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World War III on the brink?



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  1. 1. Do you think the world is on the brink of WWIII?

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I'm glad I opened up this can of worms, all of this heat and humidity has made it boring lately, and as MM rightly said, We are ENGLISH. My fa, andther fought in the Second world War for all of us,and so that we could have freedom of speech and opinion. I presume your relations did as well. Anyway to get back to it, who remembers the Kenny Everett American General... What was he called? .....Oh I remember, "General Bomb the Bastards", been relevant for many years.

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Don't forget former President Ronnie Raygun's (Reagan) remark about "we begin bombing in 5 minutes". Not exactly a "Great Moment in Diplomacy".

I totally agree, especially the last week. There's self opinionated obnoxiousness and fighting just about everywhere I look.

Probably time to go back to the shadows for me.

Why? As someone above(MM?) said, if you do that the terrorists win. It's not that bad out here, is it? Have you been to some of the political forums lately, like Breitbart.com?

Stick around Jangles...don't leave.

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If you recall sweetie, our love affair started here as a result of you putting my "those people" (in the midle east) statement into another context that shouldn't even be thought of...except by you. What is there to be so careful about? I appreciare the warning, but nobody here said anything wrong when it comes to offending a race of people...that's your twisted way of thinking- not me.

Rock Historian, darling, you've made your points, I've made mine. It's ridiculous and unnecessary to go on this way. Let's agree to disagree, ay? :air_kiss:

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Don't forget former President Ronnie Raygun's (Reagan) remark about "we begin bombing in 5 minutes". Not exactly a "Great Moment in Diplomacy".

Why? As someone above(MM?) said, if you do that the terrorists win. It's not that bad out here, is it? Have you been to some of the political forums lately, like Breitbart.com?

Stick around Jangles...don't leave.

I post on Fark.com, which has a rollicking Politics tab, and there's lots of great conversation to be had there, both from the right and from the left. Fark is basically a news aggregate site, which culls links from hundreds of different places. I'd say 85% of people who frequent the Politics tab, myself included, are to the left, but there's a lot of right-wing links/sites that are posted, and some, if not most of them, are very reasonable.

That said, if I EVER went to Breitbart, I'd set my computer on fire to purify it. Some places are just unclean. Little Green Footballs, World Net Daily, American Thinker, National Review Online, and Free Republic are all wretched hives of scum and villainy.

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Also, China has vowed WWIII if the US/Israel try anything with Iran.

How about a source for that claim? China's entire economy is based on manufacturing cheap stuff that we buy and ripping off our technologies and innovations. They don't need Iran for oil, but they sure hell need us as a trade partner.

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...and just how long have people been saying that? I have a couple of friends that are religious zealots that firmly believe Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ and that we're living in "the end times". I remember when people used to say the same thing about Ronald Reagan and that the fact that he has six letters in each of his names (his middle name was Wilson) was a sure sign that he was the Anti-Christ.

Never in time has the weird weather been more prominent. I am not gonna argue- I believe and everyone else has their own beliefs. Just like same crap pile- different flies. Edited by DavidZoso
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MOSCOW, July 26, 2012 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s navy chief said on Thursday that a flotilla of Russian warships off the coast of Syria would not dock at a port leased by Moscow in the violence-stricken Middle East country.

“The joint fleet flotilla will not enter the port of Tartus,” Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov told journalists. “It is carrying out military drills in the Mediterranean.”

The flotilla is comprised of 10 warships, plus escort vessels. Chirkov also said the flotilla was carrying marines.

The navy said earlier this month that the deployment of the powerful task force was not linked to the current crisis in Syria, where thousands of people have been killed in an almost 17-month uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.

The Western Syria port of Tartus is Russia’s only foreign naval base outside the former Soviet Union. But Russian analysts have consistently played down the port’s strategic importance, saying it is in reality little more than a refueling stop.

But Chirkov said on Thursday that Russia had no intention of giving up the base. He did not however give further details or clarify how Russia would hold onto the base in the event of a pro-Western government coming to power in Syria.

Russia – along with China – has vetoed three resolutions against the Assad regime over what it says is a pro-rebel bias. Moscow insists it has no special interest in seeing Assad remain in power, but that the “Syrian people” must decide his fate.

President Vladimir Putin vowed in a pre-election campaign article earlier this year not to allow in Syria a repeat of last year’s “Libya scenario," which saw the ouster and murder of long-time Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi after a NATO military campaign.


Maybe nothing will Happen.....sssh.gif Or, it could be the start of WW III eek.gif

There's a famous prophecy in the Bible about Damascus being taken out in just one day, found in Chapter 17 if the Book of Isaiah.

“Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city,

And it will be a ruinous heap.”

- The Prophet Isaiah, chapter 17, verse 1


Edited by The Rover
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I'd say 85% of people who frequent the Politics tab, myself included, are to the left, but there's a lot of right-wing links/sites that are posted, and some, if not most of them, are very reasonable.

I've found it's easier to find left-wingers on the internet than right-wingers. I'm not sure why but I'd guess because young people are usually pretty liberal and they spend the most time online.

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Nuclear war guys, really? Who the hell knows why these pathetic countries have weapons and who cares?

I spent most of my formative years on Army bases around the world, including West Germany in the 70's. I missed a Luftunsa ?sp flight in 1977 by days that was hijacked by the RAF as part of the German Autumn. I was walked to and from school under armed guard. I was 10. There were no nukes involved.

The World Trade Center fell with a box cutter and a domestic flight.

If the shores of Wellfleet were suddenly invaded by the Chinese or Korea or whomever, I can assure you there are ARSENALS in basements and sheds of those who pay taxes on those and other properties. We haven't forgotten.

'nuff said.

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Uh....possibly to defend themselves against other far larger & equally pathetic countries, who have more & bigger weapons which they've shown a frequent & reckless willingness to use?

Like I said before: you reap what you sow.

Frequent and willingness to use for power you mean?

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Uh....possibly to defend themselves against other far larger & equally pathetic countries, who have more & bigger weapons which they've shown a frequent & reckless willingness to use?

Like I said before: you reap what you sow.

Oh no, wait. I think I know what you mean now. You mean the one and only time a nuclear bomb was dropped on innocent civilians, right?

Yeah, those bombs were dropped by a DEMOCRAT US President, and I wish to the god of your choice one comes along again in my effing lifetime to vote for.

You like apples? How ya like dem apples.

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Uh....possibly to defend themselves against other far larger & equally pathetic countries, who have more & bigger weapons which they've shown a frequent & reckless willingness to use?

Like I said before: you reap what you sow.

BTW just for kicks...

You admit I was correct in your accusation toward the United States that this country is 'equally pathetic' and 'shown a frequent & reckless willingness to use' nukes?

I was right?

Edited by planted
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"As Assad teeters, Israel prepares for battle to secure chemical weapons"

HAIFA, Israel – As Syria's regime teeters on the brink of collapse, Israeli soldiers and civilians alike are preparing for possible military action to make sure Bashar al-Assad's chemical weapons don't fall into the hands of terrorist groups.

Sources close to the Israel Defense Force told FoxNews.com soldiers have been put on standby and are ready to move, while civilian demand for gas masks has jumped 66 percent over the last few weeks from 2,200 to 3,700 per day. The fears center around the prospect of Hezbollah getting Syrian chemical weapons as the Assad regime shows imminent signs of collapse.

“Israel...will not hold back and will respond decisively if this happens,” Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said.

"Russia dismisses EU sanctions on Syria"

Russia will not participate in the European Union (EU) sanctions against Syria and will not allow the inspection of ships sailing under its flag, an official said. Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said: "We have no intention to take part in any measures in pursuit of the EU decisions aimed against Syria."

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Sadly this is how it will always be. Antisemitism will always be around and so will the inexplicable coveting of the land of Israel. As long it is there and the Jews are on it there will always be this kind of stupid thing happening. I'm not a big war guy (who is?) but Israel should annihilate any country that threatens exterminate them. War to prevent genocide is justified.

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Sadly this is how it will always be. Antisemitism will always be around and so will the inexplicable coveting of the land of Israel. As long it is there and the Jews are on it there will always be this kind of stupid thing happening. I'm not a big war guy (who is?) but Israel should annihilate any country that threatens exterminate them. War to prevent genocide is justified.

:Thinking: This one takes me back three score and seven years ago...

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What is the matter with the USA.

You describe half the nations in the world as "nutcase regimes" or 'dangerous" or "extremist"

In the objective European view, the USA is right up there with the more extreme islamic countries in their need to force others to see it their way.

Wouldn't democracy mean that an Islamic country can have the governement that it choses?

and wouldn't their anger towards the USA maybe have something to do with the fact that the USA has been forcing their will on these countries for a century now?

I realise there is no easy solution by now.... but a bit of selfreflection on how righteous your country actually is might be in order.

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