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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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...and that a police report concluded that "the encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin was ultimately avoidable by Zimmerman." & that another police report reveals that "According to record checks, all of Zimmerman's suspicious person's calls while residing in the Retreat neighborhood have identified black males as the subjects." G'night all, for now...

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...and that a police report concluded that "the encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin was ultimately avoidable by Zimmerman." & that another police report reveals that "According to record checks, all of Zimmerman's suspicious person's calls while residing in the Retreat neighborhood have identified black males as the subjects." G'night all, for now...

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...and that a police report concluded that "the encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin was ultimately avoidable by Zimmerman." & that another police report reveals that "According to record checks, all of Zimmerman's suspicious person's calls while residing in the Retreat neighborhood have identified black males as the subjects." G'night all, for now... :bubble:

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...and that a police report concluded that "the encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin was ultimately avoidable by Zimmerman." & that another police report reveals that "According to record checks, all of Zimmerman's suspicious person's calls while residing in the Retreat neighborhood have identified black males as the subjects." G'night all, for now... :bubble:

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One last thing, Martin was not shot at close range either. His fatal gunshot wound is characterized as an intermediate range distance away....

According to the newly-released information, it was 12"-18" away.

Apparently "close" is less than 12".

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According to the newly-released information, it was 12"-18" away.

Apparently "close" is less than 12".

This morning they were saying 2-4 inches away - I am sick of all of this bad reporting!

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The Media doesn't let lack of facts stand in the way of a good Frenzy feeding.

Amen to that!

That's why I enjoy Captain Jenks making the media look like such morons when they let him come on with an "eye witness account".....they just jump at the first inkling of getting a scoop (whether it is true or not) over the other media outlets. Whatever happened to responsible journalism???

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It's also worth noting that the people who treated Zimmerman the night of the shooting did not even give him a band-aid for his cuts that night, so the cuts were superficial, did not use gloves when taking him in for questioning at police headquarters, so he did not bleed from the head after being cleaned up and did not suffer a concussion (according to the family physician's report) even though he was allegedly having his head banged on the concrete for at least a minute and to the point where he claimed he was beginning to lose consciousness.

One last thing, Martin was not shot at close range either. His fatal gunshot wound is characterized as an intermediate range distance away....

That's interesting, not that I wouldn't love to believe everyone, at their word, that is on every message board that I visit, but what is the source that you garnered that info?

Hell, I don't know yet what is to be found, when the trial begins and progresses to it's end, I think that we will all know a whole lot more than we do now!

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According to the newly-released information, it was 12"-18" away.

Apparently "close" is less than 12".

It seems that if someone is at the extended arm movement of bashing another one's head into the ground, that would basically be at the arms length full extension, right? Does a man have arms that when extended are less than twelve inches in length from bloody knuckles to the back of another mans bloody head. I tried to model it in 3D software and I came up with NO.

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That's interesting, not that I wouldn't love to believe everyone, at their word, that is on every message board that I visit, but what is the source that you garnered that info?

I garnered it from our local news, who was sourcing the evidence that was released, along with the family physician's report. Sanford is within 45 min from where we live.

You must have a lot of interest in this to try to recreate a 3-D model of the altercation.

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The mainstream media has backed off of the case which they have tried, and at time succeeded, to divide people of different races on.

Yeah, we also haven't heard much from the race-baiting shit stirrers AS and JJ lately. Perhaps even they can't ignore the mounting evidence that more and more is supporting GZ's version of the events that transpired.


According to ABC News, George Zimmerman's family doctor saw him the morning after the shooting of Trayvon Martin. Here's what George Zimmerman's doctor found: A broken nose, two black eyes, bruises on his face and lip, two cuts on the back of his head, and a back injury.

The NBC affiliate in Florida is reporting that the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on Trayvon Martin found only two injuries on his body: the gunshot wound and broken skin on his knuckles.

Also of note, traces of the drug THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, were found in TM's system.

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Also of note, traces of the drug THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, were found in TM's system.

That definitely cinches it since we all know one puff of marijuana is all it takes for someone to fly into a murderous rage. It does explain the Skittles though.

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All this information is simply superfluous because in the end Mr. Zimmerman cannot escape the simple fact this is a textbook case of manslaughter. According to current Florida law,"the killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another, without lawful justification...," Also, "There has been quite a bit of discussion of how to differentiate manslaughter from first and second degree murder, but what it comes down to is this: if something you do causes someone else to die, if something you get someone else to do causes someone to die, or if you do something stupid (or fail to do something smart) that common sense would tell you would create dangerous situation and could cause someone to die and someone does die, you have committed manslaughter." (www.floridasupremecourt.org).

So, this all comes down to a very controversial law called Stand Your Ground, which I believe the State of Florida vs. Zimmerman will put to the test. If Zimmermen is indeed convicted of manslaughter, this may very well impact the validity of the stand your ground rulings and pose a challenge to the law. However, if acquitted, it will set a dangerous precedent. Just my opinion but if I were on the jury the ONLY thing I would take into consideration is Mr. Zimmerman's intent which has already been proven by the tapes with 911. He CHOSE to pursue Mr. Martin, he chose to arm himself prior to his pursuit (intent), and he chose to leave his car and confront Mr. Martin. Even if he changed his mind after leaving his vehicle and was walking back, choosing not to confront Mr. Martin, his prior intent is what made manifest the future confrontation. His initial intent is what may sink him because that is the criteria for manslaughter. Also, the amount of THC in Mr. Martin's blood was negligible and would not have affected his behavior in any manner, nor will it be allowed in court. Though to be honest, I wish Mr. Martin would have been high as hell on the icky sticky, maybe then when either confronted by Mr. Zimmerman or seeing Mr. Zimmerman initially stalking him, he would of simply said, "...hey brah, it's all good. Let's smoke on the peace pipe and chill my brother," and no one would have heard a damn thing about this because none of it would have happened.

Please, this is not a right wing vs. left wing issue, it is a justice issue. It is a responsible choice issue. Most of all it is an issue of tolerance and understanding. If Mr. Zimmerman would have simply called the police like a neighborhood watch person is supposed to, all would have been avoided. Also, let's not jump to conclusions and assume anyone walking in your neighborhood on a dark, rainy night is up to no good. Maybe they just want to walk and be alone with their thoughts. And if they are up to no good, that's what the police are for.

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I would have no problem with him being charged with manslaughter which is what the original investigator wanted to do but was overruled by the DA's office. He was charged with Murder 2 (which I believe was an overcharge) by the Special Prosecutor probably due to political considerations because of pressure created by the media and civil rights groups. If he is eventually acquitted because they didn't file appropriate charges then I will blame the Special Prosecutor for bowing to political pressure and the media for creating a racially charged atmosphere that hindered GZ's chances of receiving a fair trial in this case.

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Also of note, traces of the drug THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, were found in TM's system.

Considering a positive test could occur up to 2 months past when it was used, I would hardly think it was something of note....er' unless your moral code hasn't had a once over since sometime in 1955. As Jahfin suggests, the drug's effects are usually not violent. Not picking on you, because the media as a whole seemed to play this angle up quite a bit, including CNN, which kind of surprised me.

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