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equinox bookstore in london


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It ceased to exist a long long time ago.

There is a thread about the topic already, use the search function.

If you want to buy occult books, please ask your local witch doctor, or go to Ixaxaar.

Do What Thou Wilt.

Edited by reswati
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I bought the "Book Of Lies" in paperback because Jimmy sold the elaborate hardcover at the Equniox. I saw a copy of what it looked like a while ago on line. ;)

Edited by aen27
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

There is wonderful information about the Equinox in Light and Shade AND Trampled Underfoot. It sounds like a beautiful place. This is Eric Hill's descprition in Light and Shade who ran it for Jimmy. I wished I could have seen it!! It sounds beautiful!

The shop partitioned with glass panels etched with Egyptian gods, including Thoth, Horus as well as others. All the shelving was in a black neo-Egyptian art-deco style, with soft lighting throughout. On the walls hung paintings by Alister Crowley and Austin Osman Spare.

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  • 2 months later...

I remember going to London specially back in the summer of 82 to try and find it. Spent hours wandering around only to discover it had closed 5 years previously!

I was hoping to find Jimmy serving behind the counter - I know, I know!

Edited by LedZebedee
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  • 3 months later...

A "complete" Crowley collection would be impossible, manuscripts and paste-ups of entire books diasappeared during the Author's life. Hundreds of pages of his "Confessions" remain unpublished. Hundreds of pages of letters and diaries likewise unpublished, many in private hands.

My "incomplete" collection has cost me several thousand dollars and 31 years to amass. Some important material remains unpublished, believe it or not, while other important books are currently out of print.

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  • 6 years later...
4 hours ago, Boleskine said:

According to Nick Kent it was partly staffed by junkies and was also a drug connection place.

Undoubtedly, but it was still a legitimate business. Jimmy republished Crowley's Goetia through The Equinox in 1976. An original is shown here:



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