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Things that Irk You about Society


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People are so self-absorbed. One of many examples, The Grocery Store: You're grocery shopping and you turn your basket into an aisle that another person is turning out of and the baskets almost collide, so you stop to prevent from slamming into them and the other person keeps going like you don't even exist? How about when someone hogs an entire shelf? That drives me nuts! :lol:

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I personally don't and have never driven a car. But that does not stop me from getting really pissed off when in wifeys car she lets through another car when things are tight. Only for the driver not to let on with a wave or as is a percularity of this country, the index finger lift. :angry:

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Other people, in general.

Have to agree with you there man. It has have been know for wifey to take me back home after 5 mins being out, because I've got so pissed off with John Q Public that i would seriously lose it.

More Irkisms:

Supermarkets - especially checkouts. Always get in the wrong queue. Just as it's my turn, checkout person would ring the bell as to check the nature of the fruit in front of them - even when i tell them "it's a Pineapple"

But to make matters more intolerable supermarkets have introduced the self checkout. Now that is one to avoid on pain of death. Just what is " an unindentified object in the bagging area". Then it just won't fucking work. A kindly, if not fried, employee swips their card for you to continue only to be caught once again as a bottle wine rings more bells as it thinks your 12 years of age. After what seems like hours you put a tenner in only for it be ejected cos someone's creased it or it has traces of charlie on it. And the twat machine dosen't offer cashback!!

Finally on this. Please answer why does the cashier have to ask you " Do you need help with your packing" when you only have milk, bog roll and some Tropicana? Fuck me

Talent/Reality Shows: I really can't express my disgust of these. See above (first part)

Fast Food Outlets: Like a rash on society that leads to the demise of small towns/villages. Eventually leading to a 48" waist and a knowledge of food that can only be recognised by a glossy menu posted through the door by someone not of English origin.

Airports: Love travelling as I do the fear of an airport is like the impending lighting storm when your camping in a field with an ariel sticking out of your tent. 2 or 3 Hours of sheer boredom, usually at some hour that one should really be in bed. After queueing with Mr Public (see above) a dimwit asks " Packed this yourself?" to which you reply " no I gave it to the man with the long beard who was reading How to blow a plane up". Then security that knows no bounds and then finally the boarding of the plane and the fear of a man in a customs unifoms who may have found your stash in the museli entering the plane at the last minute

I am so Irked and going for a cuppa and a smoke

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Funnily enough I had a similar experience the other week with a Lottery dreamer. I was only a breath away from presenting a solo performance at the legal drug counter in Morrisons, when from behind the crisp stand he appeared. As usual I was in a rush but I had just heard that the sun had come out and I wanted to get acquainted with the golden ball. My heart sank as he proceeded to set out the most ridiculous format in lottery history. " errrrr 2 lucky dips and a further 3 lucky dips. errrrr 2 lines on 1 ticket and a 4 liner. Another lucky dip and a 5 liner split into 2" By this time I was contemplating the 10 year stretch i would get for sticking a knife into the twat. But no whats this? " No love you've got it all wrong I want the 5 liner on 2 tickets - one with 2 and one with 3" The queue was now growing and i could feel the tension building. After what seemed like an eternity all was placed and monies were being exchanged. I cursory glance outside and my heart began to sink as the clouds began to gather. Then he remembered last weeks tickets in his wallet. "Just check them love?" The man behind me, who had grown a beard by this time, muttered for fucks sake!

Eventually it was my turn. " 2 Packets of Red Papers please". I thought about buying 3 lucky dips and a 5 liner split into 2 but as the queue was mingling into shoppers 50 yds away I thought better about it. By the time I exited the building it was raining :mad:

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The absence of words, such as please and thank you. Especially when you hold the door open for someone. I may add, those mothers with big strollers( prams) who mow people down, and then when they cross the street, they're on the sidewalk and the kid id sticking out in traffic. Those people usually drive big SUV's and drive like a-holes.

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Yes we have loads of them Bingo. Generally live in rich ghettos of London and the south east of England or the footballers havens in Cheshire. I used to work for one. His wife was one of the worst people I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure to meet. She was caught once parking in a bay reserved for the disabled.

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gay marriage, political correctness, gays, taking discipline out of the schools and all the disrespect going on, people who stare at others when driving down the freeway, store employees who act like you are a friend, those who hate led zeppelin, Obama in general - he is not qualified to be president and has done a lousy job and all he can do is still blame bush. eric holder, guys who drive vw bugs, ties, teen pop radio stations, cheap furniture, junk mail, people who dont know what they are talking about, butter knives (either have a knife or dont), justin bieber and miley cirus. thats a start.

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People who wear sportswear when they have intention of doing anything sporty. Unless it's running away from the filth or doing origami. The same said people are usually responsible for wearing beachwear in towns when the temperature has reached the unprecidented heights of 70 f.These unpredictable members of society are usually of shaven head and have often spent an extended break at Her Majesty's pleasure. But they love their mums and would do the same for their father's if their mothers could remember who they were.

Litter: I live in one of the most visited and stunning National Parks in Europe. In fact The Peak District is THE most visited. But it never fails to amaze me just how many litter festivals are on at any one time. It is a disgrace that all sorts of litter is allowed to accumulate without someone from the council saying " hum we must get round to that". Of course it's generally left to the residents, armed with gloves and stout rubber boots, to collect the bottles, cans and Mcdonalds shite and place them in a wheelie bin. Oh but of course it's the wrong sort of rubbish and this is then jettisoned by some jobsworth and ends up in the place from whence it came.

Dog walkers on the canal towpath: I cycle all the time ( due to an irrational fear of cars and the fact that i don't want to die on the road) on the canal towpath which runs along near my house. I give dog walkers plenty of time to lead up Rover and usually a polite cough if they have their backs to me. Suddenly they fail to spot me and react as if i'd set off a very large chinese boomer behind them. Notwithstanding it's my fault and that i shouldn't be cycling on the towpath. Of course they have failed to clear up their best friends number 2 which, as we all know, gets on your shoes and can lead to blindness in children.

Dentists: Talk about Dick Turpin? I lie down for 5 mins in a comfy chair and its 50 notes. God forbid if you agree for an x-ray or a clean. Then the old chestnut of " this filling needs replacing" Oh does it? Yes that will be £200. No wonder there's fuck all patients in when I go


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Airports: I remember being at Bristol airport travelling to Gran Canaria in 1991. The flight was delayed without any explanation, then we were told that the plane wpould be taking off shortly. About 30 mins later they herded us all into this room, someone noticed that there were no toilets or refreshment machines and kicked up a stink, more waiting.....then we were moved into a room with toilets, they stated that there was a water machine (payable). Then it became foggy, and we were told that the flight would be delayed due to poor visibility........ eventually one person who was at screaming pitch found out that the plane due to take us on our jollies was still in Spain. I was really pissed off by then, but I kept my cool, eventually about 5 hours later we were informed that the plane was ready to board, now after 5 hours of being ignored I was fucking livid, when it was my turn to go through, I had a personal stereo in my hand, this really snotty bitch turned her nose up at me and barked "Press play", being totally fucked off with the world I asked her why?, she snapped just play it, fair enough I did as I was asked. But as I pressed the play button I sscreamed as loud as i could "BANG", she nearly fainted and some twat pulled his semi automatic on me, telling me in no uncertain terms that it wasn't a very wise thing to do......I said to him, yeah but did you see the fucking look on her face, I'm sure she touched cloth, he muttered fucking scouse scum as he finally let me onto the plane.Probably doesn't sound funny but believe me it was fucking hilarious.

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Think Tanks / Policy Institutes of all political persuasions. Nothing more than an excuse to pad their own pockets while taking democracy out of the hands of the citizenry.

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People who wear sportswear when they have intention of doing anything sporty. Unless it's running away from the filth or doing origami. The same said people are usually responsible for wearing beachwear in towns when the temperature has reached the unprecidented heights of 70 f.These unpredictable members of society are usually of shaven head and have often spent an extended break at Her Majesty's pleasure. But they love their mums and would do the same for their father's if their mothers could remember who they were.


Haha! Where I live women walk around wearing snow boots with shorts and it's 105 degrees outside. Is doesn't even fucking snow here? What the fuck is that about? Everytime I ask someone about it I get "What, I think it looks cool" :lol:

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gay marriage, political correctness, gays, taking discipline out of the schools and all the disrespect going on, people who stare at others when driving down the freeway, store employees who act like you are a friend, those who hate led zeppelin, Obama in general - he is not qualified to be president and has done a lousy job and all he can do is still blame bush. eric holder, guys who drive vw bugs, ties, teen pop radio stations, cheap furniture, junk mail, people who dont know what they are talking about, butter knives (either have a knife or dont), justin bieber and miley cirus. thats a start.

Generally, intolerant people like this...WTF??? What is your problem with gays? Sounds like reaction formation to me. And god forbid someone is friendly to another person, that is just way out of line. As far as politics, ain't gonna go there, to each their own.

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The national trend seems to be cell phoning whilst driving and what irked the hell out of me a few weeks ago was this high class broad on a cellphone driving a Mercedes and getting the closest parking spot at COSTCO.

Thumping car stereos

Whining 'journalists'

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big picture - war. child abuse. intolerance. double standards. racism. bullying.

small picture - self absorbed people, and the ones that think,er no, ones that KNOW they are right, ALWAYS.

I agree Slave and there's one word that fits for all of the above...Ignorance !

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Other people, in general.

+1000 Time to thin the herd.

political correctness


Add: Idiots who can't wear their pants properly. No one wants to see your underwear! Also can't stand bible beating christian fundamentalists, those who think religion has a place in politics, and on the other side those that overly offended by every real or perceived injustice. Life's not fair, deal with it.

Edited by 3hrsoflunacy
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Personal number plates on cars. Nothing worse. What really gets me is the way people jumble up words and numbers to spell their names that don't even look like it. e.g. C81th to read Cath. Best one one would be T4AT or W4anker.

Also on the car theme: Signs on the back window "Child on board" "Little Princess On Board" "Dads Taxi". Do people actually change the way they drive so the don't run into the back of a car because there is a "Child On Board" NO DO THEY FUCK

Sat Navs: Now there is a thing. I have the same postcode and house number as another house but in a different village. When i order anything on line I make sure to add my mobile number and in the special delivery box I say don't use a sat nav. On delivery day the impending doom descends as the hours melt away. I call the delivery company for them to say "errrr you weren't in". or incredibly once I got a call from the driver saying " Are you in ? Because I'm outside your door" !!!

But then again always amuses me when the fuck off articulated wagon from Latvia gets stuck under the railway bridge cos the daft twat didn't see the "not suitable for big lorries" sign and the sat nav takes him to Mr Lomas' farm.

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Holier than thou: There are many catagories that people can join this select club of very irritating individuals. But by far the worst 2 offenders are the reformed Alcoholic/Drug user/smoker and the carnivore turned vegetarian. I have experience in this in a roundabout way and can hold my hand up to being the latter, in my younger days anyway.

For UK residents and readers of The Sunday Times, the cream at the top of the milk has to be one of the most opiniated,Holier than thou,despised and quite franky tawdry man AA Gill, or Adrian as he was christened. But can't you already tell what kind of man he is? AA, MY ARSE. He is the restaurant critic you see, and every week he slates every place he visits. Not always because of the food - oh no. Generally it's because the waiter has bad breath or didn't clean Gills shoes as he walked in or even better if it is the food, maybe the trifle had a dash of sherry in it. Now Gill is a "recovering alcoholic" as he always tells us. That one dash of Jerez finest will be enough for him to knock back 2 bottles of wine before lunch and a few bottles of gin every night. And dead within a week. Oh how I wish the trifle did contain Sherry. OK man you don't drink or smoke anymore but please don't go on about it every time. Just cos I can enjoy a full bodied Rioja and you can't DON'T MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT

Smokers are the same - used to smoke 20 a day? But now "errrrrrr go away you stink. Disgusting habit. Do you have to? " etc etc. "Thank God I don't smoke anymore" "Really you still smoke?" "I'm smoke free these days" Wankers

Vegetarians: I am NOT against veggies in any way - hey I was one for 20 years. But when I gave up meat i never used to say to meat eaters " It's wrong to eat chicken, beef, pork, lamb, wear leather, have biscuits that contain animal fat - are there any eggs in that? " When I ate bacon - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" Your a vegetarian I am a carnivore. End of story.

Next time folks - it's my hatred of people who say "innit"

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There I agree with you man. But in the context i am using it's about his holier than thou attitude to drinking/smoking. I mean don't get me started on that place. I will need a large bifta to "Calm down,calm down" if I get on my soap box about shell suit land

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