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To me, it's not an audiophile thing. It's the whole package; the liner notes, the artwork, having to actually get up to flip over the album. With friends hanging out listening to music, it also adds to the experience. Yes, listening to music can also be a very individual, solitary activity but it's also a unique experience to be shared with friends. And yes, you can also do that with mp3's or CD's but listening to vinyl has a completely different allure that those other formats don't seem to have. At least that's been my experience.

Yeah it feels like authentic or something.

I really can't wait for this record to come out or to know if I get a deluxe copy...

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This one?


As far as why on vinyl, it sounds better to some, it's easier to make a limited number, difficult to reproduce (on vinyl), it's what Jimmy wants. It is 2012 but vinyl has seen a resurgence and sales are picking up and bands are releasing their new music on vinyl.

I bet the crazy person selling the copy in this link for $550 dollars is not happy about this. Not that he could have gotten that much anyways.

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Yes, Jimmy is charging £165 for his signature (the difference between the deluxe edition and the signed deluxe edition). As for the "random" selection of registrants, will this 'random selection' be carried out by a computer, or by someone in his management team? If the 'random' selection is made by his management, that would suit those on this site who know JPP personally and are able to make contact to obtain their signed copy.

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93 signed deluxe copies

418 deluxe copies

Anyone have any thoughts on why ?

Possibly there are more deluxe copies around which have been kept aside for others ( Michael Winner was given a copy of the new Death Wish 2, though it seems unlikely that JP would feel so generous towards Kenneth Anger).

Or ... do the numbers also have a meaning ?

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The other great thing about vinyl and listening to records with friends is that because there are two sides which require you to flip it over when one side is finished, it allows a break to soak in the music you've just heard and if you're with friends, maybe discuss what you've just heard.

Consider Led Zeppelin I...when I first listened to this album, I remember being stunned by "Dazed and Confused", which closes side one...it floored me. Because it was the end of the side, I was able to just lay there in silence, my feeble young mind trying to absorb the sonic maelstrom I had just heard. After a few minutes, I was then able to rouse myself from my reverie and proceed to side 2.

With a cd or a digital mp3 file, you don't get that natural break. You have no time to savour Dazed and Confused because the organ soon heralds the beginning of "Your Time Is Gonna Come".

Anyway, TODAY is the day we find out if we're the chosen ones. Just so I'm clear on the time zone difference...1800 hrs GMT is 11:00am PST, right?

Good luck to everyone!!! :)

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Got an email for the deluxe version. The email was received at 11:49 am, ET.

I was checking the Jimmy Page Store and there still seem to be copies of the Deathwish II deluxe version available. Do any of you think this is worth getting for the same price as Lucifers Rising? If so, I may purchase them together.

Edited by SuperDave
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Got an email for the deluxe version. The email was received at 11:49 am, ET.

I was checking the Jimmy Page Store and there still seem to be copies of the Deathwish II deluxe version available. Do any of you think this is worth getting for the same price as Lucifers Rising? If so, I may purchase them together.

I got mine too, SuperDave. As did at least one of my friends. I feel excited and nervous, for some reason.

I know at least one person who has purchased the Deathwish II deluxe edition but they are "completists" and wanted to have it as part of their fairly extensive LZ collections. If you are a collector of most (all) things LZ (and Jimmy) I think it would be nice to have as part of your collection. I'm not a collector by any stretch of the imagination but Jimmy's LR has always intrigued me.

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I got mine too, SuperDave. As did at least one of my friends. I feel excited and nervous, for some reason.

I know at least one person who has purchased the Deathwish II deluxe edition but they are "completists" and wanted to have it as part of their fairly extensive LZ collections. If you are a collector of most (all) things LZ (and Jimmy) I think it would be nice to have as part of your collection. I'm not a collector by any stretch of the imagination but Jimmy's LR has always intrigued me.

I am so happy you did, MSG!!! :D I did too. I can order mine when I get home from work tomorrow!! :D I am truely happy for you too, SuperDave.

I am hoping PlanetPage you will still the copy of your choice on Thurday. :D

I too am excited...and nervous.

Edited by aen27
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I am so happy you did, MSG!!! :D I did too. I can order mine when I get home from work tomorrow!! :D I am truely happy for you too, SuperDave.

I am hoping PlanetPage you will still the copy of your choice on Thurday. :D

I too am excited...and nervous.

I'm so happy for you, AEN! I had a very strong feeling that you would be "chosen" for this. ;) I had forgotten about PlanetPage having a second chance to get a copy on Thursday - I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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That for the congrats MSG, AEN and everyone elsr. Congrats to all who got picked and sadness for those who didn't. There is still hope for the latter as I'm sure there will be some who registered, who will decide not to purchase. Probably find out after Thursday, when the 48 hour window ends.

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I am so happy you did, MSG!!! :D I did too. I can order mine when I get home from work tomorrow!! :D I am truely happy for you too, SuperDave.

I am hoping PlanetPage you will still the copy of your choice on Thurday. :D

I too am excited...and nervous.

...Thanks MSG and AEN, I am sure you will enjoy your treasure for long time to come...

I registered soon after the notice, in any case, prior to receiveing an general email noticie from JP.Com Site, I did not reply to the email, as I thought I have registered already...I am beginning to wonder maybe I did not register properly...in any case, it's over now, we will just move on and see what's next...

and best to all;

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