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I'm listening to the "Out Of The Way" recording right now,

I remember for sure the last minute or so of No Quarter is absent. As far as new source "quality," (in the right hands) that remains to be seen. I'm sure there are other lapses, but NQ is the one that stands out in my memory, as well as audience chatter. "Led Zeppelin's givin' it hell" is heard early on, that I remember. Also, Plant's echo effect at the end of ALS on this version is better than what I've heard on whatever version it is I've heard. The Plantations, some could be discerned, others might need translating.

Anyway, the wheel is about to roll on, the outcome I've no clue, but like the photos from May 18, 1977, I posted which I had recently run across, likewise, whatever these results, I'll share as well.

I'm listening to the "Out Of The Way" source right now, it sounds better than I remembered...stereo recording, and it has that 'indoor arena' sound to it. I take it the cuts and whatnot you are talking about are on this new third source (on OOTW the only cut I notice in NQ is during the piano solo, and it seems minor)

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Well I was just wondering so I could go get that instead. I just don't like having a cut in the middle of ALS (my favorite LZ song you see.)

On further inspection, I didn't notice a cut in ALS- my mistake.While I was listening to "Out Of The Way" Sunday evening I actually considered for all of thirty seconds patching the gaps in the OOTW source with "Dixie" but decided not to because it would be a real pain to do, and I just don't have the time or patience. For one thing, the cuts are minor; for another thing the two sources run at slightly different speeds ("Dixie" is a bit faster), and for me it's just not worth the time...frankly I'm sorta surprised nobody else has ever tried, or maybe they just said "Fuck it!" like I did...patching and speed correcting a recording is very intricate and time consuming work.

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Where is the gap in ALS at?

Like I said, I didn't notice one on the OOTW recording, I was mistaken

...And that's what I get for standing in the kitchen making a sandwich while "Achilles Last Stand" was playing...on further inspection, there is a cut (boy do I feel fucking stupid!), during the last verse (after 'All the heavens from the Earth...' about eight minutes in), it misses the final "Ah-ah-ah" section. I know this because I decided after all to make a 'definitive' Birmingham show patching the OOTW recording with the inferior "Dixie" source...thanks, bam4k, you set me off on that one! It'll be for my own personal enjoyment, mind you, but in the end I had to try it out, 'cos that show kicks ass!

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  • 1 month later...

Much appreciated! A great live version of ALS through my ears. I feel confident that what you've listened to has been heard by no more than 20-25 people since 1979. (at this point)

I had to give out a taste, if you will. Hope the mods are ok with it.

The credit ultimately goes to the taper. Would like him to contact me if he's still around and still into Led Zeppelin.

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That's not at all bad considering the circumstances, thanks! Although I think it's running a little fast.

Is that a straight transfer, or has any EQ or NR been applied?

That is a straight transfer, Major. Jabe sent me a copy of the recording to do some work on it. I have since speed/pitch corrected it as well as added some much needed EQ. Until I receive further instructions from Jabe in regard to sharing out the recording (such as torrenting it, etc) that is all I am at liberty to say.

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Nutrocker has refined this concert to a point that I hear nuances that were previously unrecognized by me.

Bearing in mind, this is almost a 35 year old recording that had not been secured in the best environment.

For what it was, and what it has become, I'm well pleased with its outcome.

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Nutrocker has refined this concert to a point that I hear nuances that were previously unrecognized by me.

Bearing in mind, this is almost a 35 year old recording that had not been secured in the best environment.

For what it was, and what it has become, I'm well pleased with its outcome.

Thanx for the 'seal of approval', Jabe. The vocals, in particular, really come through on this recording. I too was surprised...

I'd put the sound quality as below the "Out Of The Way" source (Jabe's is mono, for one thing) but way ahead of the old "Dixie" recording. It sounds like it was recorded on the floor and fairly close to the stage, whereas the other two Birmingham recordings sound like they were recorded further up ("Dixie" sounds like it was taped from the fucking nosebleeds!).

There are some 'tape issues' during the acoustic set, though nothing too major. Considering 8 track tapes were used, I've heard worse recordings from that era captured on standard cassettes (though the recording equipment itself is a big factor as well, of course). I think I was mainly surprised at the completeness of the recording; there are a handful of cuts (the endings of IMTOD, Going To California and BYAS are missing) but otherwise it's all there. But, no, I have no plan on patching the cuts, that's too much hard work LOL. I must admit that after all this, plus doing my 'matrix' using the other two sources, even as a '77 freak I think I've heard the Birmingham show enough times to last a lifetime!

Jabe and I will be keeping y'all posted (no pun intended)...

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there are a handful of cuts (the endings of IMTOD, Going To California and BYAS are missing) but otherwise it's all there. But, no, I have no plan on patching the cuts, that's too much hard work LOL.

...So of course I ended up doing the patching work on the fucker anyway! As I told my missus, who was sitting across the room from me, trying not to go completely insane from hearing the ending of "In My Time Of Dying", "Going To California" and "Bron Y Aur Stomp" over and over again, "It's a labour of love, darling!"

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You're the best Nutrocker!!! I loved the way ALS came out!


If you liked the raw ALS clip, you'll like this one even better, uploading at 'ten cents a pound' as we speak.

For the 'torrentially challenged', shoot me a PM.

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8-track recorders were desirable because most people had an 8-track player in their car in the 70's, cassettes didn't really catch on until the early 80's, as the industry began to phase out reel-to-reel player/recorders.

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8-track recorders were desirable because most people had an 8-track player in their car in the 70's, cassettes didn't really catch on until the early 80's, as the industry began to phase out reel-to-reel player/recorders.

Maybe where you lived, but cassettes were in all the cars in Southern California in the 1970s. Hell, go watch "Two-Lane Blacktop", which came out in 1971; Warren Oates plays nothing but cassettes in his GTO. Maxell tapes were everywhere in the 70's...who could forget those great ads? One of the rituals of buying albums in the 70s was along with the record, you would buy some blank Maxell C-60s or C-90s, so you could make copies of the record for the car and for your friends.

Where I came from, 8-tracks were not desirable at all...their sound was inferior and they often screwed up the song order and long songs would get spliced into two and so on. 8-tracks were considered car stereos for poor people.

Cassettes were better, fidelity-wise and for staying true to the original album's format, than 8-tracks...both in the car and in the home. Growing up, just about every car I remember my folks and friends having, had car stereos with cassette players. I can only recall a couple people who had 8-track players. One was this guy down the street who had a van, and even he replaced his 8-track with a cassette system by 1975.

And if you had a Blaupunkt in your car, you truly were the envy of all your friends. That was everyone's dream...to get a Blaupunkt for their car. Or at the very least, an Alpine.

Obviously, reel-to-reel trumped both cassette and 8-track for high fidelity, but try hooking up a reel-to-reel in your car.

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By now, I hope a lot of you have had the opportunity to listen to "Not For Sale". It's what it is, and what it was like.

Thanks to my anonymous audio engineer here in Birmingham.

Thanks to Nutrocker for the hours he put in making this project much more appealing to our ears. Plus steering me straight when I could have veered.

Thanks to SteveAJones for his sage advice.

Thanks to Conneyfogle, who has always gone out of his way for me, and has to be the truest gentleman I've never had the pleasure to personally meet.

Thanks to the 16 or 17 year old, who taped the concert back in 1977. Contact me if you you're still around.

In short, I wanted the Led Zeppelin fans of the world to have access to enjoy this recently rediscovered version of the May 18, 1977 concert.

I wanted to minimize the potential for the industry to make a buck off this version, hence the title, "Not For Sale".

Lastly, thanks to Led Zeppelin for giving us timeless music which is as current and fresh today, as it was back in the '70's.

Mission accomplished.

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I'm listening to this right now. Thanks for this! I'd never searched out this date before, so I'd never actually heard either of the other versions of this show that are circulating, this is quite listenable! I probably won't bother to seek out either of the others, hearing the "superior" version's edits inserted into this gives me a sense of the sound of it, the vocals *are* better, they sound 'warmer' if that makes any sense.

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