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Tall guys

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Too many tall guys at the gig, thought it best to stay at the back. Sound was fantastic, views all round brilliant, although if it wasn't for Robert Plants cool hair I could make them out on stage and keep an eye on them.

It was one of the best nights of my life, right up there with my wedding day............ in fact one of the best couple of days, met the most fantastic and interesting people from all over the world.

Wish is was this weekend so I could do it all over again.

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Have you seen the size of the guy in front of me?! :(


I'm just glad the guy behind me kept picking me up! What a drunken star he was!

There was a guy in front of the tall guy, and he had like a dance routine going on with his arms...first they'd go into the air with his fists clenched, then he'd open up his hands, then he'd clasp his hands together and like, thrust them at the stage, then he'd run them through his hair.

He must have done this about 100 times during the gig.

Imagine how annoying! I might not have noticed had his arm not been covering the little space I did have over the tall man's shoulder. :angry:


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Note for Chicken:

Remember to buy some platform boots for next gig!!

If it's any consolation, you might have noticed that I had to keep standing on tippy-toes just to see anything. I probably spent 75% of the time just watching the screen.

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Note for Chicken:

Remember to buy some platform boots for next gig!!

If it's any consolation, you might have noticed that I had to keep standing on tippy-toes just to see anything. I probably spent 75% of the time just watching the screen.

:lol: Sounds like a plan.

Lee, did you notice the guy with the arm dance? He was just in front of the "I've seen the Stones 48 times" really tall bald-patch guy.

Oh yeah, and please can you send me that picture you've got as your avatar? It looks well better than the one Bob took on my camera!

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You even have the photo to prove it, classic!

Too many tall guys at the gig, thought it best to stay at the back. Sound was fantastic, views all round brilliant, although if it wasn't for Robert Plants cool hair I could make them out on stage and keep an eye on them.

It was one of the best nights of my life, right up there with my wedding day............ in fact one of the best couple of days, met the most fantastic and interesting people from all over the world.

Wish is was this weekend so I could do it all over again.

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Have you seen the size of the guy in front of me?! :(


I'm just glad the guy behind me kept picking me up! What a drunken star he was!

There was a guy in front of the tall guy, and he had like a dance routine going on with his arms...first they'd go into the air with his fists clenched, then he'd open up his hands, then he'd clasp his hands together and like, thrust them at the stage, then he'd run them through his hair.

He must have done this about 100 times during the gig.

Imagine how annoying! I might not have noticed had his arm not been covering the little space I did have over the tall man's shoulder. :angry:


Yay Caz!!!

I know excatly how you feel, at 5'2, seeeing the Stones at the fifty yard line in a stadium sucked big weanies. :angry::angry:

I actually did think of taking a small wood block so I could be as tall as these dudes over 6 feet......with a friggen HAT on................ :angry::angry:


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England does seem to have more than its fair share of very tall (and good-looking) men, I must say. Do you think it's the damp climate that makes them sprout up so high? I'm not complaining, so long as they don't stand in front of me at a concert. :)

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