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Do you think the consumption of meat is ethical correct?

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Yeah, I am sounding like Veghead, aren't I .... haha.

No one is accusing you of murder, but animals are God's creatures, so it surprises me that someone who is prepared to die a martyr for their religious beliefs, would so callously dismiss one of God's creations, or not even have the joy of their beauty around their home.

Yes they are God's creations but so are spiders and ants and flies. Do you feel the same guilt squashing one of those as you do killing an animal? I love having them around my home, it is when they ruin our garden that bothers me. If you have been planting 5 garden beds and watering them for months and then an animal decides to come and eat ALL of the corn (which has happened before) you would feel the same way. Besides, there are cats and dogs around our home that would love to have a bite of fresh meat.

Edited by Victoria7
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Why would anyone shoot a squirrel? Much too small to eat.

Also, turkey...nasty stuff. We always have chicken and/or duck for xmas. Turkey sucks.

Squirrel meat is really good and their tails make for a good scarf. I guess we just have different taste because I reallllly like turkey.

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Nice man, I have only ever seen a gun when I went abroad on holiday. If you don't hunt with them why do you shoot animals apart from dogs and cats?I'm glad I live in the UK.

We shoot them so that they do not ruin our garden that we work hard on cultivating. We have had our garden ruined before and don't want that to happen again.

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Yes they are God's creations but so are spiders and ants and flies. Do you feel the same guilt squashing one of those as you do killing an animal? I love having them around my home, it is when they ruin our garden that bothers me. If you have been planting 5 garden beds and watering them for months and then an animal decides to come and eat ALL of the corn (which has happened before) you would feel the same way. Besides, there are cats and dogs around our home that would love to have a bite of fresh meat.

I don't think anyone would put spiders, ants and flies in the same category as deers and squirrels.

Any person who has their own vegetable garden will fight a constant battle with insects and animals gnawing their way through their precious crops and ruining their hard work. Try putting a fence around your vegie garden ..... it's less messy, with no blood and guts to be cleaned up from dead animals.

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I don't think anyone would put spiders, ants and flies in the same category as deers and squirrels.

Any person who has their own vegetable garden will fight a constant battle with insects and animals gnawing their way through their precious crops and ruining their hard work. Try putting a fence around your vegie garden ..... it's less messy, with no blood and guts to be cleaned up from dead animals.

Putting a fence around it would we weird considering my garden, it is a part of the landscaping and fences are hard to keep up especially when the animals know them down. So no point in putting fences up, we have already tried that. We never clean any blood or guts up, the other animals do ^_^

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A private farmer putting a fence around their garden doesn't make much sense - at least in America. It is expensive, the rabbits, racoons and skunks can dig under it and the deer will jump over it. If you can afford to put up a vermin-proof fence, you would probably just buy all your veggies from the supermarket.

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We shoot them so that they do not ruin our garden that we work hard on cultivating. We have had our garden ruined before and don't want that to happen again.

Dog pee kills plants and grass, my dog proves that time and time again. Would you have me shoot him as he has destroyed part of my garden? After all I did plant the seeds?

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Cut her some slack - she's quite young.

I'm a dog lover myself, but if your dog came into my garden that I depend on for subsistance, you better believe I'd pop it with a BB gun...and call Animal Control to have the dog confiscated!


Cut her some slack - she's quite young.

I'm a dog lover myself, but if your dog came into my garden that I depend on for subsistance, you better believe I'd pop it with a BB gun...and call Animal Control to have the dog confiscated!

He wouldn't, I don't let him off his leash, the only place he defecates is in our back garden, I have the grass fenced off so he has a plcae to walk and shit. If he does happen to do it outside I carry bags with me and I clean it up. Also in this country it is illegal to let a dog roam free, but I agree with your sentiment. Me personally I would shoot the owner of the dog!!!!!

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Dog pee kills plants and grass, my dog proves that time and time again. Would you have me shoot him as he has destroyed part of my garden? After all I did plant the seeds?

For one, we have three dogs and our grass is very splotchy, so one more wouldn't matter. And two, we do not harvest our grass, we harvest vegetables, and if any dog gets into our garden they get punished. Here in Missouri it is illegal to shoot dogs.

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Here in Missouri it is illegal to shoot dogs.

Here in Australia, it's illegal to own a gun ..... unless you have a special permit, which is hard to attain. Our gun laws are very strict, which I fully support.

I've never even seen a real gun, except in movies or pictures.

As for wandering dogs taking dumps in my garden ..... it's annoying yes, but i'd be more concerned over whether the dog was lost rather than inflicting some sort of pain on it.

My next door neighbour has a dog that leaves mine fields on my front lawn. I just clean them up or mow over them with the lawn mower. I've never said a word to them.

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Interesting. When I was doing wildlife activities in Queensland and the Northern territorries, every rancher I met boasted about his gun collection and how many roo's and crocs he'd taken - not to mention the dingos to protect their sheep!

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Consider: The lady on the left is 51 years old. Her name is Gillian McKeith and she a TV health guru and is an ardent vegetarian strongly advocating organic produce only. The lady on the right is also 51 years old. Her name is Nigella Lawson and she is a TV cook who advocates a balanced diet of meat, butter and eggs along with veggies and she washes it down with wine.

Ethics be damned...I'm going CARNIVORE!



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Interesting. When I was doing wildlife activities in Queensland and the Northern territorries, every rancher I met boasted about his gun collection and how many roo's and crocs he'd taken - not to mention the dingos to protect their sheep!

I don't know when you were here in Oz, but our strict gun laws came into force around 1996. Since then anyone wishing to possess or use a gun must have a firearms licence and be over the age of 18. Owners must also have secure storage for their firearms. So if a person does not have a licence, their possession of a gun is illegal. Australia has some of the most restrictive firearms legislation in the world.

Our guns are used for controlling/culling of feral animals, such as wild boars, kangaroo's, crocs etc (as you posted) and target shooting.

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Have you ever watched one of Nigella's cooking shows? She sure loves the over indulgent food and it always makes me laugh when she sneaks down to her fridge for a late night snack of whatever treat she has cooked that day :lol:

But yes, I agree with you, she's a lovely looking lady.

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