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falling asleep at the gig

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The people who fell asleep weren't tired (as far as I know) or bored (as far as I know), they were just drunk (I do know that).

You asked me this in your post (#40), now I am gonna ask you the very same question. Why are you replying to something that happened over 3 1/2years ago? Were you there Aquamarine? How do you know that they were not "tired" or "bored" (as far as YOU know), that "they were just drunk (I do know that)". HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? Did you see these two guys drinking and drunk at this Momentous Occasion? Is that you sitting next to them?

If you want to be sarcastic and ignorant than I can step up to your level and be the same way. Believe me, it is not my nature to be so, but I do have to respond heavily to any form of attacks that make me right and make You look stupid. Not that I am right but your replies, in my mind, make you look like a fool. You tried it on me and I am just returning your ignorance.

If you have no comment, I will take that as more incriminating than a comment. Regardless, any negative comment from you means absolutely Nothing to ME.

Edited by lzzoso
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You asked me this in your post (#40), now I am gonna ask you the very same question. Why are you replying to something that happened over 3 1/2years ago? Were you there Aquamarine? How do you know that they were not "tired" or "bored" (as far as YOU know), that "they were just drunk (I do know that)". HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? Did you see these two guys drinking and drunk at this Momentous Occasion? Is that you sitting next to them?

If you want to be sarcastic and ignorant than I can step up to your level and be the same way. Believe me, it is not my nature to be so, but I do have to respond heavily to any form of attacks that make me right and make You look stupid. Not that I am right but your replies, in my mind, make you look like a fool. You tried it on me and I am just returning your ignorance.

If you have no comment, I will take that as more incriminating than a comment. Regardless, any negative comment from you means absolutely Nothing to ME.

I am not replying to something that was POSTED 3 1/2 years ago, I'm replying to a bunch of posts over the last few weeks, the most recent having been posted yesterday. And by "the people who fell asleep," I wasn't referring to the people mentioned earlier in the thread, which has moved on from that--the most recent comments have just been about the general idea of people falling asleep at this or any other important gig. That's what I was commenting on, as the context should have made obvious. Yes, I was there--no, I wasn't sitting in the same row as those people, nor ever claimed to. And you need to chill out--there's a difference between an observation and an attack. And my final observation is that your last sentence is contradicted by the rest of your very peeved post.

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Apparently context is something that is lost on some people. *shakes head*

Although I'm waiting for him to come storming back and accuse me of being married to Aquamarine too, since I agree with her and we joined on the same date. :lol:

Edited by Electrophile
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..and it wouldn't be the first time, nor will it be the last.

Hey jahfin. Remember these very recent posts?

"People like you make this place a place where I dont want to be.. Get a Life". (Bencatley)

"There's nothing wrong with LukeTheDuke's post. Also, you're replying to something he wrote over three years ago". (Sam the Webmaster)

"My apologies to Luke, my post was out of line". (you, jahfin).

And how can You forget this classic,

"Not wanting to start shit but, jahfin, most of your posts are way "out of line" in one form or another. As you very well know, this is the "Official" Led Zeppelin Website (and Forum). You seem to be rude, crude and downright very ignorant to alot of people alot of the time when replying to some one elses posts/comments/replies. Why is that? What is your problem? 99% of Us who visit and read and reply on this Great Forum do not want to come back and read some inane comment from someone like you who obviously has a MAJOR chip on his (your!) shoulde

AND I AGREE 100%. EITHER FUCK OFF OR GET A LIFE!!! (Or at the very least, stop being so fucking ignorant and let us Led Zeppelin fans who have Positive things to say, say them without any fucking ignorant, snide or sarcastic remarks from you, jahfin).


(I would also have to say that this also applies to the very negative and equally ignorant electrophile and aquamarine). Remember, if you dish it out, you(s) can take it. I know that I can.

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I know that you can dish it out, too. :rolleyes: Calm down, for heavens' sake. Nobody has been trying to cause trouble with you--the posts you just quoted had nothing to do with you, until you decided to weigh in and be as rude as possible. Then you claim everyone else is being negative. Seems like you're not going to be happy until you get into a real firefight, but--sorry, not rising to it.

I notice the one part you didn't quote up there was the part where I suggested that you don't start shit. <_<

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