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Gay Marriage, Freedom of Speech and Chicken Sandwiches


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You totally missed my point... or chose to ignore it. But... if you want to stick with my EXAMPLE... that kind of thing can (and does) happen when the patient can't express his/her wishes on visitors and some areas strictly limit visitors (ICUs, for example).

You seem to agree that a person with no legal standing should be able to visit someone if desired, even if not related. That's the whole point. Long-term partners have no legal standing in terms of health care insurance, FMLA to care for a sick partner, etc. etc. etc.

That is the whole point... maybe, maybe, if you ponder it a little bit... maybe you will start to understand why it's more than a "minor" tax break or a meaningless title.

One day, you may have a partner, and maybe you'll even marry your partner... and then maybe you WILL think a partner is important.

What it sounded like is because the medical industry is screwed up we should screw up the government worse by expanding government institutions. By the way, one day I will never be gay, ever.

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What it sounded like is because the medical industry is screwed up we should screw up the government worse by expanding government institutions. By the way, one day I will never be gay, ever.

I will never be Gay either, but I sincerely hope that I will always have a partner, as I've found from experience that I can't really manage on my own. Therefore luckily for me I have always had support from someone, and no I'm not a psycopath or a nutter I just like lasting female company, sadly it doesn't always turn out that way.As I have mentioned in the past, a lot of my friends, male or female are Homosexual, isn't variety the spice of life....To each their own we all know which gender we prefer and Fuck what other people think. When I was younger I was seeing a half caste (now called mixed race) much older than me people disapproved, I thought Fuck them, we only have one life, why don't we do what we consider to be right and not what our "peers" tell us?

Edited by joe (Liverpool)
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Partner usually denotes someone of the same sex you are in an intimate relationship with. It could be understood thus: "One day, you may have a boyfriend, and maybe you'll even marry him... and then maybe you WILL think a husband is important." This is wrong because there is a 0% chance of me ever turning gay. It could also be read thus: "One day, you may have a girlfriend, and maybe you'll even marry her... and then maybe you WILL think a wife is important." This is also wrong because it assumes I am current single which I am not. I think she said this because how I worded something above that sounded like an intimate relationship (whether it be gay or straight) is irrelevant. What I meant to say is that it shouldn't matter because hospitals should allow people to see their loved ones rather they are related or having relations or close friends or what have you.

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"Partner" is gay? At my parents' 40th wedding anniversary dinner, just this past January, my dad called my mom, "My bedrock, my strength, my partner these many years."

I guess I have to call my dad and tell him he's gay now. Won't he be surprised!

Good, it means a bond, my parents were married for 64 years, only the second world war seperated them. They were partners since they were 16.

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Partner usually denotes someone of the same sex you are in an intimate relationship with.

Just how big is the rock that you're living under? At this point, I'd have to say it's pretty fucking huge.

As for the word "gay" being co-opted by the homosexual community, it's not the first time (nor will it be the last) that a word has taken on an alternate meaning that displaces the old one. It's also taken on another new meaning in recent years when someone refers to something they dislike as being "gay".

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Didn't gay used to mean happy and carefree? I can name a few names that they have called Homosexuals in my lifetime but I suppose that wouldn't be P.C.

Maybe, but some are quite funny. One of my faves is "Sausage Jockey"
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Didn't gay used to mean happy and carefree? I can name a few names that they have called Homosexuals in my lifetime but I suppose that wouldn't be P.C.

I thought that too. We used to sing a song just 8 years ago that was saying we were "happy and gay" and it wasn't a big deal. If I were to sing that song now people would snicker... <_<

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Just how big is the rock that you're living under? At this point, I'd have to say it's pretty fucking huge.

As for the word "gay" being co-opted by the homosexual community, it's not the first time (nor will it be the last) that a word has taken on an alternate meaning that displaces the old one. It's also taken on another new meaning in recent years when someone refers to something they dislike as being "gay".

See also: retarded. A word that means someone with profound mental difficulties, has now been made to mean something or someone that is stupid or strange. Which is an insult to mentally retarded people, because they are neither stupid, nor strange.

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See also: retarded. A word that means someone with profound mental difficulties, has now been made to mean something or someone that is stupid or strange. Which is an insult to mentally retarded people, because they are neither stupid, nor strange.

I understand how that is insulting, but I use that word and I don't even mean to. I know that retarded is the term for people but I don't feel right calling people that at all. I usually use the term mentally handicapped. I know I am weird.

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I understand how that is insulting, but I use that word and I don't even mean to. I know that retarded is the term for people but I don't feel right calling people that at all. I usually use the term mentally handicapped. I know I am weird.

It may be a from of political correctness but I'd say something like "mental disability" has come to replace the word "retarded" these days. Even when it's used in it's former context, it's still widely considered to be an insult. Even the word "handicapped" is no longer considered socially acceptable.

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Mentally retarded/mentally handicapped refers to the same people. The only difference is, no one uses the word "handicapped" to refer to someone they think is dumb. I mean, you're not going to hear someone say, "Man, that girl is acting handicapped. Tell her to shut up." That's never happened.

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Ya'll know good and well that gays refer to their partners as partners and straight people usually do not. No one has ever introduced me to their significant other and said this is my partner unless they were gay.

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Ya'll know good and well that gays refer to their partners as partners and straight people usually do not. No one has ever introduced me to their significant other and said this is my partner unless they were gay.

Sorry but in MY life that is just not the case.

Edited by Knebby
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Ya'll know good and well that gays refer to their partners as partners and straight people usually do not. No one has ever introduced me to their significant other and said this is my partner unless they were gay.

Does that also go for "Pardner"? If so, all those Deputy Dawg cartoons I watched as a kid just took on an entirely different meaning.

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Yes, it did and I guess in some cases it still does but like I said, the change in meaning (or in this case, meanings like the one I just mentioned) isn't unique to just this word.

Well, as an artist, I have been upset for some time that the rainbow was co-opted by the gay community.

I used to use the rainbow/spectrum in many things I created, because I've always loved how colors blend from one to the next.

Now if I use the rainbow, it is assumed to be connected to the gay community somehow.

Just kind of joking, not really "upset".

But I do resent them taking my rainbow.


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See also: retarded. A word that means someone with profound mental difficulties, has now been made to mean something or someone that is stupid or strange. Which is an insult to mentally retarded people, because they are neither stupid, nor strange.

[the word itself has open meaning] [over time we've adapted it to describe someone of 'profound mental difficulty' because it pretty much describes it perfectly]. [not the other way around].


verb \ri-ˈtärd\

Definition of RETARD

transitive verb


: to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : impede


[ ri trdəd ]

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underdeveloped: not fully developed

"the retarded growth of the plant"

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