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Named & Shamed

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Naoimi cambell bumping into me as she stumbled back after trying to climb over the back of the seats to get to her seat, with her reputation i just didnt say a word and went quietly about my business of going for a beer :-)

Naomi Campbell Mugged at Zeppelin Concert

Would it be an event if Naomi Campbell weren’t somehow at the center of things? While Led Zeppelin reunited in London to memorialize Atlantic Records’ Ahmet Ertegun, the supermodel was in a luxury box at the O2 Arena getting mugged.

As the show ended I ran into her coming out of the VIP exit. She was having a fight with one of the security men. As we passed, she announced to me, "Someone stole my handbag. It had two phones in it!"

It’s unclear whether Campbell reported the crime or how it happened. She made her complaint to security and then exited through the VIP section while thousands upon thousands of music fans swarmed over her.


Ahh, poor Naomi ... NOT! :rolleyes:

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Naomi Campbell Mugged at Zeppelin Concert

Would it be an event if Naomi Campbell weren’t somehow at the center of things? While Led Zeppelin reunited in London to memorialize Atlantic Records’ Ahmet Ertegun, the supermodel was in a luxury box at the O2 Arena getting mugged.

As the show ended I ran into her coming out of the VIP exit. She was having a fight with one of the security men. As we passed, she announced to me, "Someone stole my handbag. It had two phones in it!"

It’s unclear whether Campbell reported the crime or how it happened. She made her complaint to security and then exited through the VIP section while thousands upon thousands of music fans swarmed over her.


Ahh, poor Naomi ... NOT! :rolleyes:

I wonder if she was going to use the phones to attack an employee? <_<

Ok, that's my last crack. No more mean comments from me. I just don't care for Naomi, really.

Edited by eskimoblueday
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Hah! Great thread!

To the extreamly drunk girl in about row K up in 417 who had to be tackled to the floor by security and ejected from the gig during Stairway because you were way to drunk to even stand up:

You showed the whole arena your pants. Thanks for the entertainment.

I SAW THAT. I felt so bad for people around her. Especially the people whom she fell on. I'm all for people going crazy, but as long at they respect other people's space.

I was in section 415. I was angry that people around me prefered to remain seated throughout, while I wanted to stay standing, dancing and screaming. But I'm a very tall man and realized that I'd be blocking the lazy sod's view, so I'd stand up between song to scream and applaud, but I sat down out of respect for the others behind me.

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No kidding... as said before, If I would have drank, I would have imposed a 2 drink minimum on myself, but then again, I wouldn't have wanted to leave to have to go to the bathroom.... so that would have had to be consumed well before Zeppelin went on.

LOL, that was my way of thinking!

No way was my bladder going to interfere with two of the most precious hours of my life!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

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I was in section 415. I was angry that people around me prefered to remain seated throughout, while I wanted to stay standing, dancing and screaming. But I'm a very tall man and realized that I'd be blocking the lazy sod's view, so I'd stand up between song to scream and applaud, but I sat down out of respect for the others behind me.

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hey Stormpilot

my mate and i were among the people who moved from in front of the stage towards the back before the first encore

trust me man you would not have wanted me to stay.

the equation goes something like

2x 40 year old plus blokes

copious amounts of food and drink from an early breakfast thru till 11pm

3 hours standing and rockin out at the gig

pissing like a shire horse as the flood gates open.

we went to the back to ablute

we then came back in for the Finale

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I remember at Knebworth some geezer standing up early/ mid way through the gig and getting pelted with cans to sit down. He put on his crash helmet and the cans bounced off. Stood there getting pelted. Bing they went. Until a large box containing who knows what hit him and down he went. Seemed as if it was an anvil that had hit him. Moments later we were all on our feet anyway.

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Well not quite named, but certainly shamed.


2 guy's in front of me, in Section 413, row H seats 752 & 753. They were in and out of their seats all night to buy 4-packs of beer, of which most was spilled on the floor.

They then fell asleep :blink: during Kashmir and were asleep all the way through the 2 encores. WTF

I hope you are proud of yourselves.

Too Fucking Much! They are still probably bragging to their friends how GREAT the show was too!

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Hah! Great thread!

To the extreamly drunk girl in about row K up in 417 who had to be tackled to the floor by security and ejected from the gig during Stairway because you were way to drunk to even stand up:

You showed the whole arena your pants. Thanks for the entertainment.

Aye we were in the next block along - to be honest I think at the end of the incident there were about 6 or more security guards trying to get her out. That stuff normally happens right infront of me and I saw the anger in the mans face next to her when he finally snapped. Felt his pain

On the subject of naming and shaming, there were two empty seats next me for the entire concert....what a waste.

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Very funny...but also disgraceful, what a waste of a ticket.

So much for HG's concerns that only the real fans get into this gig.

...and as for falling asleep during Kashmir...words fail me.

Doesn't surprise me though. I like a drink as much as the next man, but getting off your face before a once-in-a-lifetime (maybe) event like this is just raising the finger to all the thousands that really wanted to be there.

Waste of a ticket is right, Lee. <_<

Someone like me could have used it instead. :angry:


Edited by manderlyh
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Hah! Great thread!

To the extreamly drunk girl in about row K up in 417 who had to be tackled to the floor by security and ejected from the gig during Stairway because you were way to drunk to even stand up:

You showed the whole arena your pants. Thanks for the entertainment.

I was in row Q and thoroughly enjoyed her flowery pants. Best part was when she ripped the ear piece out of the security guards ear. That must've hurt!! :blink:

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I can remember the first time I got to see Jimmy Page in 1984 when he toured with The Firm. ( I believe that may have been the first time he was on the stage of MSG since Zep last appeared there in 1977 so you can only imagine how LOUD that arena was !

Jimmy played there in '83 for the ARMS concert.

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Well not quite named, but certainly shamed.


2 guy's in front of me, in Section 413, row H seats 752 & 753. They were in and out of their seats all night to buy 4-packs of beer, of which most was spilled on the floor.

They then fell asleep :blink: during Kashmir and were asleep all the way through the 2 encores. WTF

I hope you are proud of yourselves.

this happened when I saw Van Halen. some ladies fell asleep they got so drunk. they passed out during the third song though! "Runnin' With the Devil."

it pisses me off when people go to see a band and then they sleep. I said your frustration Hugh Phamism

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I can remember the first time I got to see Jimmy Page in 1984 when he toured with The Firm. ( I believe that may have been the first time he was on the stage of MSG since Zep last appeared there in 1977 so you can only imagine how LOUD that arena was ! I don't think he was able to say anything for almost 5 minutes it was so loud.. what a show ! ) I just screamed "JIMMY F***ing PAGE" for about an hour. I can understand her excitement because it was probably the first time, and there has always been a mystique associated with Led Zeppelin and all it's members that causes such reactions the first time you see them. This is especially true for people that only heard about Zeppelin shows but never got the chance to see them.

SO, if you were anywhere near me at the MSG appearance of The Firm in 1984.. I am truly sorry if my exuberance caused you any discomfort.

Call me an old fart but I am afraid that I prefer to listen to the music rather than scream like a twat.

Having queued or stood for about 10 hours before LZ came on I was not over impressed with some cretin who had bought a couple of albums and learned the words to a few songs screaming in my ear. If she or you generally go to Spice Girls concerts to scream your prettly little heads off then that is fine but if you had done so at Knebworth in 79 you would have had a Party 7 of warm piss hit you on the back of the head.

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What was the point in people spending £125.00 for a concert just so they could miss most of it?

Maybe just so they could say they were there?

It gets worse - my wife had these blokes walking in front of her every 15 min. to go to the bar, they were not bothered about being there at all.

I bought a ticket from a guy who said he was a fan, he got me in then disappeared, never even used his ticket!!

I couldn't stop thinking about all the fans who would have loved his seat.

This is where the ballot idea fell foul I'm afraid.

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Call me an old fart but I am afraid that I prefer to listen to the music rather than scream like a twat.

Having queued or stood for about 10 hours before LZ came on I was not over impressed with some cretin who had bought a couple of albums and learned the words to a few songs screaming in my ear. If she or you generally go to Spice Girls concerts to scream your prettly little heads off then that is fine but if you had done so at Knebworth in 79 you would have had a Party 7 of warm piss hit you on the back of the head.

Well, I guess you could call me somewhat of a grumpy old git myself nowadays so I understand your frustration. But, maybe you never got that excited as a teenager seeing one of your musical heroes .. That's my excuse, be it an acceptable one or not. If this person you referred to at the show monday was a teenager, then I guess that's her excuse. If she was an adult, then by all means you should have turned around and taken care of what needed to be taken care of, your fault for letting her scream like she did without letting her know. Sorry, but your spice girl comment kinda ticked me off.. :angry:

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Well, I guess you could call me somewhat of a grumpy old git myself nowadays so I understand your frustration. But, maybe you never got that excited as a teenager seeing one of your musical heroes .. That's my excuse, be it an acceptable one or not. If this person you referred to at the show monday was a teenager, then I guess that's her excuse. If she was an adult, then by all means you should have turned around and taken care of what needed to be taken care of, your fault for letting her scream like she did without letting her know. Sorry, but your spice girl comment kinda ticked me off.. :angry:

I don't recall anyone screaming at Glastonbury this year and there was a wide age group there. Perhaps it is an American thing.

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