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World War III on the brink?



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  1. 1. Do you think the world is on the brink of WWIII?

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It's not looking good folks.. :redcard:

"Iran is in 'open war' with Israel"

"Israel alert for attacks abroad, eyeing Olympics"

"Syria insists chemical weapons would only be used against outside forces"

"Putin urges Syria talks, signals no shift"

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Thank goodness I scored some Barnsley Chops for my BBQ this evening

Barnsley chops, sounds like a style of Guitar playing :) As for the likelihood of WW III, I doubt it. Though the crisis in the Middle East does not look good. Edited by johnthomasmoby
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^ It would likely have a religious motive. After all the psycho running Iran believes he was chosen by God to cause the apocalypse by causing global chaos and destruction.

Personally, I believe a nuclear war would make a lot of people happy. A global nuclear war would NOT wipe out the human race. The major areas in the major countries would be toast and uninhabitable for years to come do to radiation. However, nukes are not cheap or easy get. So no one is going to waste a nuke that could be dropped on NYC or DC on a place like Nebraska or Kansas (sure, they could hit KC or Lincoln but nothing very important is there and the rest of the state would be unaffected). A lot of people would die and the governments would collapse (due to being vaporized). Out of the ruins of society whoever has the greatest resources or most force could rule the world. That is assuming that no one has a missile defense system like Reagan used to talk about installing in America.

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No, we are not on the brink of WWIII. The Middle East is going to blow itself up regardless of anyone else's intervention. If there is going to be war there, it's not going to involve the United States. I'm sick of this country getting involved in their bullshit. We have too many issues to deal with here, to waste more money and American lives in that dickish little sandbox. Let them kill each other; it's preferable at least, to them killing us or us killing them. A waste of a human life is wasteful, but we've wasted enough as it is already.

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I doubt if any one nation will want to start a nuclear war.....What's the point?. Ther would be no-one left to claim victory.

^ It would likely have a religious motive. After all the psycho running Iran believes he was chosen by God to cause the apocalypse by causing global chaos and destruction.

Exactly. I think that out of all of the countries who may have the bomb Iran (and possibly North Kora) may be the only two countries who would actually use it regardless of repercussions. I don't want to over generalize the people of the far east, but the few of them that would gladly blow themselves up to kill others see it as something glorious and holy. Nuclear war isn't only a threat where the bombs land either, the radiation will travel in the jet stream and contaminate food and water. If a nuclear weapon were to hit dead center in Los Angeles, I would just barely be far enough away and have time to get in the car and drive out to the desert ;)

We do have a lot to deal with here at home, but with the U.S. trying to police the world we will force ourselves to intervene I'm sure.

Edited by publicenemy3
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I'm not one for intervention in foreign wars but I think we should support Israel and not let the nut jobs bomb them off the planet. If not for the fact that it's right to protect the innocent and oppose racism then for the fact that these nuts have on their target list Israel #1 and America #2. If they successfully destroyed Israel it would just embolden them to try and take down America. They would never succeed but it's better to nip it in the bud. But I would only get involved IF they actually needed our help. They actually do an amazing job taking care of themselves and have for a long time.

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^ It would likely have a religious motive. After all the psycho running Iran believes he was chosen by God to cause the apocalypse by causing global chaos and destruction.

Personally, I believe a nuclear war would make a lot of people happy. A global nuclear war would NOT wipe out the human race. The major areas in the major countries would be toast and uninhabitable for years to come do to radiation. However, nukes are not cheap or easy get. So no one is going to waste a nuke that could be dropped on NYC or DC on a place like Nebraska or Kansas (sure, they could hit KC or Lincoln but nothing very important is there and the rest of the state would be unaffected). A lot of people would die and the governments would collapse (due to being vaporized). Out of the ruins of society whoever has the greatest resources or most force could rule the world. That is assuming that no one has a missile defense system like Reagan used to talk about installing in America.

How in the hell could a war, let alone a nuclear war "make alot of people happy?" That is the craziest thing I have heard in a long time.

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Israel is the way we will get pulled into it I think. They are possibly our only true ally, and it seems to be a strong alliance.

Anyways, it's not something I am going to worry about. Like Major Major said, if it happens, it happens. I can't do anything about it.

Edited by publicenemy3
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Israel is the way we will get pulled into it I think. They are possibly our only true ally, and it seems to be a strong alliance.

Anyways, it's not something I am going to worry about. Like Major Major said, if it happens, it happens. I can't do anything about it.

No you cannot do anything about it. But if it happens to hit your neighborhood I doubt you and MM will have such a laid back take on it. I just cant believe that guy said people would be happy to see a nuclear war. What kind of a statement is that? Do you have a Joker costume in your closet? (not you publicenemy)

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How in the hell could a war, let alone a nuclear war "make alot of people happy?" That is the craziest thing I have heard in a long time.

Take over what's left is what I had in mind. The world is full of nuts who want to rule it. The take over theories always involve destroying the current order through economic collapse or by military power. Something that scale in theory could potentially lay the ground work to take over. Of course then you always have nuts like Iran's ruler basically just wants to destroy the world. Maybe I should have been a little more clear.

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No you cannot do anything about it. But if it happens to hit your neighborhood I doubt you and MM will have such a laid back take on it.

My laid back view on it is this: why should I constantly worry about the threat of war or a nuclear attack? I accept the fact that I personally can't do anything about it short of joining the military, which I am admittedly opposed to. Me being anxious about it all the time isn't going to do any good. If the war happens to come here, I will sure as hell take action and defend my family. But until that happens, I am perfectly happy with my attitude towards it.

Edited by publicenemy3
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Take over what's left is what I had in mind. The world is full of nuts who want to rule it. The take over theories always involve destroying the current order through economic collapse or by military power. Something that scale in theory could potentially lay the ground work to take over. Of course then you always have nuts like Iran's ruler basically just wants to destroy the world. Maybe I should have been a little more clear.

I did not intend to be confrontational on this. I only think those that want destruction and war are those type of bastards that pulled off 911. I do not care what some of these people say about their rights. They lost them on 9/11. If they look like they are up to something, then they need to be checked. I am now wondering about a backlash, knee jerk reaction over this Joker thing. Gun companies and people's rights to have a gun may be in more jeopardy. I can understand having limits on assult type rifles. But not handguns. We have a right to have them to protect ourselves from the bad guys for lack of a better term. I have a 38 and a shotgun but intend to buy something my wife can handle. Maybe a 380 cal and a 9 mm for me.

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The anti-gun people will use anything as an excuse to restrict guns. When I see things like the Joker killer it tells me we need more guns. After all, a killer will get guns whether they are legal or not. When the potential victims have guns these things rarely happen. Everyone once and awhile someone tries something like this in Texas or somewhere else that people carry firearms. Those stories don't make the national news because one crazy with an unregistered firearm being shot is not national news.

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The trick would be to live off the land. Head out to all the open space in the middle of America (or wherever the endless miles of open space over there are) and learn to live off nature. If you can build a shelter near fresh water and learn to hunt and fish you could live forever. There is a beautiful Indian reservation in Oklahoma that goes on forever that would be a great place to hide from the apocalypse. Or you could become a mountain man.

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My laid back view on it is this: why should I constantly worry about the threat of war or a nuclear attack? I accept the fact that I personally can't do anything about it short of joining the military, which I am admittedly opposed to. Me being anxious about it all the time isn't going to do any good. If the war happens to come here, I will sure as hell take action and defend my family. But until that happens, I am perfectly happy with my attitude towards it.

Yeah, you can't live your life constantly afraid of everything all the time. That's not living.

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The anti-gun people will use anything as an excuse to restrict guns. When I see things like the Joker killer it tells me we need more guns. After all, a killer will get guns whether they are legal or not. When the potential victims have guns these things rarely happen. Everyone once and awhile someone tries something like this in Texas or somewhere else that people carry firearms. Those stories don't make the national news because one crazy with an unregistered firearm being shot is not national news.

Are you for real ? More guns, wtf. The Joker killer is another example as to why the things should not be as freely available as they are. It's the ease of access to deadly weapons that has created such a climate of fear people feel a need to own them..I'll get the bad guy before he gets me. You mention potential victims, what about potential psycho nutjobs that can buy a gun as easily as buying a Custard Pie. Or even say someone who has a bad day and randomly fires of a clip or two, the result of which an innocent or two loses their life. Do you think someone like Trayvon Martin was a potential victim whatever his intent innocent or bad ? Somebody ought to sue the constitution for making their lives so fearful that they have to keep something they would otherwise not have too. Guns are bad, they kill people. I'm glad we have Gun restrictions here in the UK, I don't need one, I have never needed one, I will never need one. Edited by johnthomasmoby
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The trick would be to live off the land. Head out to all the open space in the middle of America (or wherever the endless miles of open space over there are) and learn to live off nature. If you can build a shelter near fresh water and learn to hunt and fish you could live forever. There is a beautiful Indian reservation in Oklahoma that goes on forever that would be a great place to hide from the apocalypse. Or you could become a mountain man.

Good plan until the nuclear fallout comes from the rain clouds and fucks up the utopia you've created there!

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Oh yeah, if only someone in that theater was packing heat, James Holmes wouldn't have killed 12 people. Right. So you mean to tell me that someone with a gun, in a dark movie theater full of tear gas, is going to be able to successfully find the shooter in the melee, and take them out? Without taking out anyone else in the process? Even though you have panicky people running around and screaming, possibly obscuring the sight of our unnamed hero?

Only wannabe John Waynes think a room full of people with sidearms all shooting at the same time was going to defuse the situation. We don't need more guns; we need better gun control. I don't advocate for a repeal of the 2nd amendment, and I don't think guns should be banned in toto. I think we need to make it more difficult for people to arm themselves to the teeth like this jackass did.

Also, what's really going to help situations like this is an overhaul of the mental health system in this country. If people like James Holmes are able to get the help they need, they will be less likely to buy 1000s of rounds of ammunition, tear gas, and god knows what else, and kill a dozen people.

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