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Can someone please start a thread where the only responses are positive ones.

joe (Liverpool)

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As it says above just once can someone start a thread where nobody immediately slags it off. We know that we all have different tastes in music, I for example have over 20 Frank Sinatra albums, that doesn't make me a follower of schmuck music, they were left to me when my Dad died and I can remember him in every track, we all have varying tastes in everything that goes on in this world, whether it be war, famine, drought, drugs, alcohol,and all the other bad things that go on in this world. Why can't someone start a positive thread about the good things that go on in life, and even the pitfalls, which we all have. The sad events which blight us all. We have all been through them and we can maybe help each other out......Just a thought.......

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We know that we all have different tastes in music, I for example have over 20 Frank Sinatra albums, that doesn't make me a follower of schmuck music, they were left to me when my Dad died and I can remember him in every track, we all have varying tastes in everything that goes on in this world, whether it be war, famine, drought, drugs, alcohol,and all the other bad things that go on in this world.

Can't say I've ever thought of Frank Sinatra as "schmuck" music as both of my parents were Sinatra fans. Since one of the first things you do as a kid is to reject your parents' music, I can't say that I was always into a lot of what they listened to but as I grew older I learned to appreciate it. I don't own as much Sinatra as you but I did buy at least one of his records so I could be sure that "I've Got the World On A String" got played at my Mom's funeral back in 1999. In addition to that album, I held onto some of my parents Sinatra collection on vinyl. I also have at least a cassette or two by him that previously belonged to my Mom. For me, he's a sentimental favorite. I recall my Mom talking about going to go see him back when she was just a long lady and "swooning" for him when she spotted him outside the venue before the concert. Seems she also got his autograph but I have no idea if that's something any of held onto after my parents passed.

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Actually I was hoping for someone to start up a new thread. I also would like to thank Jafhin for his response about Frank Sinatra, his songs bring back great memories from my childhood, and to be honest I'm not arsed if I don't get responses to this thread, let someone start one where we can share happy memories or help each other get over sad things that have blighted our lives.

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I've never heard anyone refer to Frank Sinatra as a schmuck on this forum, so I don't know what you're on about. I love Sinatra, jazz, classical and I've never encountered any criticism here when I have professed my love for these genres.

And there already is a thread for positive responses: it's called the "What made you Happy?" thread. Lots of smiles and positivity in that thread. Look into it.

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No not at all, but not all the answers to the threads are positve, just take a look at some of them, there is always someone having a go whatever the topic may concern. There is always someone waiting to just shoot ot down just look at the last response from betteremily, a truly positive reaction.

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No not at all, but not all the answers to the threads are positve, just take a look at some of them, there is always someone having a go whatever the topic may concern. There is always someone waiting to just shoot ot down just look at the last response from betteremily, a truly positive reaction.

Unless this is your first time on a message board, you shouldn't be surprised. Even outside the realm of the message board you are going to encounter people with a differing opinion. It's called life.

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No not at all, but not all the answers to the threads are positve, just take a look at some of them, there is always someone having a go whatever the topic may concern. There is always someone waiting to just shoot ot down just look at the last response from betteremily, a truly positive reaction.

Unless I'm missing something, most of the snarkyness I've seen is pretty innocuous, and as Jahfin noted, pretty much standard on any message board, where anonymity breeds a sense of bravado. In fact, I consider this message board to be one of the tamer and civil boards compared to others out there.

Credit for that is due to the job Sam Webmaster and the mods do here keeping things under control but still free-flowing enough that an exchange of ideas and discussion is not stifled.

If it's "all rainbows and unicorns" you seek, I suggest you try the My Little Pony board.

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When I signed up on this board, and it was my first exposure to anything of this kind, I was taken back a bit on how some of these threads could develop. There are some rude and mean people out there, and just difference of opinions But over time I've developed a thicker skin, learned to ignore those who can be over the top and stay out of threads that can be controversial to start with.

On the plus side, there are some great people here that have become friends and a lot of positive threads on here already. But one more can't hurt.

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Unless I'm missing something, most of the snarkyness I've seen is pretty innocuous, and as Jahfin noted, pretty much standard on any message board, where anonymity breeds a sense of bravado. In fact, I consider this message board to be one of the tamer and civil boards compared to others out there.

Credit for that is due to the job Sam Webmaster and the mods do here keeping things under control but still free-flowing enough that an exchange of ideas and discussion is not stifled.

If it's "all rainbows and unicorns" you seek, I suggest you try the My Little Pony board.


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Thanks Strider, do you think that (from under that shroud of anonymity), you could give me their address, as you are obviously aware of their website: are they helping you with your use of English, "snarkyness is a new one on me.........There you go just what you wanted ! a bit of sarcasm, an opinion and a bit of criticism

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