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I think Plants solo career sucks... I like his first two albums. After that I cant say anything good about him or his music... His refusal to do a reunion is disappointing. I mean the Page/Plant thing was a reunion but it was cheesy, acoustic, and there was no JPJ.... Hes still around because he was the singer of Zep.... Not because his new music is good.. And the band he plays in, disgraceful. Pure letdown, Id walk out if I went to one of he concerts today...

I saw RP and BOJ with thousands of my nearest and dearest at the New Orleans Jazz Fest earlier this year. They rocked hard! I doubt anyone walked out... If they did they missed out on a helluva good time!

It was pure bliss for everyone ....from ages 8-80 all were on their feet.. the whole crowd singing "Ramble On" was probably one of the coolest moments I have ever been a part of.

The man is a true artist's artist.

I find some of his BOJ stuff is very edgy and haunting... Never boring!

I appreciate his work! I would love to see him again in whatever incarnation he takes!

I wish people would leave the Zep reunion thing alone.

Jimmy Page has created more in his time in the sun than many could hope to do in 2 or 3 lifetimes.... If he blesses us with more, then wonderful!

If not, he sure has brought a lot of joy and memories to the soundtrack of my life, and for that I thank him!

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My response to the article

Thanks for not asking when Zeppelin is getting back together it was really refreshing.

Posted 11/8/2011 1:07:38am

by Pagefan1960

Read More http://www.gq.com/en...e#ixzz1dTJe6CWA

I love the comment above yours that says, "If Plant is so keen to 'to do lots of different things' then why is the setlist for his Band of Joy concerts 50% or more Zeppelin tunes?" Makes me wonder what Robert Plant concerts they haven't been attending.

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Somebody should just make a cheque out to Robert for a billion..

He'd be on a plane the next day

I very seriously doubt it. If it was about the money, he would have already have done it. Thankfully, it isn't about the money to him. If he were to do it just for the cash, I would find that to be incredibly shameful. We already have enough bands out there like the Eagles doing endless farewell tours just for the money.

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Whoa...I thought spidersandsnakes had wrapped up the "lamest post of the year" award, but your late entry may just beat anything posted so far. It's a whole lotta lame!

His current band "disgraceful"? Are you serious...do you even know the quality of musicians he's been working with lately? These aren't some country-bumpkins he picked up on the side-of-the-road.

In fact, your entire post is so mind-bogglingly off-base, that I wonder if you aren't "spidersandsnakes" coming back under a different name?

That's a blast from the past! End of the year idea, best and worst from this forum! This thread must fall into the category of most redundent thread topic, blasting Robert's musical avenues - AGAIN! Right up there with, a friend of a friend of a guy who works for a sound company says Zep are getting together for a tour next year......for real this time!

Blah, blah, blah.....

Let the man have his freedom. Come along for the ride, or don't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If Plant's so confident in the merits of his new direction, that's fine. But I think he should let his new material stand or fall on its own merits, without relying on disrespectful versions of LZ classics to attract the rubes. I never had him down as a huckster before.

Funnily enough, when I bought my tickets this year to the Band of Joy shows, not one of them came with a promise of "LZ classics" either respectful or otherwise. To me, and this is just my opinion, he has every right to play the music that he had a hand in creating over the years in whatever way suits him. To my knowledge he's never sought to stop John Paul Jones or Jimmy Page from doing any of the Zeppelin music in whatever fashion they would like. He's given his blessing to whatever Jason Bonham wants to do with the music. Cover bands do horrific versions of it all the time. So what is the big deal? I went in to those shows with the same information anyone else who has seen an interview with him about The Band of Joy or has access to youtube had the ability to get and I thought it was fantastic. I suppose I just don't see how him playing his music the way he wants to makes him a huckster. Again, just my opinion though and it's worth what you paid for it.

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I'm happy for the guy. Regardless if he doesn't (and won't) satisfy the masses, he has left us a legacy of never-ending music from the greatest rock band in the world - for us to enjoy anytime we please!

Same here, the guy gets a pass for his work in Zeppelin alone, as does Jimmy Page (especially) and JPJ as far as I go. I cant say I digg his new musical direction, but if hes happy with it, as an artist, thats all that counts! I appreciate his earlier solo efforts either way.

My hope is that Mr Page gets some new material out there, we already know that Death Wish 2 and Lucifer Rising is on the way. And possibly new music as well so we'll see. Its obvious hes in no hurry though lol

And JPJ has done some good things as well and most likely will again, so its all good IMO.

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I would love to see him back doing a reunion tour but if his heart is not in it, maybe it would't come off very good. It's his choice I suppose, but his fans will always want him back with the lads. Life goes on.

Not all of them.

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it's great that he doesn't want to cash in on a "zeppelin" reunion/cabaret tour. leave it be. what can they possibly add to the legacy now? the O2 was a great thing and put straight the shite catastrophe of live aid and atlantic 40th once and for all. some say "they should get together to show how great they are and let us see them again" they did at the O2. they could do it 100 times more and there'd still be more people asking for it to go on. it's been done.

if they do tour i shall try my very best to get there obviously, but i really hope they don't. planty's seemingly happy doing what he's already doing, why go backwards? i'm not crazy on his new direction all the time but i dig that he chooses it

to do it for the cash he probably doesn't need anyway would be a huge sellout

just my two pennys worth

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I would want them to as well, a chance to see them play again like they did at the o2? Hell ya! And YES I would want them to continue after a hundred shows, I'm a fan for crying out loud. I dont care "how many times blah blah blah".

It aint gonna happen most likely, but ya know what, the sun will rise tomorrow along with other stuff, so its all good. :gimmefive:

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None of them, that's who.

It's all very well for the Plant apologists to defend his right to do what he likes in his career. NP with that. But anyone who claims to prefer his current direction to a possible 'almost-LZ' tour either wants their head examining, or is a liar.

I didn't read anyone say that anywhere.

Maybe you could provide a quote so I could judge their relative sanity for myself?

Edited by Knebby
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I'd go see it, but lets face the facts:

1. Bonzo is dead

2. Robert can't sing high like he used to

3. Jimmy has arthritis and can't play like he used.

That's 3 out of 4 missing pieces. It would Zep in name only. And Robert seems to realize that more than anybody else.

None of them, that's who.

It's all very well for the Plant apologists to defend his right to do what he likes in his career. NP with that. But anyone who claims to prefer his current direction to a possible 'almost-LZ' tour either wants their head examining, or is a liar.

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1. Bonzo is dead, and thats a legit reason not to do it. But his son Jason is very much alive and has shown he can do his father quit proud pounding away, so it could be done with Jason on the drum kit.

2. Dunno about that one. From Roberts own recent comments he indicated hes singing better now than he ever has, sounded pretty good at the o2 and the o2 rehearsals for sure.

3. Again Jimmy sounded fantastic at the o2, better than he has perhapes in decades. Didnt sound bad when he got on stage with Donovan and The Black Crows recently either. Sure didnt sound like he was unable to shred because he has arthritis.

IMO It could be done, easly. I couldnt have said that after Live Aid, or the Atlantic 40th, but after o2, no doubt about it. But it doesnt seem like its in the cards so no use pulling hair out over it.

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None of them, that's who.

It's all very well for the Plant apologists to defend his right to do what he likes in his career. NP with that. But anyone who claims to prefer his current direction to a possible 'almost-LZ' tour either wants their head examining, or is a liar.

Not true. I've loved Plant's last two albums totally and to be blunt with you I really could care less about any Zeppelin reunion. If by some minor miracle they did a reunion tour I'd have casual interest in it at best. The 1970's are long gone, so is Led Zeppelin as a working band.

If I need to turn in my fandom pledge pin after saying the above, sorry but I ain't gonna.

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Not true. I've loved Plant's last two albums totally and to be blunt with you I really could care less about any Zeppelin reunion. If by some minor miracle they did a reunion tour I'd have casual interest in it at best. The 1970's are long gone, so is Led Zeppelin as a working band.

If I need to turn in my fandom pledge pin after saying the above, sorry but I ain't gonna.

Sorry but I find that really hard to believe, it would be so big, how could you have "casual interest" in it as a Led Zeppelin fan

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It would Zep in name only. And Robert seems to realize that more than anybody else.

Back when the prospect of Page, Plant, Jones and Jason Bonham carrying on beyond the 02 was being kicked around, it had been decided that they would write new music and that the new project would not be called Led Zeppelin. I would have a very keen interest in seeing something like that but a band playing nothing but the songs of Led Zeppelin? Not so much because it would be little more than an exercise in nostalgia. We already have enough bands touring the globe under that premise (and charging an arm and a leg for it). Thankfully Led Zeppelin isn't one of them and never will be. In lieu of a reunion, I would love to see Plant, Jones and Page continue to create music on their own. Unfortunately, Page seems to have little to no interest in that.

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Why couldn't they just be Led Zeppelin and then add new music? Pick up where they left off.

You'd have to dig up some old interviews from this particular time period for the specifics but it was agreed upon by all members that they would not be called Led Zeppelin. I agree with that decision whole heartedly. To continue on as a new group that would be creating new music without John Bonham, I couldn't see it happening any other way.

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I could see it happening just fine. Same as with the Rolling Stones without Brian Jones . If they could do the O2 as Zeppelin, haven't they already broken that original agreement?

The agreement I'm referring to wasn't reached until after the 02 concert.

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