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Is the only time this happened?


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I dont think it was a mistake because if it was a mistake it would have meant starting to sing " And as we wind on down the road" earlier than he was supposed to, and he is definetly not saying that. It sounds like he was trying to get someones attention by saying "throw it, throw it", or something similar to that. Northstar.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd never noticed that before, or on any other version.

What do you think he's saying? Listening to it, my first thought was 'Show me, show me, show me to the trees, yeaaah!' - which would make perfect sense if he'd done his 'Does anybody remember forests?' thing earlier in the song. But on this version, it's 'laughter'.

Stewed to the gills would be my guess.

Yeah but in the lyrics of Stairway there is the lyrics "...and the forests will echo with laughter," so my guess is it's pertaining to that.

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