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What is the best bootleg?


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  • 1 month later...

Have you heard "A Sweeter Blueberry"? It's another different source and sounds pretty good.

Yeah I listened to that and it was ok, still kinda harsh sounding IMO.

EDIT: chef, the copy I was listening too of "A Sweeter Blueberry" was really crappy and now that I found a MUCH better copy, that takes place as my favorite. Super clear and the harshness I was talking about is gone :peace:

I'd say stick with Winston's. I've had it for awhile and it's still the best sounding to my ears.

I think that's what I'm going to do. I gave it a listen and it does sound really good. Thanks Sue and chef!

Edited by lcondo123
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  • 2 months later...

Try and find the audience recording for the second night in Cleveland '77 (Destroyer is from the first night)...it's even better!

I agree on the second night. Prefer it to the first.

I enjoy your posts.

Any reason LA 08/21/1971 shouldn't be on a top 10 list? I'm listening to it now and it still holds up. Band is tight and Plant's voice is perfect. And WLL is one of the best.

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I agree on the second night. Prefer it to the first.

I enjoy your posts.

Any reason LA 08/21/1971 shouldn't be on a top 10 list? I'm listening to it now and it still holds up. Band is tight and Plant's voice is perfect. And WLL is one of the best.

Sound quality isn't great. Just went back and listened to WLL, it's tight but very loose!

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Does that version use Bluecongo's Four Blocks In The Snow matrix as the basis? From a sound quality perspective, at least, FBITS gets my vote as "best" bootleg.

Having never heard Bluecongo's FBITS, I cannot definitively say one way or another. I can however say that it is definitely an upgrade from the EVSD/eelpie release of the soundboard. There's a slight concert hall ambience and a depth and smoothing of the rough spots of Robert's voice and Jimmy's guitar. You also get a tad more crowd noise than is the norm for a soundboard. I dare say it is close to sounding like TSRTS quality.

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Here's the BOOTLEDZ title comparison with different sources for this show

2-12-75, soundboard
Flying Circus (Eelgrass & Empress Valley), Madison Square Graffiti (Red Devil), & That's Alright New York (Godfatherecords)

Empress Valley released this tape first. Eelgrass is a direct copy - there are no differences in equalization or disc times. Red Devil seems to be sourced from EV too, although it is not a direct cd copy with matching times. They've added "blank tape" at the end of the cds. It's cue stops and sound are identical to EV.
EV's "gold disc" reissue and the jewel case reissue in 2007 have identical disc times as the original release.
Godfather made some heavy adjustments to the sound to provide some more depth. A minor cut can be found just before Moby and a minor glitch/drop in the later portion of Dazed. About forty seconds of tape (audience cheering) has been removed from after Stairway and after the show.

2-12-75, source 1
Can't Take Your Evil Ways (TDOLZ, both issues), Four Blocks In the Snow (TCOLZ), The Jumpleg (Tarantura), Ladies and Gents (Tarantura2000), MSG 1975 (LSD, both issues), & 10th US Tour (Whole Lotta Live)

Whole Lotta Live is a direct copy of Tarantura.
TDOLZ reissued this title claiming it was the "uncut complete version." That wasn't the truth. No label has managed to do this yet. TDOLZ's first issue is missing 68 seconds of Moby Dick. Their reissue is this section. (Evidently, the master source is cut at the switch to hand percussion during Moby Dick. All cd titles have a cut at that point.) However, both titles are still missing a large chunk of time after Rain Song, several seconds after Dazed, and 90 seconds after Black. The reissue doesn't include a cue stop for Kashmir. Mostly, the two titles sound similar.
LSD also issued this title twice. Both issues have precisely identical cuts and content. There may be a little difference in the equalization. Both are also missing about a minute of the introduction. There's a drop in Rock and Roll exclusively to these titles. The tape seems a little unbalanced after Sick Again and there's another small problem during Over the Hills and Far Away. No Quarter has a digital glitch and about 2 dozen seconds of tape are missing after Dazed and Confused. These problems are also only found on LSD. Three minutes of tape are missing between Stairway and Whole Lotta Love. It's also missing 90 seconds after Black Dog. Robert's "Good Night" is missing from the end of the show too.
Tarantura is missing more than a minute of the introduction. There are tape problems during the end of Rain Song and is missing a large amount of time after the song. Moby Dick is missing a large section. There are some balance problems that mostly clear up before Stairway To Heaven. Stairway has a cut but is not missing any time. About five minutes of tape are missing after the song. Another 2.5 minutes are missing after Black.
"Ladies and Gents" also is a release claiming to be uncut. It also claims to be straight from the master source. It is not directly from the master. It is cut, missing time found on other releases. The cut after Rain Song misses 44 seconds of tape, like TDOLZ. Additionally, they've "added" tape from elsewhere to extend the audience's applause. Moby Dick is cut, but not any less complete than other titles. New from this title is an extra 90+ seconds of tape between Black Dog and Heartbreaker. (The original pressing of Ladies & Gents first disc had a cut early in Kashmir. A replacement was manufactured before much distribution.)
TCOLZ's title is the most complete and unadulterated version, having over a minute more of new non music tape than other releases. It's only flaw is missing 90 seconds of audience noise after Black Dog.
The reissues are similar in sound to their original counterparts. LSD and Tarantura2000 seem to be eq'ed for lower frequencies. TDOLZ and TCOLZ feature the higher ones. The original Tarantura doesn't sound as good as the other releases.

2-12-75, source 2
Four Blocks In the Snow (TCOLZ) & That's All Right NewYork (Electric Magic Celebration)

EMC's title uses source two as it's foundation and fills in some areas with source one. The splices are during the Rain Song, Kashmir, and after Dazed. The splice during Kashmir is to displace source two's heavily distorted section. The other splices displace a few seconds in the process of filling source two's gaps. There are a couple of small cut/repeats during the title that shouldn't be there. This is primarily a new source but relies on the first source to complete Rain Song and Kashmir. There's a terrible metallic sound in the background, not unlike Celebration's May 1973 soundboards and some of the Tara2000. The tape has been amplified largely.
TCOLZ's release is strictly from source two and comes some six years after EMC. It doesn't have the problems that were incorporated into EMC.

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Having never heard Bluecongo's FBITS, I cannot definitively say one way or another. I can however say that it is definitely an upgrade from the EVSD/eelpie release of the soundboard. There's a slight concert hall ambience and a depth and smoothing of the rough spots of Robert's voice and Jimmy's guitar. You also get a tad more crowd noise than is the norm for a soundboard. I dare say it is close to sounding like TSRTS quality.

Hmm, sounds like they could have used the Bluecongo SBD/AUD matrix then.

Here's the BOOTLEDZ title comparison with different sources for this show

Those listed only cover the straight soundboard and audience recordings. The matrix I'm referring to was a fan made/net only project (unless Godfather has now gone ahead and booted it)

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Bluecongo's FBITS matrix came out in 2005, right? Godfatherecords released TANY around late-2007 or 2008 I believe. Reading some sites and there doesn't seem to be a definitive consensus on whether Godfather's is Bluecongo's matrix or a professionally mixed soundboard.

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