more with Jimmy on bass, than Bonzo is with Jimmy. Don't get me wrong: Jimmy badly misses at some parts, but musically, he is faithfully playing mostly right notes. ALS is his baby, his favorite song, as he says on record. I think Jimmy doesn't finish ALS correctly at the end; but listen to the crowd, they erupt positively when the song finishes. Slightly better in person than the recording shows?

It sounds to me like Plant is attempting to sing along to where Page is, but gets tripped up when they fall out of sync with Bonham and Jones. It's like they dont know who to follow. You hear no hesitation from Bonzo. They mostly get it together at the solo.

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it's neat hearing just Jimmy on Kashmir at first.

I bet there was a collective "oh, shit!" moment from Jones and Bonham when they heard Page go into "Black Mountain Side" without preamble then straight into "Kashmir" about ten minutes before they were expecting him to...I can just see them running around backstage like heads with their chickens cut off, zipping their flies and wiping their noses... :run:

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I bet there was a collective "oh, shit!" moment from Jones and Bonham when they heard Page go into "Black Mountain Side" without preamble then straight into "Kashmir" about ten minutes before they were expecting him to...I can just see them running around backstage like heads with their chickens cut off, zipping their flies and wiping their noses... :run:

I will give it a listen later on, but I bet that's exactly an "oh, shit" moment from Jonesy and Bonzo for sure! :-/

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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Even tho this show is really terrible. You never hear the fans boo them. They enjoyed it! Even that terrible Achilles! They loved it! Even at their worst, the zep was the best! I enjoy some parts of this show, but it is definitely not a show i listen to often. I really only listen to it just to hear how fucked up achilles last stand is. I think its funny how jimmy was just doing whatever he wanted lol! Like just going into Kashmir without anyone else lol. and on achilles he just sounds like he is doing whatever he wanted! But hey, the crowd loved it!!!

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This is the first time I have listened to the '77 Tempe AZ show

Oh dear Achilles Last Stand :wacko::blink: Page and Bonham sound so out of sync

Maybe it's only me, but at around 1:06:00 to 1:06:56 :unsure:

Thank you for bringing the link over!!

Page was probably a little freaked, being so close to the pyro when it went off :lol: But yeah, it sounds at times like the band were going in four different places on that version of "Achilles", which I think is the also the longest ALS.

Even tho this show is really terrible. You never hear the fans boo them. They enjoyed it! Even that terrible Achilles! They loved it! Even at their worst, the zep was the best! I enjoy some parts of this show, but it is definitely not a show i listen to often. I really only listen to it just to hear how fucked up achilles last stand is. I think its funny how jimmy was just doing whatever he wanted lol! Like just going into Kashmir without anyone else lol. and on achilles he just sounds like he is doing whatever he wanted! But hey, the crowd loved it!!!

Except it's not 'really terrible', because I think you nailed it: Jimmy was doing whatever the hell he wanted that night- the other bit I like in the Tempe show where Jimmy starts playing "Dancing Days" and the very second Bonham joins in Page changes gear and goes back into his "Bron Y Aur Stomp" playing. That's brilliant. And not playing "White Summer" had to be deliberate as well, he just neglected to tell the rest of the band. That is why I'd love to hear the first seven songs, it was interesting night for sure. And no, you don't hear any booing or anything on the recording at least- I bet some of these same kids were attendance two years later when Bob Dylan (on his 'Gospel' tour) decided to lay some fire and brimstone on the Tempe audience, and they let their feelings about that be known. Hell, even that Ed Ortiz guy in his famous Tempe review never says anything like "Yeah, Zeppelin sucked that night..." he just says it was a strange show...as anyone who's heard the tape knows, the only thing that's really 'bad' about it is Robert Plant's voice when you get right down to it.

Edited by Nutrocker
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Except it's not 'really terrible', because I think you nailed it: Jimmy was doing whatever the hell he wanted that night- the other bit I like in the Tempe show where Jimmy starts playing "Dancing Days" and the very second Bonham joins in Page changes gear and goes back into his "Bron Y Aur Stomp" playing. That's brilliant. And not playing "White Summer" had to be deliberate as well, he just neglected to tell the rest of the band. That is why I'd love to hear the first seven songs, it was interesting night for sure. And no, you don't hear any booing or anything on the recording at least- I bet some of these same kids were attendance two years later when Bob Dylan (on his 'Gospel' tour) decided to lay some fire and brimstone on the Tempe audience, and they let their feelings about that be known. Hell, even that Ed Ortiz guy in his famous Tempe review never says anything like "Yeah, Zeppelin sucked that night..." he just says it was a strange show...as anyone who's heard the tape knows, the only thing that's really 'bad' about it is Robert Plant's voice when you get right down to it.

Agreed. Yeah you know Jimmy i think was very egotistical "Big Headed" if you will during this tour due to their extreme success and the heroin use really makes you feel like GOD lol. So he just tried to lead the show where ever he wanted! And i agree i would really love to hear the first part of the show, i hear it was actually really decent! Maybe one day we will get to hear it. But still idk what it is but i just really like to hear this show for some reason, I think its very interesting, hearing how its just goes from here to there and all over the place lol.

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Tempe was generally considered "Zeppelin's Worst Concert" until a couple of years ago, when it sort of got reappraised. Long story short, I circulated my remaster of the old muddy, slow-playing 2nd gen source recording (said remaster ended up being bootlegged, of course) and between that and myself and few other '77 diehards here spreading the good word about the Tempe show people realized that it really wasn't as bad as people made out...my guess is a few folks read Luis Rey's critique or that old Ed Ortiz review without ever actually hearing the recording and just took it for granted it was a terrible performance. It really isn't...

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Jonesy was asked about the Tempe show, he remembered it. He said "Jimmy wasn't well"

Translation = Homeboy was WASTED

Elegantly wasted, no doubt :lol: but I notice Jonesy didn't add, "...and I remember Robert's voice was shot to shit that night as well." Easy to blame Jimmy Page when it's really Plant's squeaky voice that makes Tempe a 'bad performance'...

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Elegantly wasted, no doubt :lol: but I notice Jonesy didn't add, "...and I remember Robert's voice was shot to shit that night as well." Easy to blame Jimmy Page when it's really Plant's squeaky voice that makes Tempe a 'bad performance'...

True, but Plant's voice was not necessarily his fault and he always did the best he could. Page on the other hand, made a conscious decision to put himself in a state whereby it could, and usually did, affect his performance. IMO, Page was VERY unprofessional as a live musician from 77' - 83' and he has no excuse.

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True, but Plant's voice was not necessarily his fault and he always did the best he could. Page on the other hand, made a conscious decision to put himself in a state whereby it could, and usually did, affect his performance. IMO, Page was VERY unprofessional as a live musician from 77' - 83' and he has no excuse.

No question, Page was his own worst enemy in that regard...I'm just saying that Page can't take all the blame for why Tempe is considered a 'bad' performance.

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No question, Page was his own worst enemy in that regard...I'm just saying that Page can't take all the blame for why Tempe is considered a 'bad' performance.

Thats true, And most likely he didnt mean to get so wrecked that night. I been seeing lately that a lot of people like to blame Pagey for whenever they sounded sloppy or had a hard night. But thats not fair at all. Whenever you hear pagey talk about himself and zep, He always says how he put everything he had and everything he was into led zep. Regardless of how trashed he got. And if you watch them live, actually just listen to them faithfully like i do, You just know that he really did put everything he had into zep. I actually find it awesome how bigheaded and wrecked he would be at some shows, and how it effected his playing LOL!!!

He didnt just play 45 minute D&C and 30 minute solos for nothing. That was him enjnoying what he did and putting his all into it. When he got a lil to high he just did whatever a little to much lol

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